Ayy anybody see that movie "It comes at night"...

Ayy anybody see that movie "It comes at night"? It's supposed to be a psychological horror film set in some post-apocalyptic world where society has been devastated by some kind of virus. I saw it this weekend with my cousin we thought it was garbage. Literally- at the end of the movie everyone in the theater collectivly was like "WTF this is garbage". I heard people sayin shit like "I'm never letting you pick a movie agian" and just trashing it in general. It was hella forced and ended anticlimactically. Wondering what you negros thought of it- - - Some plot points were interesting but they really forced the bonding scenes to make you invest in the characters- but after the intro it's kindof obvious that everybody is going to die at the end or something terrible is going to happen. It was honestly more of a sad movie than a horror movie. The trailer was super ambiguous- which i guess should've been a sign that it was shit but I don't think that's a good way to market a film. It's also very short- only 90 minutes, which is fine but the ending sucked so it made it feel like you just got shit on by half a movie. Also- the scene where the little kid goes outside and gets sick- how the fuck did he open the door?? He was like 3 years old and the door had a sliding lock that was like 4 feet high or something. Anyways- just looking for anybodies opinion on the movie -

Total garbage

Yeah that's what we said but critics online were like "Oh yeah it's the shit". Thought I was maybe missing something but apparently it's just bad :I

gay as shit. it had so much buildup and went fucking nowhere. they tried and failed with the whole "whats left unseen/unknown is even scarier" gimmick

The title by itself suggested how bad it would be.
Then the lack of ever knowing it was even coming out.....
Then the rotten tomatos review.....
Then the fact that nobody i knew ever saw it.....
Then the fact that it was released on a weekday in my town......

Ye I can see that> I wanted to see it tho. It was disappointing to me in that way. Even the title is misleading "It comes at night" and then nothing ever happens at night. They reference night a lot in the movie like "we don't travel at night unless we have to" and all that but then no boogyman or anything. It also made me mad that they didn't go after the dog after it ran away and was happy that it ended up to be to the detriment of basically everybody. Fucking doge man!

Lol you're right. I just kinda wanted to see a scary movie. We got high/drunk as fuck with some friends then wanted to go see a movie. Waste of a fun night. Should've seen "The Mummy" or "Wonder Woman" instead :(

Well, I saw it fairly stoned. To preface, my date hated the film and I thought it was slightly above average of a film experience.
What I got out of it was that it was going to be a depressing film from the start. The family was never in a good situation and it was all downhill when they met other people. And despite all their protection, fuckin grandpa still got sick so it was clear how it was going to have to end.
I enjoyed the warmer scenes and the nightmare scenes for their intensity and unusual film technique (weird angles, claustrophobic zoomed in images almost outright ignoring the boundaries of the movie screen).
As far as the ending goes, I'm a big believer that not all movies need to be all tied up neatly. Yes, everyone in my movie theater groaned at the ending.
But fuck them. They're the ones who keep big ass superhero movies coming and going.
Not everything has to be storybook and although it could have been a more grievous ending, in my opinion, it went against the trend of neat packaged, easily consumed movies.
It was an intense movie and being stoned made it pretty easy to feel at home in the warmer toned scenes and feel a decent anxiety in the more intense scenes.
Who opened the door, fuck idk not the kid though, I'd say. It's either completely unanswered in the film or it's done before the protagonist enters his aware dream state.

Imo, the title is in reference to how the father goes apeshit with paranoia and fucks up the other family. In terrible circumstances, he turned into a monster or whatever.
Not so much that a physical monster was supposed to come kick in the door and scream in your face.

I agree with all the points- I kindof like edgy movies that don't follow the formula. The film did use a lot of interesting techniques but just felt low-budget to me. The warmer scenes seemed really forced tho- like they just wanted you to get attached to the characters quickly before horribly killing them off. And yeah about the ending- it really seemed like one of the dream sequences rehashed. It's not fucking inception tho- like come on movie! If it was how it ended tho I think they all died in the end because the mom wasn't using a mask or whatever and they were in the room with him the whole time and all. IDK maybe they live and it's just horrible but I thought it was pee. When the credits started rolling everybody shit the bed lol!

Movie industry is losing touch.
Employing douches and schizos because everyone else has no ideas left for what to produce.
Take king arthur for example. Somewhat decent actor, huge budget, but who the fuck wants to see another king arthur show?
Made less money than amy schumers movie.

Yeah I can see that but I didn't like that main father guy anyway. Too many non-redeemable qualities. Just seemed like a cold asshole. I can dig a psychological thrill but it doesn't really work when you're not invested in the characters. Oh yeah and that one scene where he gets the other guy drunk and he lies about his father/brother situation or whatever- was never explored. What the hell did it all mean? Why was he so bent about people being honest and telling the truth all movie long? Seems like BLACK FAMILY.

That's sad- if Amy Schumer died I wouldn't want anybody to tell me because I don't care that much.

