Get hot girlfriend with insane sex drive

> Get hot girlfriend with insane sex drive
> Life(great);
> After a year, no sex drive whatsoever anymore
> Wait a little and ask her what's wrong
> She ws molested as a child and things keep coming back
> she feels sorry and I don't want to push her
> Wait(months);
> She says she really wants to have sex again but just doesn't feel like it because of what happened to her as a child
> She want's to get sexual therapy

We're getting sexual therapy first time in a few weeks.

Has this ever helped anybody or should I just move on? I really don't want to because I've never met a girl that's so kinky. Problem is right now she's just not kinky at all and I need sex.

So again... has sexual therapy ever helped anybody ever before?

She's probably just cheating on you or masturbating a lot bc you're not good at sex

Get rid of her. You shouldn't need to put up with so much to get laid. Dump this hard case, plenty more pussy in the sea.

If it doesn't help, tell her it's a deal breaker for you. It's not unreasonable to want a partner that will actually fuck you.

I dated a girl who was raped by her stepbrother repeatedly through her childhood. She couldn't go down on me at all, it triggered her every time she even tried and she just ended up sobbing in the fetal position for 2 hours.

She was fucked in the head. I learned after dating her for a few months that she had been engaged no less than 3 times before dating me and she ran away from all those relationships. She ended up cheating on me and leaving me and marrying another guy within like 3 months of dumping me.

Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Maybe, who's this?

Dude. Sex drive doesn't turn off. She fucked someone else. Man up.

damn that's fucking tough!

I really don't think so...

>Sex drive doesn't turn off.
Complete BS. I've had times where I lose all sex drive for a couple months.

If it were really about her childhood, it would have been a problem all along. Not out of the blue. I also have an ex who was abused.

you're being cucked OP, dont fall for that lame excuse she is about to monkey branch to Chad, all signs are there

Not like he describes. ITT, people who aren't experienced. Kek.

well then why would she get couple's therapy?

Ditch girls with too much baggage, it won't go back to how it was before, and it's simply not worth it, trust me.

she said she had these issues with all her former boyfriends after some time but just ended the relationship so she wouldn't have to deal with it.

>Why would a girl tell me she loves me and then cheat?

Be smart user. General experience isn't favoring you.

If you have a "girlfriend" just for the sex, you're doing it wrong. If you want sex, go for random fuckbuddies or for fwbs. Having a "girlfriend" usually has more to it than just sex.

To answer your question, yes, of course therapy has helped people before. If she was molested, sexual therapy isn't what she needs, though. She needs trauma therapy.

well that's really not too easy you know

The way he described is almost identical to what happened to me, just for a different reason. Why are you doubting that sex drive can change?

you're right and that's the only reason I haven't left already. she's really cool otherwise...
But you know, suddenly no sex?! That's brutal

what was the reason user? and how did it turn out?

Yeah drop it, anyone woman who keeps claiming sexual abuse of some sort is literally damaged goods. Women are inherently emotional creatures who place all value in life based on how they feel about things.
If she keeps talking about sexual trauma it's because she emotionally relates all sex to that unhappy feeling. They can still take a dick but the feeling of arousal and happiness will not be immediately related to it.

Long story short if you didn't turn her into damaged good then you shouldn't decide to handle said damaged goods. There is a world full of women who love the feeling of sex. And you're not going to connect with someone who is disconnected from your sex.

Prozac. Turned out ok because I stopped taking them. Only had sex with gf maybe twice in several months and even then didn't enjoy it.

damn you user for speaking the truth!
I'll give it a few more months. doesn't matter now anyway...


You're not here for actual advice. You just want the subhumans of Sup Forums to tell you what you want to hear: So, dump that crazy bitch and fuck someone else.

Biff I thought ya left this site

OP here she's not crazy at all. She's faithful but I still want to hear your points and not just some half answer

Nah man I hooked up mcfly. Im back from the future. Hillary wins. Shits dumb.

I did, but I came back because I just couldn't keep away from all of the feminine penis.

>feminine penis