Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe

Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe..
Look what i just bought, it's a new Rolex Submariner ;)

You see i don't wear shitty watch like workingclass dumb idiots wear.. shit watches like Casio and fucking Timex. ;)) I only wear expensive watches ;)

Ask me anything ;) if you are nice maybe i'll give you some tips in life to be as rich as me ;) richfag here ;)

Fucking hate dumb workingclass poorfags


Faggot fucker

It's 2017 who the fuck stil wears watches

I prefer mine. also get it fitted fatty. looks like your had is going to fall off.

hand *

I legit thought it was a stump

That hand is fucking huge. Since you are so rich, use some of that cash to go to the gym fatty.

fucker looking like snorlax wearing a watch

hand so big they had to chop his fingers off at birth

Is your watch also an advertisement for Mercedes?

You may have an expensive watch but I have knuckles

watches are obsolete. no one cares

how much did you pay for the fake?

cool bait

holy shit where did you steal the money from?
i gather you stole the money from the way you spell


Yes but you're fat

All that stolen money, but can't afford a gym membership and a pair of shoes. Also, bet OP is a fucking no kiss virgin.

Total Veblen nouveau riche shit. Come back to me with a proper Swiss and then we can talk. 8/8, taking the b8.

Yes but my hand is not made out of foam.

Hand > Rolex

Why people are buying watch despite knowing that time is relative is beyond me.

>hates working class
>doesn't work
>still has working class food
>be fucking fat
>brags about a watch

wow what an achievements
how can i become just like you?


The least expensive and the least interesting submariner, congrats douchebag


Buy a real watch faggot!

tf is that hand?

Fuck off you've had it weeks now. STFU about it already.