Okay guys, I haven't seen one of these is a while and I'm in the mood for it

Okay guys, I haven't seen one of these is a while and I'm in the mood for it.
Lets have a late night "things you've seen that nobody would believe" thread

I'll go first to get things going.
I once saw a blue and a green light that were leaving trails behind them flying through the desert at night.
This was while me and my family were driving home.
I still wonder if it really even happened, because none of my family ever mention it.

pic related. the things looked like comets, but they were flying along the ground at car level and spinning around eachother

A 10 foot tall evil spirit

that's a good one, tell the story man!

I rolled a large straight on yahtzee earlier on the first roll.

here's another one.
one time in math class we were getting into groups to work on problems.
a girl was walking by my desk and i just happened to glance up at her and make eye contact.
the weirdest thing happened. When i looked into her eyes I saw everything that had happened in her life for the past 3 months, and everything that had happened to me, and how all of those experiences happened at the same time.
This all happened in just an instant and then it was over, and i was filled with a weird euphoria.
I think it happened to her too, but idk.
everyone ive told about it says that means she was my soul mate but idk because we never really talked.
but man that was trippy as hell

bull fcking shit

here's one.
I think me and my dad actually saw a goatma/skinwalker.
i had read the stories and were pretty convinced that they were just a scary meme story, but then I remembered that one time when i was little and playing at night with my friends, we actually heard that same voice that's in every skinwalker story.
Then my dad came loking for us to tell us it was time to go home and he actually saw a kid run and hide in the bushes by us and thought it was our friend, but all of us were together and there were no other kids playing.
so wtf I guess we played tag with a skinwalker and they might be real after all

>be me
>friend says place is haunted
>lol faggot
>go to Blue ghost tunnel
>early march, ice and water everywhere
>friend says we're surrounded by spirits
>walking back to his jeep
>hear noise
>turn around
>10 foot tall black entity standing 20 feet away form us
>stare at it for like 5 seconds, felt like an eternity
>walk away slowly
>thing dissipates
>wtf all of a sudden really tired
>go home can;t sleep, feel someone is watching me
>think i see someone watching me
>was an atheist when i this happened
>continued to be an atheist for a few more years
>in denial of what i saw

pic related

come on guys I know a lot of you on here have had some pretty fucked up experiences

holy shit dude
was it like a shadow cat on the wall or more like 3d?

are you still in denial about what you saw?

anyone have good stories about aliens and ufos?

gooby pls

No it was in an open field outside the tunnel. And I'm not in denial anymore. I literally couldn't let go of being an atheist. it was right in front of my face

oh I see. That would be pretty horrifying to see. And yeah that's interesting about denying it. Sometimes it seems like people that are trying to be rational end up being irrational in the stubbornness.

have another story, came from past gf

She and her bf at the time were going to visit his parents. They were driving in the dark. 20 minute drive. Get to parents home. Parents asked them why it took them 3 hours to get there. They only remember 20 minutes of driving. Clocks match up, they were driving for 3 hours, but only have memory of 20 minutes. Told me story once, refused to talk about it ever again.

those kinds of stories always freak me out so much!
What do you think happened during that time? maybe there's something she left out?

I was also going to ask regarding your story if you had any missing time, which might explain why you were suddenly so tired

called a soulgaze, one of you is a wizard (Harry).
source: Dresden Files

Once I saw a nigger working

thanks for the tip!

Gillian Anderson's vagina, in person

> It gives the other a window into their soul, which can't be faked.
d-does that mean the qt girl liked me?

also checked

Kek fuck off faggot

tell us how???

r u jealous there m8?

No missing time for me, just felt drained. I think she might have been abducted by aliens. I don't know, maybe.

In the 90s she was a serious coke whore. She came back to my place from the bar after I told her I had 2 8 balls

i never would have thought she was a cokewhore
does that mean you fucked her?

I want to believe

Yep, raw

Is that what you saw? what you see is what you get.

>Was shopping on Wallmart
>An old nigger comes closer and ask if he could help me with something
>I stared at him
>I couldn't believe my eyes
>He wasn't robbing or rapping anybody, just working
>I talked to the manager to clarify this nonsense
>Asked him if he was a slave
>He seem shocked and angry by the question
>He told me the nigger was a free man
>Drove to my home and told everyone what i just saw
>Nobody believed me

To this day I can't sleep at night knowing that there are free niggers out there

so how did it look?
and how was the secs?

well I just saw some of myself and our interactions, so maybe that means that she had been thinking about me.

I was at Lambert's and Bill Murray walked up to my table. He ate a fry off my plate and said "No one will ever believe you"

>>Asked him if he was a slave

adam lambert's?

It was full coverage bush but only about half an inch and she's a natural redhead.

She was coked out of her head, the sex was great

Lol no, a restaurant.


im disappointed that shes a whore, but im turned on because I always thought she was so hot

its such a weird feeling when you consider that you could be abducted at any time and youre totally powerless against it

Shit I just had no idea she was British until I met her lol

>anyone have good stories about aliens and ufos?