Also fun fact- I drive the same truck that they had in the movie: Toyota Tacoma Pre-runner Black lol :D

Well, I'm from midwest, nowhere. The father is pretty much straight up the ideal traditional manly father figure. At least as far as trusting only family, being a hardass, and not giving fucks about anyone else.
I don't think the brother part meant anything. Just part of that guy's story that may or may not have been true. It ain't a neat packaged movie. Not that that's a good thing or spectacular as internet critics make it out to be here.
But it's different. And that was enough for me fortunately as I went into it with no expectations and an edible in my stomach.

Lol edibles- my cousin and I went with some friends and smoked a blunt and had a few bud-lights before the movie. I'm also from the midwest nowhere type but still felt like the guy 'Joel' took it too far and was too brutal/untrusting which i guess was a good idea for the situation. His wife was an emotional counterbalance in the movie- caring about how her son saw his grandfather get exicuted and trusting the other family, but I just didn't really like anybody. Actually I did like the other father guy who died, he was a real one.

Only thing that I found interesting from the wife was when she kissed her son and turned a bit away and wiped her mouth off and walked away after he had found the young boy the night before and they segregated themselves.

It would be a bit interesting to see the film from the other family's perspective.

Oh I didn't notice that she wiped her mouth and walked off. She was obviously comforting him and trying to make it seem like he was ok but that is illuminating. But even so- when Travis was sick in bed at the end she was standing over him without a mask so wouldn't she get sick? Seems weird that she would wipe her face and try to not get sick if she was really like that at the end. Ending was wack tho- the whole movie had tons of unanswered questions. I get that it's not neat and that's good but still it left audiences (myself included) wanting more. I want answers damnit! I'm even going so far as to make a thread on Sup Forums about it to see what people think :0

This is why I don't like to go see movies.

Why was it garbage? Never saw or heard of it, but I'm assuming there wasn't a violin jumpscare every 10 minutes. Is that why it was bad?

It was a really slow movie, no jumpscares, all psychological horror type movie. It left many loose ends (why was the child out out of his room at night, why is going out at night their #1 rule, who left the door open/opened the door, was the family actually sick, what is "it" that "comes at night", etc.) and it just didn't add anything to the formula that other horror movies haven't already done except for the way that it was made. The directer himself said that he wanted to leave the questions open- but it's just not satisfying. It ends with everybody but the mom/dad of the main family dead, sitting in the kitchen looking sad and defeated, but with no answers or real resolutions. IDK tho- some of it was ok. Critics loved it but audiences said it was poop. What comes at night - is it fear, nightmares, sickness? You'll never know with this movie.

What made the noise when the dog ran off and what exactly fucked the dog up later on?

saw it and it was garbage. couldnt make its mind up between 'plague outbreak' or 'fuckin zombies'

acting was eh. id never recommend it.

Was good a movie. Whatever you thought the movie was based on a trailer is your own damn fault. It's produced by an indie company so you could've saved two hours had you done two minutes of research.

It's not about being spooky, it's about paranoia and dread. The pacing matches the pointlessness of existing post-apocalypse so it makes sense

Can you do me a favor and list 5 or 6 of your favorite horror movies of all time so I can know if I can discard your opinion or not? Like I said I've never heard of this one so your opinion will tell me whether or not to give it a chance. I like psychological horror

Yeah I was expecting zombies or something like that at first but it just never developed.

ok favorite horror movies:
Blair witch project
The Thing
28 days later (and other in the series)
The strangers
I like zombies so like "I am Legend" probably
Signs (*I was young and it scared me)

Idk man just see it for yourself. It's bad imo

i was waiting for the reveal. thats all i wanted. now im left blueballed and out $40 easy for ticket/food.

Lol I agree. I think that's why the ending was so shitty and why everybody in the theater got pissed.

SO many unanswered questions. I think the dog wasn't trained well enough and saw a squirrel, then he got sick traveling around in the infected world- but if it's a disease that affects humans why would the dog get sick- i don't know. I kindof missed that part. Maybe he wasn't sick and they killed it out of fear that it was carrying the disease or something. Hard to say, but sad.

So you like action-y horror then. Of course you didn't enjoy a movie billed as "psychological horror".

Much like different genres of music, horror movies can differ greatly. Action horror or straight up gore doesn't do it for me anymore so movies that can make me really think about how awful situations are truly disturb me, stuff like Martyrs or Jacobs ladder. You're just in the wrong genre man. But like I said I haven't seen whatever was in your OP, maybe it was bad, or maybe it's just not your type. I am always a little sad to see people knocking on psych horror, I feel like that sub genre is more effective than anything else.

yeah there was a heavy mob-like vibe the moment the credits rolled. a collective angry disappointment. lol you get it. shit, i didnt know you doods were so up to date on movies. im coming here more often for laid back discussion about movies.

Oh yeah and I like the Saw movies. Was a lame list tbh. I really like horror movies but just can't think of many right now. War of the Worlds was decent i guess.

I mean yeah but I do like psychological horror and didn't necessarily not like the movie, just don't like not knowing what really happened. I hoped there was some kind of bread-crumb trail that would lead to the answers and somebody might help me out but apparently it just wasn't set up like that. That list was really just what i could think of at the moment. You'd probably like the movie tho so i'd check it out if I were you but it just doesn't feel like it pays off at the end. Disappointing ending and unaswered questions is my qualm with the film.

