Help! Whats wrong with my toenail? It looks dead but it hurts like hell

Help! Whats wrong with my toenail? It looks dead but it hurts like hell

Shuld i try to pull it off?

Did you...trips...over something?

good lord it's trips

See a Doctor, but it looks fungle

Can we stay at the topic at foot? I could really need some suggestions

If your concerned rip it out. It may grow back in a more normal position. The color is common.

Pic related.

save your soul and cut it off

Ohh fuck! The pain is real

at least disinfect it man

its a nail fungus get it treated if you didnt fully pull it off

fungal nail infection, unlucky


Is it suposed to hurt?

Why would you pull it back???

I think the problem is that you need to reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight no immunities

yes, especialy if u tear it off



That Must Suck Dude
