What is Sup Forums doing tonight?

what is Sup Forums doing tonight?

Im about to slam 2 of these beers and then eat a dumb strong edible and do vape packs untill I pass out.

Budweiser Sup Forumsro

I'm massaging my penis tho. need a hand?

deadass after a long ass shift, budweiser hits the spot after work

This is the sissiest shit I've ever read.

I have xans and one 30mg oxy but im not trynna mix beer with it. I have done that in the past and its not the best feeling

It's 2 beers. You'll live.

Drinking beer, eating pizza, and watching a movie. Guess which movie and I'll send a 100$ steam card I'm feeling generous. Post email

Drinak busch but I don't have no weeeeeed. Gotta scrape my pipe for resin.

Other than that, shitposting.

Overwatch and dabs outta this beast

nigger cocks from outerspace

Dude fuck off with your 5k alien dick bullshit.

stem tea and video games

Crying till I sleep because it's my birthday and ain't got no friends.

hahaha what a feggit

nah thats for tmmr night but ill be dipping my cig butts in coke too

Happy birthday user!

watch background tv and browse here

really what else is there?

try harder 1/10

If you're so jealous I have nicer things save up and buy something nice

Thanks bro

eat first then drank bra

Wrong fucking retard that's not even a real movie

gonna eat these dominoes pizza like a fat

>thinks spending thousands on a bong is having nice things.
Let's see your car user, show us what kind of nice things you have.

>Thinks he can talk about Cars without time stamp of his own And still has no nice bong


Reply with anything but a timestamp of your ride and you're a cuck

Currently getting hammered. My fiance ALREADY fell asleep and my friend who lives in my complex is gone. How you doing OP

>making excuses beacuse he drive a piece of shit car and spend all his money and wax and shitty "art"
>replys without a time stamp of his own car

Happy birthday user, I would do something more if I could but at least I can give you a sincere Happy Birthday

Beer and games

big nigger cocks from beyond space

Happy birthday

What game is that

Home movies with your mom and your step dad don't count bitch

If your opinion mattered at all to me I wouldn't still post here but you're just an angry fag who smokes as often as I do and prob can't leave Sup Forums because for some reason like Me you keep coming back even tho this place is shit

do you use that mic with GarageBand? how do you like it?
Drinking Heineys and vaping concentrate oil. Denver.

Just sniffed a bit of dope.

I honestly don't like heroin compared to other opiates though. I'd much prefer an oxy.

Don't do opiates, seriously, I'm starting to worry about myself.

Colorado Sup Forumsro

this made me bust my gut laughing for some reason

>what is Sup Forums doing tonight?
Sitting here blaming myself and thinking about this girl I met today at university and wouldn't stop talking to me. Class finished and I left without even asking her number, fuck why am I such a virgin...

I put the wine in plastic bags and put them in the freezer so they'll get cold ASAP. I like cold white wine, so sue me.

Haven't eaten all day, bout to get high and drunk and smash the fuck outta this deep dish

Alcohol withdrawals tonight, sucks

At a bar, just to get out of the house. I've been here 2 hours. Not sure if I want to get fucked up before 2am, or just leave now and get fucked up at home.

fuck im so hungry. I ate an edible did a bit of coke and i cant eat but im super hungry

Just finishing off a sixpack of this shit. NJ represent!

Who here is from Oklahoma? Getting wasted after my fiance fell asleep. Half a bottle of Absolut vodka and half an edible deep

Ur gay

Anyone still in this thread?