So in principle you could not realistically claim someone was responsible for a suicide just because they told them to...

So in principle you could not realistically claim someone was responsible for a suicide just because they told them to go ahead and do it.

The argument here is that she knowingly maneuvered and nurtured a position of influence over someone "vulnerable", then systematically and deliberately exercised that influence in this ultimately fatal way.

Sorry, still a fucking stretch. At worst she's just a really despicable person who has some nasty-ass karma coming, dude still killed himself by his own hand, "influence" or not.


I used to see it the same way, but a friend brought up a good point. Let's say instead of telling her boyfriend to kill himself, she told her boyfriend to molest his sister. And she continuously goaded him to do so, calling him a pussy for delaying until he actually went through with it. She would still be partially responsible and according to law, would be held accountable.

The key here is that she actually provided him with a situation to do it. It's not she was a stranger on the internet who just said "kill yourself". She actually helped him.

Exactly, hitler did nothing wrong.

Who is this bitch and what's the back story?

Freedom of speech is dead.

kill yourself

coercers and manipulators can no longer hide behind a virtual abstraction layer
this is an important and right step in legal history


I think this is far beyond free speech. It's not like she was just some edgy asshole who said "kys", she coaxed him into killing himself and provided him with methods to do it. She's calling for action and acting on her words, not just expressing her opinion.

She also convinced him to get back in the car to go through with it and at one point physically blocked the door from opening to keep him inside. That's action, not words.

If I told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?

Free speech is not protected by the law if it incites violence my friend

Faggots can talk about ass sex in public, freedom of speech is long from dead idiot.

>"she actually provided him with a situation to do it"



Found guilty for assisted suicide or sum shit after found text history of her goading her mentally unstable boyfriend to kill himself xD

physically blocked the door from opening how?

You don't kick someone when they are down. Especially when they haven't done anything to you. It's morally wrong. She deserves what she gets. Karma is some made up BS people say. It's not judgment. A prison sentence is Why is it so hard for you to understand that?

I just did
> aaaaaaaaaaaah

just kys already

So antifa is illegal?


>Girl manipulates boyfriend into suicide
>Really digs it into this guys head that he should kill himself
>Dude is obviously mentally unstable, is emotionally dependent on this girl
>Huge beta cuck but (unfortunately) still human
>He goes through with it
>Halfway through (decides carbon monoxide death is best death) he changes his mind
>She gets frustrated with him, literally says "Get back in"
>Betaness takes over and he finishes the job

The defense here is that what she did is free speech, since you can't 'force' someone to kill themselves.

The jury and judge, however, recognized that he willfully manipulated this kid into killing himself. She convinced him that he'd be better off, that he was making her happy, and that he wouldn't be a burden on anyone anymore if he was dead.

In the end she was convicted of involuntary manslaughter (doesn't even fit what she did kek) and will probably end up serving a year.

Faggots are crying 'free speech is dead!!!!!" because of this case, thinking it sets precedent for """hatespeech""" cases to go to trial, even though this is an extremely specific case of long-period manipulation.

That's pretty much it. All in all, she's a bitch, the dude was a cuck, but the people who say she did nothing wrong are also cucks.

>The argument here is that she knowingly maneuvered and nurtured a position of influence over someone "vulnerable", then systematically and deliberately exercised that influence in this ultimately fatal way.

The argument is when she told him to get back in the truck she broke the law because...
1. She knew he was in the process of killing himself.
2. She did not at that time call the police and instead told him to keep killing himself .

No, unless they're trying to overthrow the U.S. or form a coalition

Are you from the middle east?

It doesn't say.
This. The fact she was 17 will probably the difference between a few years and 10-15. She'll be a lesbian sex slave for a year and then get out on good behavior.

If I told you to jump off a cliff, I´m not being bad.
If I take you by the hand to a bridge and told you to jump, I´m being bad. But after all, the guilt here are the two, one for bring you the method and the tools, and the other for jump

OP you are a fucking moron and worse you know it and don't care.

Is it bad if I don't care about either of them?

She's hot, I wish she would abuse and humiliate me.

she has nudes somewhere i seen them a few weeks ago.

I'd be her submissive betacuck.

The texts encouraging him to do it over and over again and Putin him down for delaying it were only brought up to paint a clearer picture of the relationship lead in up to the suicide.

She was found guilty because he got out of the truck while he was on the phone with her and she told him to get back in.

shes ugly as fuck user

So is your mother but I still fuck her.

A man is responsible for his own actions so she's not responsible for his suicide. She's still somewhat guilty though, what she did was just fucked up. Throw her in the rapehouse for a couple of years.

>The argument here is that she knowingly maneuvered and nurtured a position of influence over someone "vulnerable", then systematically and deliberately exercised that influence in this ultimately fatal way.

It's not an argument, it's a finding of law.

And you missed the most important part - she did not assist someone in mortal danger. Had she phone the cops, 911, parents, anyone, she would be free even if he died anyway.

Isn't this kind of why Charles Manson is in prison. He never killed anyone but he got the worst sentence.

>It's not she was a stranger on the internet who just said "kill yourself".
This, right here, is the important part to remember. You are still safe with your "lol kys" edgelordery. What she did went way beyond.

>She'll be a lesbian sex slave for a year and then get out on good behavior.
If she's only away for a year, she'll be in minimum and safe from rape.

You care enough to post in this thread.

she told the guy to get back in his car after he got out

that just seals the charges. anyways nothing of value is lost with her locked away. It's better for society that a person like her is neutralized

The only way to deal with folks like this is to destroy them completely and immediately, take them off the playing board.

true, if she didn't call 911 it's definitely criminal

Mason is also in prison for political/religious reasons.