What do you think about the ocean?

What do you think about the ocean?

Scary. Insatiable. Like the yoni.

Scary as fuck

ispretty cool does not afraid

awesome except for all the trash


fuck the ocean
fish shit in it

Fascinating and scary at the same time.

One of my biggest fears. Imagine yourself in a middle of ocean with nothing around just plain black water, without knowing whats happening underneath you... scary as fuck

things like that image are why i fear the ocean, but i dream to explore it one day and find some kind of huge sea monster

I think it's wet

Take comfort in the fact that creatures of that size, almost never live on creatures the size of humans.

I think it's something we clearly didn't spend enough time researching. We should invest more money and time into marine biology and shit

It's big.
It's deep.
We don't know nearly as much about it, as we should.
We've been dumping our waste into it throughout all of recorded history.
Humanity is stupid.

Pretty much sums-up my feelings about the 'Ocean'

It is the source of all life. When it dies, we all die. Currently, it is about 90% dead. Overfished and polluted. Climate change is nothing. The fate of life on earth depends upon the health of the ocean. And it is dying.

Ocean seems very alive and well you paranoid nigger. Not anything we have to worry about in our life time so who gives a fuck. Once we are dead nothing matters , nothing exists so any problem with the ocean is for the newfags. Prove me wrong


What the fuck is an o-sheen-an?
> Ahhhh you mean the big blue wet thing?

Fuck off you sea monster faggot.
> WHALES eat fucking plankton.
> T-rex would eat things as small as chickens. a very opportunistic hunter.
> giant sea monsters would love to eat some tastey man flesh.

Don't listen to this guy, he's in with Cthulhu.

Actually I'm with Dagon, he helps me stay fishy.

so damn, damn wet

it's wet

The chinks are killing everything in it

We all die....fuck i hate fish so i just eat beef, deal with it.