Non north americans saying dude

>non north americans saying dude

Why do we need to keep having this thread?

way out man

because it's cringey when non americans try to fit in by saying dude. none of us say lad or mate unironically irl

our language = our words but my favourite words are go fuck yo self dude

now you stop saying the letters a,d,o,p because cringing follows for some retarded reason


he mad because somebody handed him a proper dictionary?

american english is the natural progression of the language. it's a great language, thank you for it. but the unnecessary u's and the impotence of the letter z ("realize" and similar words are more phonetically correct than "realise") deem your version stale. even australia and canada use some of our loan words

immediately cease and desist using any and all words borrowed from Scandinavian, not limited to, but including, "smorgasbord", "therefore", "sky", etc. thank you very much, dude.

Fuck off, dude.

>north american

>when americans pronounce a word with the letter 'r'

now thats cringey

this. it's cringey as fuck when an american uses brit slang or spelling and vice versa.

>even australia and canada use some of our loan words
ummmmm no

its pronounced Doo-dee right?

Hehe dude what's wrong with that dude?

sup my dude

>pronouncing things correctly is cringey

What did he mean by that?


>native English speakers in charge of pronouncing the R properly

ancient meme

>not from california bay area
>says "hella"

More like dood

>Americans saying mate

I lose it everytime

Is America even a real place? Never seen an American in my life.
I only know Americans from the retarded stories on the interbutt. I think that"Americans" are just larping Brits doing funny voices and making up weird stories. Also the earth is flat, so there isn't even room for an other continent called "America".


I think you're onto something user. Go to /x/ and tell them.

>Brits don't even bother to pronounce R

Aye, I'd loik to have some of youh waher?

It's like they're trying to pronounce consonants without having any teeth.

Hella bad vibes dude

I have a German friend who keeps pronouncing it as "dyood".
I cringe everytime, but I don't want to embarass him by correcting him..