I'm ACTUALLY gonna watch it

I'm ACTUALLY gonna watch it.
What am I in for?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hear the masturbation machine scene gives you PTSD, and some audience members actually qualified for holocaust reparations from the second hand shoah they recieved.

Sup Forums's wet dream.. or biggest lie.

a fun time

what a lovely fantasy movie

fun for all the kids

>second hand shoah

it's got some pretty good interviews but the one where they sneak film the entire interview is so fucking annoying to watch. to me you can just watch the train operator interview and be done with it.

wtf i hate the holocaust now


a great fiction OP

Its a good comedy, but Stepbrothers is funnier.

better fantasy than the latest star wars

That's a joke right? Learn some history. Those who deny Holocaust must be the same people who believe it was UFO with aliens on board that crushed in Roswell.


oh jidf, you so stupid

that was a typo
anyway reading this
makes it pretty clear for a non-autistic person, that this historical episode could only be denied by autistic people, who cannot comprehend proven facts.

But Roswell happened you fucking autist. There were numerous eye witnesses.


Never forget the 60000000

you mean the 6000000000000000000000 oy vey

>replying to Sup Forums b8

you dun goofed

>6 zillion died guise, nevar forget!!!

Boy, that's one triggered kike. I bet it was like another holocaust reading that post.

The documentary is very well made. If you're an American used to History/Discovery channel documentaries you might lack the concentration to watch it though.

#shots fired

A fairy tale


>2.7 million Christian Poles and 2.9 million Jewish Poles were killed by Germans
>no one ever mentions them
>Hollywood will never make movie about extermination of the Poles