Took this from someone entering the bar tonight

Took this from someone entering the bar tonight.

The writing on it says 8.0Z

Two parts one screws into the other, I have 3 pictures total.

The hole is only deep enough for the smaller piece to be screwed into.

Guessing its brass, Tried to unscrew the tip, since it looks slightly different than the body, but it wouldn't turn.

Anyone know what it is?


Plumb Bob ass hat


it's a plumb bob, before we had lasers one would use this to measure out a vertical line.

literally just searched brass 8.oz and found out it was a plumb bob... google is your friend, homie.

Why is your skin so dark?

Give it back, Jamal.

18th century butt plug

A plumb bob, or plummet, is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line, or plumb-line. It is essentially the vertical equivalent of a "water level".

>Plumb Bob ass hat

Thank you

I searched that but it brought up old radio parts, homie

>mmet, is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line, or plumb-line. It is essentially the vertical equivalent of a "water level"
Thank you

I took it off Tyrone, Jamal just held it for the picture.

Obvious OP is a soft faggot.

I'm so soft I sit while I pee

A djinn, you gotta rub it with your prostate.

It's a plumb bob. You hang it down over a point to make sure you are dead centre over top of it. It's for surveying land.

It's a plumb bob you fuckwit. They've literally been used for construction for tens of thousands of years.

So you stole someone's property because you didn't know what it was?
You're a typical stupid-fucking-nigger.

And if you got a sharp enough one and have a couple inch wiggling room in calculations you can throw it across bodies of water or whatever cause you're to lazy to walk the string you're gonna mark around and it sticks in the ground good

2017 and you don't even have your own plumb bob