>chilly February night, 2am
>sitting on my deck bundled up in a comfy duvet
>smoking a bowl of g13 while watching the stars
>not quite high yet
>notice a golden/white orb floating in the sky to the south
>it isn't flickering or moving and it is dead quiet so I rule out aircraft (live near a hospital with a helipad but I would hear it if it was a helicopter)
>never seen anything like this before
>starting to get a little creeped out
>the orb starts slowly losing altitude
>it vanishes below the treeline
>WTF did I just see
>nothing on the news, no search results
>no one believed me, thought I was high (I wasn't)

scares the shit about of me, was really paranoid about it as a child after I saw Fire in the Sky

While meditating one evening I saw things from three different religious texts like a video. I saw something similar to the hell mouth, the fight between ROC and Naga, and the cumbling of some tower with lots of windows with a black haze being what destroyed it. Then there was a loud horn playing and the haze spread. And for a VERY brief moment I was in a dome room full of humanoid aliens. I tried meditation this way and I've yet to see anything like this again. It was trippy! I always wonder, why the fight between ROC and Naga? Also why did that black haze destroy a tower? Why did I see humanoid aliens? What was that loud ass horn supposed to be?

dude what shes british?? i didnt know that at all hahah


Ive seen shit. Shadows and orbs. Used to live in a haunted house that was next to an ancient Indian burial ground. Shit was haunted at. Heard deep dark voices and saw doors open. Heard footsteps and seem fog. Lots of scary shit that tramatizes me as a kid. And it wasn't just me seeing it but my whole family and even neighbors. I cant explain anything that I witnessed.

>Fire in the Sky
oh boy I only saw a few minutes of that movie but it scarred me for life

you mean orbs irl and not in photos right?

Saw a ghost when I was in prison in Ashland KY.

I knew he was a ghost because he walked right through a locked door that hadn't been opened in 10+ years.

When I mentioned to the other inmates who worked in that building (the old power plant) they were unconcerned. They'd all seen him before. I almost swallowed my cigarette when I saw him...

Yea. Had one fly past me while I was in the kitchen doing homework at night. Bright white orb about the size of a grape fruit.

i dont know if this fits, but i can hear peoples thoughts and conversations no matter how far away they are. also past present or future.

thats super badass and lucky.
maybe seeing the humanoids was like waking up in the "real" world?

alright what song is stuck in my head

holy shit that's so cool.
my dad had a similar experience once and ive been wondering about it ever since.
so you think it was the ghosts of the indians?

you should have gone to the woods to investigate my man

Cheezy Pissaz ex sets on the surfacew3b

thats fucking crazy how places can just have resident ghosts
did he ever give indication that he was aware of you guys being there?

There very fucking real. There's a story of a gal who worked EMS and was called out to the middle of nowhere. They enter a hut and its full of maybe 16-30 people covered in ash and a lil boy in the middle that's dying. They rush him to the hospital but the ash covered people(mind u they get that ash supposedly by burning humans) run along side the speeding ambulance until they reach a main rd. While at the hospital a man approached the ems driver and thanks her for saving the child. They were doing the ritual to turn him into a witch but something went wrong and he was slowly dying. The girl apparently gets a glimpse of ash under his shirt that he hasn't washed off yet. Fuck those mother fuckers mane. We need to make it legal to kill them. Each generation they slip further into hiding.

if true thats super fucking cool man.
how did that happen?
do you use it to your own advantage?

Possibly. My grandparents were one of my neighbors at the time we lived there and something woke my grandma up by calling her name and there was something sitting at the edge of the bed because she said she could see an imprint in the bed sheets. Then something cut her hand. Pretty creepy. On another note I used to have a crucifix outside my bedroom and one night about 2:00 AM I heard footsteps moving down the hall and then a loud noise of something falling and went into the hall to investigate only to find the crucifix on the ground. Scary af.

whoah where was this?

i have to haveapersonal connection with you lol. likeseen you before and met you.

for like a year i would stay up until morning and then sleep because scary shit always happens at night and I aint making myself vulnerable to that shit.

thats crazy that it actually cut her hand fuck

trips so i believe you. godspeed buddy.

Just curious, but does anyone else have those dreams where you see a glimpse of the future and have a deja vu moment when it happens irl?

Looked right at me. I could -feel- his gaze. Then he turned around and walked back the way he had come in.

The rest of the guys knew who he was! Years ago, one of the cops had seen him and went digging to find out. The guy died in an accident in the power plant back in the 50s. About 5 tons of coal fell on him, apparently, or some shit like that.

Sounds like a lightning ball. I knew this old woman, never lied about anything, said a glowing ball went through the open door of their cottage when she was very young. She could recount in in vivid detail and it didn't seem like she was lying, I knew her pretty well. Google lightning ball.

hahaha gooood.

