Why do you believe in God

Why do you believe in God

I don't so I have no comment.

Religion has been a positive force in my life and denouncing it now would be unnecessary and painful.

Then don't fucking post insecure shit

religion is a gateway drug to statism.

Santa was a very positive force in my life. Accepting his non-existence was also painful, but necessary.

Why not?

Because it gives me a false inspiration to continue doing positive decisions in my life even if I know it might be fake

Because it's literally impossible for the universe have come to be the way it is simply by a series of cosmic accidents. And there's no way that life just started with a single cell that mutated into all life forms past and present. It makes no sense. Maybe the Bible isn't all that accurate but something had to create the matter and energy that exists.

religion is what holds back society



>literally impossible
So do you know all possible scenarios that the universe could offer user? That's mighty presumptuous of you.

>something had to create the matter and energy that exists

Keyword: Some"thing"

Of course "something" happened, but why do you jump to the conclusion that it was "someone"? It's unnecessary.

Because believing in a magical person who created us in his own image, sounds stupid as fuck.


Bruh, if participating in the church of Santa made my life generally happier without any negative effects, I'd sure as shit do it. I'd do it without any regard for the potential negative that the church of Santa may have on the world too, as long as there are people I care about whose lives are enhanced by it.


If god is real then what am I

God in the Christian sense is a bunch of bullshit for people that use their feelings to navigate their life because thought takes effort

Yea, but what if you supported legislation that made sure all roofs must be flat, to support the reindeer, which causes leaks for people in rainy cities? And made it mandatory for people to have chimneys, and you don't want one, nor can you afford it? What if the president passed legislation saying you had to keep milk and cookies in the house, and you're kids are diabetic?

How would the rest of us feel? What about when people start wars because half believe Santa gives them presents, but the other half know that the Easter Bunny is the one and only holiday mascot? How should the rest of us respond? If it's impossible to be elected into government, and are looked down upon and mistrusted if we don't believe in Santa, how should that make us feel?

Something can't come from nothing.

I've never examined "nothing" before. It's impossible to conceive. So I don't know how you know something can't come from it.

Even if it couldn't, does that mean that "something" has to be god? It very well could have come from something we just don't understand.

God/The Creator/The First/The Last. Same thing.

My answer is simple: I just want to.

But this is your comment

Once I stopped believing what I was raised to believe it's pretty much a question of why believe any of the Gods? I dunno.

So you don't believe in yourself?

But if something cant come from nothing God also cant.

So if it was just some natural force that we don't know of that was the "first cause", you'd still call it God?

Because if that's the case, God would just be a meaningless, loaded term.

Pretty much the highest logic available to sentient beings. AGREE!!!

The sum of mans potential, while godlike, would still be of the nature of the universe. We could with technology transcend physicality, bend space, dimention, time and keep our genetic physical selves as a analog a passing phase and a template to go back to the drawing board as we digitize our perception of self. But we as we grasp the reins of all the universe and yell out to our steed our direction and attention to balance could doom us to die in our cradle of earth before we call ourself baby gods. Cause and effect is a cold, reasonable and absolute God. It does not care if it is belived. At best we can hope to be angels to our concept of the best aspect of our potential as humanity flings forward. After all if we fail the very concept of God we were never worth considering our place in this medium of cause and effect and entropy, and will return to the dust of a dead planet whose life will bloom over our empty bones, and forget all our potential we ate from ourselves in our greed.

God is real, we can only hope the god of man is relevant.

I'd advocate for the separation of church and state so stupid shit like that wouldn't happen. I'd at least do my part to try and prevent it, anyways. And I'd feel shitty about how religion paints politics, but I'd at least try and make sure the people I associate with know that's not okay and hope that attitude spreads.
As long as I and others I know are getting so much good out of it, and I do believe it does some good in the world at large, I'd rather try and remove the negative from religion than eradicate it entirely.
>How should the rest of us respond?
If religion is a negative thing in your life, you should oppose it. Religion without opposition would be a really unhealthy thing for the world, imo. Everything needs regulation, and it's too easy to control people with.
>how should that make us feel?
Shitty. I'm genuinely very sorry.
I've thought long and hard about it, and I've ultimately decided that whether or not I believe in God is not the most important factor in deciding whether or not I am going to keep participating in religion. If I have to answer, I'm actually going with no. But tune back tomorrow and I might change my mind so idk.

Because I do, bbygurl.

It is kind of hard for me to say that I believe in or do not believe in "god."

I sure as shit don't believe in the idea of god that humans fabricated and created. Too many inconsistencies and outright BS claims involved with the idea of god and organized religions.

Outside of organized religion, "god" can refer to almost anything. God can be an idea. a philosophy, a metaphor, a state of mind, etc.

People like you are annoying. Just because science can't prove something, that is your justification that god did it. Just because science can't prove it, doesn't mean "god" did it. What if it was aliens? What if it was some giant cosmic machine? What if it is just a huge simulation? Just because science is ruled out, people like you automatically just assume and believe it was a "god" Honestly, there's nothing wrong with that, it just just something that annoys me.

Religion serves many both novel and relevant purposes, why hate? Im with ya on this one.

