Animals Rekt Thread

Animals Rekt Thread

(Also, over 25 million dogs are killed and eaten each year. Have a nice day)


I'm not against eating animals, any animal.
I am against causing them undue suffering though.
If you get a thrill out of causing suffering to another living being, something is wrong with you.


if you torture etc, any living thing
you obviously got proplems with yourself



You first, also how to hang a dug


Lel,dDon't stand so close to your own faggot detector then.



>any animal

Humans are animals. You're retarded.

Worsed wreck i saw so far


in chinna dey say, moar salt wiv dug!

in chinna dey say.... CRISPEY

in chinna dey say, fuck cats.

Eat people if you want to man, personally I wouldn't though. Too much risk of getting a disease, besides I wouldn't like for other people to eat me, so I avoid eating them.

edgy teenager with family/self issues starter pack


lel, we got a projecting faggot ITT


This just reeks of edgy 15 year old 4channers tbh

why would you want to heart a puppy you basterd



same reason as this.. for teh lulz!










So you don't believe humans have a right to life?







mother fucker i hit like a mantis shrimp and fly like a homing beard i will beat the shit out of you if you heart any more puppy's!!!