Not sure my dad read me the story but I wouldn't be fucking surprised if it happened even near a city like Gallup or Farmington. On windy nights you can see silhouettes of people flying, or they turn to ash and run really fucking fast OR they have the skin of an animal or person they can change INTO that animal/ person. I've seen them turn into peoples house pets and some of them hide in little holes in the ground.


All the time but, when they stop for a long amount of time I get worried...
My family used to get them a lot too.

They would say if you got those dreams you where you're supposed to be in life.

Not sure how seeing a black shadow/apparition/entity has anything to do with the existence of god, but whatever.

recently discovered and looked into it. the name for it is clairaudience. a psychic ability. im trying to work on it and hone it.

well to my advantage i guess, i know what people really think of me.

at first i thought i was just hearing things, whispers and stuff. then i started recognizing the voices. i thought i was crazy even looking into schizophrenia. they would still say i have it lol if i told the drs this.

well how it happened is i died in a hospital and they rescuscitated me and ever since then ive been hearing voices.

i can tune them out really well like reading writing talking or whenever my minds active. but when i meditate or am in a quiet environment is when it happens. always before sleep.

>About 5 tons of coal fell on him, apparently, or some shit like that.
what a way to go.
that must suck to be a grumpy ghost just poking around a power plant

wtf you guys are so lucky

I've been seeing a floating white orb in the sky almost every single night for the past year. It has a favorite spot, but i've seen it in multiple locations in the sky. It drifts left, right, up and down. It occasionally makes little circles and pendulum movements. It's not a star, because it doesn't flicker, and it's not a planet because planets don't do fucking loopy-loops in the night fucking sky

Every night. 1 entire year. I wish I was kidding

>a city like Gallup or Farmington.
yeah thats what I was expecting.
It gets quite fucking spooky out there.
and holy fuck I didn't know that about seeing silhouettes in the sky. thats insane

>I've seen them turn into peoples house pets and some of them hide in little holes in the ground.
you've seen it yourself?????
what do you mean holes in the ground?

They looked trippy! Way more human then the typical zeta r. That we see in drawings.

Fake and gay

Yes. It's happened a few times. And it's not exactly like deja vu for me though because it's not like I just remember it only once it actually happens. I would be thinking about that dream and be like "Why would I even dream this it's useless" (I remember dreams maybe once every 3-4 months, and it's getting less often as I get older) during waking hours. And then it happens. Longest time between dream and event was maybe a few months. It's never been anything important, just like hanging out with a friend and we're talking, Once it gets started I know what they're going to say. It would be useful if it was controllable.

huh wow thats crazy as fuck.
so its just an accident?
wow thats bananas

ever tried getting a telescope?

Bill Murray ate my sandwich once

Like burrows for prairie dogs and shit. And yes I've seen one try to pass as my white friends dog. But it still had its human eyes.

Same fag here who has lived in the haunted house by an ancient burial ground and have deja vu moments but I also have another story of a ufo. I was coming home from my dads which is like a 2 hour drive and it was mid day so the traffic in town was pretty bad. I was heading west across a bridge that is over a lake and on the other side of the bridge I saw about 6-9 lights (dont remember for sure the exact number) in a circle a few hundred feet from the ground. The just hovered there. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing this for real because it was freaking me out, but I was actually seeing it. I almost ran into another car because I was amazed by the lights. By the time I got to a place I could stop and record with my phone the lights where gone. I discussed this with my mom at the time who worked at a fabrication plant for military aircraft and she didnt know of any vehicle that could be responsible for the lights. Now I know a lot you guys might think I'm bullshitting these stories since I've talked about ghosts, deja vu, and ufos but shit this shit is real and I hope I'm not ducking crazy but I might be.

>And yes I've seen one try to pass as my white friends dog. But it still had its human eyes.
dude holy fuck. greentext that story please?
also how do they fit in prairie dog holes?

Once, and I'm serious, it's not a lie like almost all the other posts, I was watching TV and drinking my nesquik, when suddenly, the door closes and TV turns off at the same moment. Spooky af. Was also eating those round biscuits with chocolate inside.

fictional book you lying cunt

dont give that lying cunt the dresdan files

Those witchcraft users are fuckers dude. There's a story too about a group of them fucking with a family so all the boys and men of the family chased them around the big corn field and all but one ran out real quick. The one that stayed was cornered by three of them. They tried to shoot it but their guns wouldn't fire, and it threw bone dust at one and it was cursed so it knocked him down and paralyzed him till he got healed. One story my mom tells me is of a guy who hid in a cave and MADE crystals out of thin air. When the local family in charge found out about his shenanigans, they rushed to his cave to kill him but he made the entrance disappear right before their eyes and they never found him.

well no shit but it describes what I experienced so its cool

this threads full of edgy teenagers making up stories, no way you saw a nigro working

wow thats pretty intense.
do you think they might be related to the orbs you saw at all?

>rubbed my eyes to make sure it was real

bs, you're clearly telling stories