I am God and I believe in myself.

Nobody really believes in God anymore, people here who say they do are just trolls.


Because it might believe in me.

But I'm an agnostic, leaning slightly deist, so I doubt it.

Not OP, but I value objective truth over relationships with other humans. Probably a flaw in my character.

Also, when I decided I no longer believed in god, I could no longer attend church. I loveed my fucking church and the people in it. But by showing up, I felt like I was implicitly lying to them that I agreed with their philosophy, and I didn't have the heart to lie to those I loved.

There is a whole religion of about 1.6 billion people who believe in god, it's the same one that punishes you with death for apostasy.

Hard truths hurt, and people brows Sup Forums to tickle their amygdala, chances of this post being ignored: pretty good.
Have some attention drawing tits.

I don't think that's a flaw at all. You're just a different person than I am. That strong commitment to your personal values is probably a virtue in other areas of life. It's just a different system of values. I'm completely fine with your decision.


Did you post this to draw religious nuts away from another thread Op?

Nope, just wanted to here Sup Forums's answers

holy fuck check my image

Whats your angle?

the only reason religion exists is to instill a sense of innate morality into mankind.

religion also has psychological benefits, such as confession.

Im not a follower because i have outgrown the need to confess my wrong doings, and was raised to respect everyone as I would like to be respected.

I feel that religion needs to exist for the youth, and that via progressing into adulthood you outgrow the "need" for it.

Roast me Sup Forumsrothers


Seen it

I don't. I believe the universe is an endless cycle of expansion and contraction. Alternate universes are merely the other forms of the universe as it was rebirthed.

>'d do it without any regard for the potential negative that the church of Santa may have on the world too,

I've never seen the problem with religious thought more perfectly encapsulated in one sentence than this. Congratulations on being the problem.

Peterson hasn't made me believe in god, but he has made me have a lot more respect for spirituality in general. There is value in the mythos.

I believe in something more abstract than a god. The "god" is simply an unwitting personification the true motivation for what we all are looking for: the "Why". "Why" the universe is like it is. "Why" we were born in these circumstances. "Why" anything is what it is.

Sure, we can attribute the nature and creation of the universe to the "why", but we really want to know what the "why" is.

Do you do right by cause and effect by being a relevently good person? Do you help facilitate a future for your species? Do you act on hope in place of faith?

You're welcome, user.
I'm not saying I wouldn't try and mitigate it (I would and do), but I am saying I don't see what difference my own lack of participation would make. I am deliberately acknowledging that there are problems with my decision, namely that the thing I'm supporting does some bad. I just consider that less important than the good of my decision, namely that there's also a lot of good in there and I can be in a place to better minimize the bad.
I shop at Walmart, eat meat, and use proprietary software. I may as well go to church.

Do you burn a calorie in a world where no god directs your hand to better a godless world Op?
Maybe plant a tree while we exchange hot air it could make the air pure by its existance while we polute it to no action?


Stop with your implying.

I don't
But if other people want to, fine by me
Don't shove that shit down my throat and I won't do the same to you, lets all just get along

Maturity level at max caplock set to max: fullspeed ahead.

The Universe, with all of its matter and energy and physical laws was clearly created. Now if it's aliens, or a simulation, or whatever there's clearly a Creator. There's a creative force that exists outside of the universe. You can't deny it. Tell me where the super particle came from and why it exploded. Hurr durr then where did God come from? Hurr durr what happened one second before the Big Bang? Both are meaningless questions but neither precludes a Creator.

There is an overwhelming sense of order and harmony in the universe. Everything works together and has a purpose. Take out a force here or there and humanity wouldn't exist.

>was clearly created

And what does a universe that wasn't created look like?

Your mind is small, child. And your understanding dim.

But something else could. Pointing out fish couldn't live in the sun doesn't mean the ocean was made for fish. It means they evolved to be well equipped for their environment, the sea.

I hear that a lot, but I haven't seen any plausible examples of alternative life.
Like life that exists as plasma if the universes laws were created for it in a more complex manner? These concepts are difficult to ascertain the truth of.

Something we have yet to perceive,but we know it happened

>The Universe, with all of its matter and energy and physical laws was clearly created.
what are you basing this incredibly large assumption on?

It's not clearly created. And saying so because it seems clear to you doesn't make it clear to the rest of us. I can deny it, and I am denying it. I don't have to know where the super particle came from, or why it exploded. If you can just imply a creator that always was, then I can just as easily imply exploding super particles that always were, or a multiverse that always was. Both would preclude a creator if true, but we don't know.

You can't just assume a "creator" by default, because that's what seems to jump out at you. You're just being retarded.

Nothing about the universe implies a creator the way it does to you. The entire black emptiness of space with nothing but chaos and random explosions and mayhem happening for seemingly infinite lightyears in all directions implies a creator? Some creation, isn't it? Where so far, life seems to be an extremely rare, tiny, brief, insignificant phenomenon happening on a spec of a planet in the middle of all this chaos, and you act like this must be some "mind" at work. Especially considering the fact we know how "minds" came into being from "brains", which evolved on this planet, which makes a creator even more implausible, and maybe a clue that religious idiots like yourself are projecting yourselves onto the universe.

