Sup b

sup b,
my boss sent me home and said I can get back to work when I have solved this math exercise here. I have no idea. Can you help me?



Cup 10
Burger 5
2 fries = 2 so 1 fries 01
5+1*10 = 15


soda = 10
burger= 5
fries= 2


5 + (2 x 10) = 25

30/30 = 10
20-10 = 10, 10/2 = 5
9-5 = 4, 4/2= 2

(5 + 1) x 10 = 60
5 + (1 x 10) = 25

Take your pick.

25 op


1 hamburger=5
1 fries 1
1 soda 10

you're the only rught
10 +10 + 10 = 30
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
5 + 2 + 2 = 9
5 + ( 2 x 10)= 25 !!!

5+-(1*10) = 25 ? really ?

15 is the only correct answer.

70, obvs

Your boss is terrible at counting calories. I'm guessing she is super fat.

2 fries = 2
1 fries = 1

fucking moron.

these posts are stupid
this is unrelated
this guy didnt notice

rest are right, 25 is the correct answer

a = soda
b = burger
c = fries

a + a + a = 30
3a = 30 (divide both sides by 3)
a = 10

a + b + b = 20
10 + 2b = 20 (substract 10 from both sides)
2b = 10 (divide both sides by 2)
b = 5

b + c + c = 9
5 + 2c = 9 (substract 5 from both sides)
2c = 4 (divide both sides by 2)
c = 2

b + c * a =
5 + 2 * 10 =
5 + 20 =

obvious troll is obvious

basic system of equations
let x = a McBeverage
let y = a McBurger
let z = a McBoxOFries

3x = 30; x = 10
x + 2y = 20; 10 + 2y = 20; y = 5
y + 4z = 9; 5 + 4z = 9; z = 1
thus 5 + 1 * 10 = 15

Fries has the value of 2, friend.

Drink worked out as 30 divided by 3 which equals 10
Burger is worked out as 10 divided by 2 which equals 5
Fries are worked out as 4 divided by 2, which equals two.

It comes to 5 + (2 x 10)

In accordance to the mathematical operations order BIDMAS, we work out the multiplication first, which equals 20

Which gives us 5 + 20, a relatively simple addition sum which equals 25.

The sum is 25.

fries have a value of 1 friend, learn to count

2 boxes of fries have a value of 2, friend.

meaning that a single box of fries has a value of 1.

the last line has a single box of fries.

At least your math is correct though, friend.

>y + 4z = 9; 5 + 5z = 9; z = 1

There is only two sets of fries, not four.

It's 15, ignore all the other faggots
>Each cup is 10
>Each burger is 5
>Each serving of fries is 1

anyway i look at it
it equals obesity to me


Do you not know what 2x + 2x is?

If you're on the following list, you're intimidated by math:
The hard part was reading the image, not doing the equation, and you all failed spectacularly. Didn't you wonder why it said to do it fast?

Ahh you're right, I didn't notice the image was different in the last line of the image, my bad.

5 + (1 x 10) = 15.

If you don't think it's 15, you're a god damn idiot.


joke's on you, she's 14 and a half.

the answer is 25 and anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded

I'm sorry- I didn't see the "X"
It's not 17... It's 70

Anyone who thinks the answer is 25 is a troll, or intimidated by math.


15 faggots

Most definitely not 25

>answer fast if u r a genius

Here is my answer then : fast.

wow you managed to give something only 3 year olds say as an answer

well done, you're not only incapable of math, but you're also autistic

A 3 years old can resolve this shit easily, if you know that you're supposed to multiplicate before adding.