I'm ready. You ready? Fuck my life

I'm ready. You ready? Fuck my life.

couldn't start a horse race with that little fuckin thing

Abbort mission do not continue

I'm not ready. Can you wait, like, 60 years?

Nice keyboard

Well you did buy a Taurus.

Pussy just hang yourself

Can I have your Subway card?

Don't do it, OP. Things can still get better


True but it's the Taurus semis that are really bad.

Do it

I wonder if he'll actually do it or if this in some b8

Depends. Who are u going to shoot?

top kek

I mean the universe only fixes itself dawg. Time is the ultimate cure. You don't like your life? Change it. Guarantee you can get enough for selling that gun and ammo to go to Thailand for a month, get a job at a hostel, life for free and become a professional traveler once you put more money away

Live a different life OP


>Wants to kill himself
Jared, please, not like this. Think of the children!

He could so put an eye out and it doesn't take a whole lot to damage your hearing.


Wait, don't you have to clean up Carson city or some such place first?

>You don't like your life? Change it
A bullet to the brain seems like a pretty big change there dawg.

are you selling that handgun? I'll buy it if you're ready

That poor girl need some eyebrow work. And that fucking hair.

Whoa! Looks like some edgy teen found their dads' revolver!