>hurr durr I'm just one person, what difference does it make?
>everyone thinks that way
>nothing changes


The universe is teeming with potential life, life that we have yet to discover though. There are 3 billion planets in this galaxy alone that can support life, which is roughly 3%.

That may seem like a small percentage, but as far as we know the cosmological process is the most effective for producing life-sustaining planets. (IE: no one can come up with anything any better).

We don't have any proof there's any life beyond this shit mud ball. We're the first. The ancients. The progenitors of sentience in this and all worlds to come.

You can't claim something is teeming with something you've never found the first scrap of evidence of.

>there's also a lot of good in there
like what? if you need the bible to tell you to be a good, kind, and respectful person, and you couldn't figure that shit out on your own then you're kind of an idiot.

The knowledge of "God's" existence is only given to beings who are worthy of knowing that it exists by "God" itself.

Beings who do not possess knowledge of "God's" existence have not been proven worthy of it (yet).

lol no, how can you believe something written 2000+ years ago by people who were drunk all of the time?

the presupposes the existence of a god, try again.

Met Him. Had a long talk about where my life was going. Got some good advice. We still keep in touch.

But our range of perception is small, like tiny. We could be swimming in the awsome, but not see it because it dosent make good synergy with our evolution. Why would we need to see ultraviolet or taste the photons of our sun. Because you cannot see it does not mean it is not there, also just because you belive it does not mean it is there. It is or isnt regardless of your opinion on it or its nature.

>humans think they can outsmart a god

many keks were had

> human thinks there's a god that needs outsmarting, and not a cold and indifferent universe that spans eternity in time and space in all directions around us


I see broad evidence of an epidemic of shared delusions collectively known as "religion" or "God". While I haven't yet isolated the cause, I have recommended the CDC and psychiatric authorities investigate further, because it seems to be triggering people to commit heinous acts of violence in all corners of civilization.

It's like believing that HIV existed before we isolated it. We saw the horrible AIDS disease it caused.


>3 billion planets that "can" support life
>Out of 3 trillion + planets in the milky way
>Teeming with potential life

Sure, there probably, no, almost definitely is life somewhere else out there. But it's still ridiculously rare and insignificant to the vast chaos we see in the universe. As a matter of fact, our life on this planet is part of that empty chaos, we just can't see it that way because we have an inclination that we're somehow special and have meaning. The universe is indifferent to our lives, or any other life out there.

None of this implies a creator. All it implies is human beings project their own minds onto the universe because they don't want to accept that everything is just matter in motion.

So there's a man sitting around for all eternity - trillions of years - that just decides to create something once in a while? I mean, billions of galaxies, all made of the same stuff... he got bored one day and made Earth different? And when we're gone, he's just gonna sit around for another trillion years and start over?

And there's hard proof for evolution. It happens daily. We can see it happening.

Ahkbar BUNNY!!!

God's more like, if you don't believe in me I'll just hurt you for disobeying me.

They laugh now, but there will be someone later who will be laughing louder than them.

It's hard to believe in something like a God when we have so many What Ifs in life. Hell, modern science even disproves it a couple of times. Sometimes, though, I think modern science is wrong. And sometimes the community around churches is pretty toxic tbh. But if you really want to see if there is a God, join a church mission trip group for a few days, even if it's ironically. Go somewhere impoverished, especially India. You see shit you would not believe is possible. You don't think demon possession is real, because neither do most people. But when you fucking see something it's undeniable. What you see and feel in groups who are truly *with God*, not some fake ass church congregation, you know the truth.

Existence of your God I can't deny
Nor accept in faith and live to die
But I respect I do not own any seed I may have sown
If it be it makes its own way as do I

Consider how unforgiving physicality is, and chances of the underlying God of the universe being cold as the physics of this world... well lets hope we spread into space so only groups of us kill ourselves off in our stupidity rather than snuff ourselves whole on this planet. Caught. Stuck in the womb of possibility a stunted embryo. Earth caught in humanitys shortsighted self destruction.

>God's more like, if you don't believe in me I'll just hurt you for disobeying me.

This is why we tacked that faggot up on a cross last time he showed his face.

We'll do it again the next time.

>if you don't believe in me I'll just hurt you for disobeying me
That's the same way a kid sees a parent's punishment boi

so, you dont believe, but pretend to...


Wow, reverse search tells me this is original. What are saying?

Did your parents torture you for eternity in a lake of fire?

We're all "gods" you silly human. It's just that our low rankings are preventing us from having any real power and in conjunction, are forcing us to physically exist on this tiny planet in the sense of a "prison" or "testing ground".

I believe in a God because of stupid people. Science says that only the smartest, strongest, and healthiest survive but there are so many dumb fucks not only living but thriving that only way such a thing could happen is if there was a Divide Being watching over them.

the only difference is that the kid can actually interact physically with his father

The symmetries hint more clearly at unifying physical principles we haven't yet uncovered more than at some sentient design. If this was a designed system, magical inconsistencies wouldn't have been a problem, they would have been a feature.

A poem called 'agnostic'