What I fucking hate about black people is that they don't realize how privileged they are. Scholarships are easy...

What I fucking hate about black people is that they don't realize how privileged they are. Scholarships are easy, jobs are easy because of racial quotas, and government assisted checks. They just never go for it because being a thug is cooler to black kids than being a regular member of society. Not even to mention they get more attention in school so schools can have higher minority scores. Ugh, shit pisses me off when they play the "oppressed" card. Fucking niggers.

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exactly,those fucking monkeys have everything they need to start being normal people but they have to be fucking niggers and steal

stay mad, honkey

racism irc channel!

come join people like you!

Shiet Dawg

Am I a bad person for thinking this? I mean, the thing they hate whites for is slavery, right? What if they didn't have slavery? They would currently be dying in huts made of shit from malaria. In the end, we culturally uplifted black people, leaving them better off in the grand scheme of things. am- am I an asshole for thinking this way? Am I wrong?


>OP post @ 18:59:40
>reply post @ 19:00:52

same fagging this hard. get a life, buddy.

Obvious bait is obvious.


Try again.

I'm being serious. Is my logic flawed?

Virgin detected

Black people were making black people slaves before white people were making black people slaves, white people just get shit on for outsourcing slavery instead of keeping it in the family, even though there are other cultures who did the same.


Can you name the US law that requires racial quotas for employment? I can't seem to find it.

It's not a law, it's for image. If you walk into a Mcdonald's and see only white people working there you're going to think Mcdonald's is racist and complain about/boycott it. They're self imposed rules to seem fair.

I fucking hate
>I'm obsessed with


Shit, my local Mcdonalds only has black people, does that mean they're racist???

Its called affirmative action jackass

Your logic is flawed. In fact, this would make Mcdonald's seem better. You think to yourself "The white people who could've gotten these jobs probably just got jobs elsewhere." whereas if it's full of white people "The black people who could've gotten these jobs are probably still out looking, shame on Mcdonald's for not helping them out."

Yeah, but I'm talking specifically about the piece of legislation that authorizes it.

So there are no racial quotas.

Sounds like you wish you were black. Tell us more. Is your dick tiny, too?

Yes and no. If a black person gets turned down, he can get the company in trouble for discrimination.

Instead of chimping out, how about you actually give me a reason not to think this way?

I would also like to remind you that courts normally have a bias towards african-americans.

What's the success rate on those lawsuits? I suspect it's not as easy as, "Company didn't hire me, find a lawyer, gibsmedat".

Really? Could you post anything to support this?
>Genuinely curious.

Based on what?

>Instead of chimping out, how about you actually give me a reason not to think this way?

Holy shit. I've been trolling here since 2009 and not one person has ever asked me for anything smart. Ok.

I believe in near perfect Equality among the races, leaving out trivial shit like sunburns and tattoos. Black people aren't inferior because of genetics, but rather politics. Most underfunded schools serve black kids, etc.

You've heard it all before, I am sure.

Not op, but i defiantly think that any species geographically separated for long periods of time will develop differences in neurological and physiological ways. Doesn't mean either is better or worse, just better or worse at different things than one another.

I don't have a problem with that. I just don't think enough time has passed for meaningful differences to develop.

I appreciate your input. I'm here for reasonable discussion, not trolling.

Mostly a company will settle.

It's budgeted in every medium to large business for people to steal/lawsuit. Part of that is a nigger saying I was fired because racism. While it's normally a completely baseless claim a company will just give them money to shut up.

That's what they want so it works out for them and it's cheaper for the company to just do that instead of pay a lawyer and the company doesn't get bad publicity.

Everybody wins!

Guns, Germs and Steel is an excellent book about how Europe conquered the world. Jared Diamond spends a lot of time discussing how a lot of factors other than race came into play.

If you like the Civilization games, try this book.



>Scholarships are easy, jobs are easy because of racial quotas
Getting shot by the police for no reason is easy.

That's a meme. All of the killings have been justified. It started with the teenager, and then black people started provoking police and threatening them, warranting the polices reactions.

Killing some niglet in a park for having a fucking toy gun isn't justified. I am a fairly conservative person but when a cop shoots an unarmed nigger for no reason even I have the sense to know that shit is fucked up.

Toy guns have to have orange tips to indicate it's a toy. How was the officer supposed to know it's a toy if it was painted?

Yeah, I recall that one too. Cops barreled in, stopped a few feet away from the kid, jumped out, and plugged him. Tamir Rice was his name.

The boy was painted by God.

Rice's gun was later found to be an Airsoft replica that lacked the orange safety feature marking it as a replica and not a true firearm.

Apparently, the person who originally called 911 on him told the dispatcher that the gun was "possibly fake". For some reason, the dispatcher never relayed this to the officers.

discord delete .gg/ delete BN2kEyT

You have everything the black guy has and more yet you still envy him.
It's almost like you want to trade places.

You could tell he was just a little boy, nigger or no, that one was just wrong

Doesn't matter. The cops (one of whom was unstable and had resigned from a previous department, rather than face termination) fucked up multiple times. Didn't communicate properly, didn't maintain a safe distance, didn't give the kid a chance to surrender. They opened fire just a few seconds after arriving on scene. Watch the video. It's probably the clearest case of unjustified police killing you'll ever see.

A boy can still shoot a gun and kill a man. Just because he's a boy doesn't mean he's any less capable. The toy didn't have the brightly colored tip that it's supposed to have, so the officers' assumption that it was a real firearm was logical, and he acted accordingly.

I actually blame his parent (singular), that dumb ass dispatcher and the cop in that order. Why was he out there alone in the first place?

