Has copyright gone too far? Politically speaking

Has copyright gone too far? Politically speaking.

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>Frozen fans parents have petitioned Disney
Fixed. Kids watch Disney movies. And degenerates.

No, it is just Tumblrinas that do this. For some reason, they all have an obsession with Disney movies and TV.

Indoctrination has to start early

They want to indoctrinate your kids and create future Tumblrinas


Would you believe me if I said I was six?

Yiff in hell leaf.

You use indoctrination when something is bad only.

>1/5 of Sup Forumsiticans want this never to happen

You are* basically Sweden in terms of contamination.



I'm sure the entire plot for the sequel has already been written,

Endings can change.

I mean i liked ratatouille

Do people really not want these two to be lesbians?

Honestly yuri is pretty hot.

It's a pity the one specific presentation I was been on doesn't exists in english. It could trigger nice flame here. And that tumbling purists will be shitting bricks.

Yeah, it's a real shame you can't read.

I'm so sorry due that you cannot feel superior.

>$0.02 per post
How much is that worth there.

Yeah it's absurd. Copyright right now lasts life of author + 70 years and gets periodically extended. At this point the only reason I can think of is because large companies like Disney don't want to risk their works entering the public domain yet these motherfuckers based their fucking cartoons on books that were public domain. The worst part is that most businesses would be fine with a somewhat shorter duration like 25 years. Not to mention non commercial works will effectively never enter the public domain. The only way is to permissively license the art in the first place.

Daily reminder that the only reason SJWs want to turn Frozen into a LGBTLMNOP movie/series is because the original is essentially one the most 'white' or European films Disney has ever produced and is their best selling film.

as does Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Enjoy your 12 years ban faggot.