Aside from the ending, how was the ride? Take a movie I mentioned, like Martyrs. The ending hurt me and I would have wanted it to turn out differently but the movie would not have been effective if it didn't end the way it did. Maybe my example won't help if you've never seen it. I'm not sure, your list wasn't half bad though, blair witch was a great psych horror and 28 days later is pure kino

Yeah the ride was good and I like a fucked up ending sometimes: I really enjoyed the ending of 'The Mist' where the dude kills his whole family only to be rescued seconds later. That was hot shit. Watched it 4 times just for that ending. But anyways- the movie itself had good plot and lots of gut wrenching moments. A child gets killed in his mothers arms and the screaming is pretty bloodcurdling. A young man watches his grandfather get executed and burned right at the beginning. Lots of spooky nightmare scenes make it plretty tense. I would say more than anything the movie is tense, but the slow pace kindof gets old.

The most comparable movie is The VVitch, done by the same studio. The ending is fine if you like psych horror, pretty good even. It's all thematic, but people were apparently expecting bloody zombie masses and stuff for some odd reason. Good movie, publicly smeared based on expectations

But about the ride- to me it felt really forced. There was some warm scenes where they were trying to devolop a little survivalist community with some nice little character-developing scenes mixed in, but it just felt so forced and quick- like just enough to get you invested in the characters before the shit goes down, which shit did go down the very next scene. It's kindof predictable honestly. From the beginning you knew it was going to be one of those 'everybody dies at the end' kind of flicks. Made it hard for me to get invested.

Aight thanks bro- I will check out 'The VVich' and 'Martyrs'. Seems like you know horror movies :D

Ahhh, the mist! I absolutely hated that fucking movie when I first saw it, solely because of the ending. Then after some time went by I started loving it based on hoe ironic the ending was itself. It's weird how that happened with me. If you like disturbing things in that vein, I have a few suggestions.

Jacobs Ladder
Martyrs (2008)
Texas chainsaw massacre (original)
Salo: 120 days of Sodom
Men behind the sun (actual true story)
August underground Mordum

That's a small list of horror based on your list you gave me that has slow moments of psych but a good blend of intensity that balances well. You might enjoy those more

I appreciate it dude- I love a good (actual true story) lol! Got me hyped now. But yeah the mist was hot. I liked the ending so much I forced several of my friends to suffer it just to see their reaction and talk about it. Goddamn edge lords. Blair witch project is one of my favorite horror movies of all time, lots of people shit on it tho, but I remember when it came out back then nobody was sure if it was actually "real found footage" or not which made it extra dank. Outside of horror anything by Quinton Terrintino or the Coen Brothers is the shit. Favorite movie of all time be 'A Serious Man'.

Absolutely, I remember not knowing myself if it was real or not. They really pioneered that found footage type horror, it's too bad it's been done to death now - it was truly shocking back then and I still feel now today. They really had a style of what ISN'T on camera is what scares you, especially in that scene towards the end when the entire tent starts violently shaking (just got chills typing this out) and when they're running and heather looks off camera and starts screaming "what the fuck is that??"

Seriously bothered me when I first saw it. Did you know that even the actors didn't really know much? They were given a map of their camps for each day of filming, told to go there and everything that happened to them at night was done to them by the director? Really interesting stuff. Have you seen REC? Only other found footage to pull that genre off well imo.

Wow I didn't know the director fucked with them like that. Genuine reactions are better than acting I suppose but still that's kindof hardcore. My favorite part was when they found that one dudes bag of teeth and blood or whatever- and the moaning in the woods at night and all;; Shit is next level. I'll check out REC-- but yeah I hate how they trashed the "found footage" genre. That one movie cloverfield was an abortion and it had all that shakey handheld camera bullshit. Couldn't get a good look at the cgi monster- Took away from the film imo.

Just saw it today. The theater was empty with just me and my lady watching. Mind you this was a 2:15 showing but still. For a total of ten minutes an old man walked into the theater, watched a little of the film standing in the aisle, and then left.

The film atmospherically was cool to me. I liked just looking at the wide angle shots of the woods and scared people wandering around with shotguns. That being said, the plot was boring as shit and the ending was so anticlimactic I just sighed as the film ended. I can see how it was trying to be artsy but artsy doesn't fly for whitetrash America. This made apparently so much less than expected.

See shit like this makes me hate Sup Forums, it's too bad there isn't some lame ass pm box, it's few and far between I meet someone with better taste in horror than others

Lol I feel ya my dude- Sup Forums anonymity. I'll be lurkin tho >:-P

Ye man the ending was pee on mee. I think they died tho- it seems like everybody would be infected after the young people got infected and killed off. Lots of weird unanswered scenes. That pic of that poster you posted is really what got me interested in the movie. I think it was bad marketing tho- made it seem like something it wasn't.

Well like I said, check this list up here
You're bound to find something you enjoy

Also yeah it was super tryna be artsy, which I can respect and I like that it went against the grain and all, some avant garde/postmodernist film efforts but the plot and end were kindof weak- only to facilitate the depressing scenes of tension and death.