Agreed. The mother is to blame. The kid should've known not to reach for the toy in the first place. That responsibility falls on the mother. She got a cool 6 million for her failure as a mother.

How about the cop getting on the fucking PA in his car and telling the nigger to put the fucking toy gun down or he will shoot.

He didn't know it was a toy. At the moment for all he knew it was life or death. Kids fucking stupid for waving a realistic looking gun around in the first place.

She left the kid unsupervised and that is why he is dead.

Slavery was the biggest mistake the white man has ever made. Because of the fucking kikes the nogs will haunt us forever because of that shit. FUCKING JEWS AND NIGGERS!!!

Well, this situation is fucked up. But what about that cop that shot the nig in the back and made up a story about the nig running?

Niggers might not be humans, but I wouldn't shoot a dog like that either. I am conservative.

He should've know the way to act around cops. Pulling a realistic gun out obviously wasn't the best decision. His mother failed in teaching her son common sense.

There's a good one worth debate.

There's an example. But one bad shooting doesn't mean all cops are that way too.

>being a thug is cooler to black kids than being a regular member of society

So then that would make you a samefag warden. Congratulations on becoming that.

Of course not. Inductive reasoning requires many instances in order to generalize.

The dude was twelve when the incident happened, and his older sister was nearby. Either way, a twelve year old kid hanging out at a public park by himself seems pretty reasonable to me unless he's severely retarded or something.

I blame the mother for not teaching him how to act.

I don't think anyone's been samefagging in this thread. Just having a civil discussion.

A twelve year old nigger hanging out in a park with a toy gun seems reasonable to you?

She had to be one of the dumbest bitches on the planet. Hey, my son is a nigger, hey I am going to allow him to play with a toy gun out in public even though the police suspect every nigger with a gun constitutes a threat...the bitch was stupid. I feel sorry for the niglet, but not her.

Yes. I live and work in an upper-middle class neighborhood and occasionally see (usually white) kids walking around carrying airsoft guns. No one calls the cops.

In any case, I think blaming the mother is a bit of a cop out since, according to her, the gun wasn't even his and a friend had let him borrow it shortly before the incident. Are you going to say that doesn't matter? Or dismiss the mother out of hand as a liar?

>Yes. I live and work in an upper-middle class neighborhood and occasionally see (usually white) kids walking around carrying airsoft guns. No one calls the cops.
Those are white kids not niglets.

umm, why the fuck is that white guy wearing a mitch helmet, and cammies and a slung rufle over a shirt and tie?


Shouldn't they have orange tips?
Also, I expect the behaviour was different. They would be playing games, rather than pointing the gun at random people and pretending its real (as I think the nig was






Are Asian folks better than white folks?

What funny is theres probably hardly any niggers on here because they hardly know how to use a computer. Slavery is still here in America its just called the NBA and its for entertainment now. Stupid fucking niggers

>takes advantage of black privilege
>gets hate
>doesn't take advantage of black privilege
>gets hate
Catch-22, OP. Scholarships may be easy, but I didn't and don't waste them taking basket-weaving courses. Jobs are easy, but that won't stop this nigger from actually doing the job better than the next applicant. Government assisted checks, sure. I don't have anything for that, but that's also because I don't get them.

Being retarded isn't cool. Dying at 20 isn't cool. Snorting bleach mixed with salt and 1% cocaine isn't cool. Pants around my ankles aren't cool, they're annoying. Putting this nigger on a pedestal is still ass-backwards, so I'm with you there about dindu overappreciation. But you know I'll still get shit for being a nigger, in virtue of bix nood genetics, even though I file my taxes and don't drink grape-flavored menthol next to a stolen stereo system.


>49% of all blacks in New York City have GENITAL HERPES
I want to get a t-shirt that says that.

The only way is to support conservative policies that will somehow abolish both the special treatment and criminal behaviour. So we have a good time altogether

If your metric for which race is 'better' is solely academic achievement and IQ, asians statistically outperform non-jewish whites, yes.


Jason Russel?


I know plenty of black people, myself included, who frequent Sup Forums. Though, I mostly just browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums, I occasionally visit Sup Forums.

Are you seriously saying that you've never seen a black person in those face pic threads?


I wonder what the percentages are of New Yorkers with genital herpes by race
wild ass guess puts it near 90% black

In what ways are whites better?

What is your metric for which race is "better" then?

'Better' isn't a very productive term unless it is put in the proper context. I think black Americans' shortcomings are obvious to people, but to bring attention to them is deemed racist by most and the dialogue ends before it begins. That doesn't mean white people don't have shortcomings. For the record, I've known plenty of whites that were more than qualified to be considered niggers.

Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1972
411 U.S. 792 (1973)
and McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green set the Litmus test at
>he was a member of a Title VII protected group
>he applied and was qualified for the position sought
>the employer rejected the plaintiff for the job
>the employer continued to seek applicants with similar qualifications after the rejection.

I meant compared to Asians
I'd be willing to admit that on average, Asians are better behaved and do better on most measures of intelligence

Everyone values certain traits differently. Obviously, athletic performance is valued more greatly in amongst black culture than academic achievement. I, personally, don't think that the fact that the NFL is packed with blacks makes the world a better place. But the hoards of white business owners, skilled workers, scientists, engineers, and more docile nature does make the world a better place in very measurable ways. That's why I, personally, value academic achievement and entrepreneurial initiative/work ethic more.

Well said, and regardless, haters gone hate. So after you brush them off, you will find a seat open at the table of self respecting adults.

That is true. East Asians and Jews are the highest performers in that category.

So are whites not the master race? Or, what measures are we better in?

why don't tell your friends, family, co-workers all about it.

>not subhuman
pick one