>a successful businessman

>builds dozens of the world's largest buildings
>employs tens of thousands of people

liberal logic everyone

>literally supporting welfare

Lmao it's fun to watch trumpeters reveal themselves as the cucks they really are

So the fact that he has employed tens of thousands of people and built dozens of buildings and resorts doesn't mean anything, because if he'd just been a useless piece of shit he'd be richer?

this is calculated based off of his alleged $200 million inheritance that he got in 1999 (in reality it probably wasn't more than $10 million and he was already a billionaire at that point) being invested since 1979

it's funny though that this is even considered an argument for the reasons outlined... especially since libcucks hate muh 1% speculative financiers so much

>supporting fiscally irresponsible handouts

Lmao trumpeters literally as bad as shillary


Trump says he has $10 billion. I trust the man who has access to his own finances over some company that has a business model based in speculation.


How much do you have in your bank account, faggot?

there are two types of people:
those who can into math
those who can't into math


literally kill yourself

>yeah bro just have perfect hindsight in how you should've invested your money
>you didn't invest 100% of your finances flawlessly over 30 years lmao what the fuck is wrong with you?

>Trump says he has $10 billion
wow, what a fucking loser
i'm 6'7" and work as a chef at Wendy's and I'm worth $13 billion

>Political rival's business puts his net worth at 1/5 of what it actually is

He's probably got about $2.5bil in liquid assets.

The thing is, he has a controlling stake in tons and tons of real estate, which is all constructed with leverage. He might have an additional 6 or 7 billion worth of property under his control but he owes money to the bank for it. It's how a lot of large businesses work.

the funny thing is these are the same people in hundreds of thousands of student loan debt

You mean 0 and 1?

>employ and build is worse than sitting on it lazily
He has stated he isn't in it for the money but because he loves doing it

>Creating jobs and business is supporting welfare
>Not sitting around and collecting money and offering nothing in return
wew, didn't think that one through did you?

Liberal cuck logic lol

>not successful at business

Pick one, cuck

>A-a-a-actually, M-m-michael J-jordan isn't a very good basketball player. If he was really good, he would have won 10 championships with his genetics he inherited from slave breeding.

o-ok, I agree, Michael Jordan clearly wasn't a success. I'm now a Scottie Pippen soldier.


When sitting around collecting money is more profitable than the way you build and run businesses, you can't claim to be good at making deals bruv

math is hard if you're a libtard

if trump would had done that, how many people wouldn't have had a job during all those years?

What, no snarky explanation about why they're stupid?

>being a billionaire
>not the pinnacle of financial success
I swear it's always poor Berniefags who use this shit as an argument against him, also what if he wanted to do something with his life other than being some faggy artist?

Damn, imagine how wrong it has to be for them to rate it false.

>when you dont know the difference between liquid assets and wealth

But would he own as many towers?

But how much money has he spent in the intervening time interval?

Add that to his net worth, then re-run your calculation.

Last year I was worth $3,000. As of today, I'm worth $2,000. However last year I spent over $50,000. This argument is retarded as saying "well if you had just put your $3,000 in the bank, you'd be worth more today"

Can we see some actual math on this? I looked up S&P growth rate and it doesn't even come close to $8 billiob. This doesn't even account for the fact that if Trump did that he would get hit with capital gains tax (which really, really hurt) while real-estate often gets tax breaks since it's seen as a public service.

This. Plus jobs created, etc. etc....As if magically everyone can just sit on their money and magically invest with 100% perfection over ~30 years...
it's hard to do math when you're $100,000 in debt with your gender studies degree while working at starbucks.

>London Review of Books

That valuation is complete shit done with bad math and no understanding of interest rates.
For one Fred died in 99 not 82, Trump had none of Fred's money till he was inthe ground, and it was split in 4 and by that time a Donny was president of the company for 8 years

Lards '"logic'"

> Berntard socialists mocked for not understanding economics
> Prove the criticisms correct when they fail to understand the type of bankruptcy Trump has filed for in the past and what liquid assets are

bernie supporters all be like.. IF Trump only invest all that money and live in his parents attic for his entire life, he would be the worlds richest man right now like Bernie Sanders.... Lets not mention that the man has been living a baller life and giving jobs to tens of thousands of people in that time.

Yeah, it's like a river that flows through a lake.

The amount of water that flows in is your income, the amount of water that flows out is your expenditure. The difference between your income and your expenditure is the amount of water that builds up in the lake. This is your savings, or your "net worth".

Your quality of life is proportional to the amount you spend, or the size of the outflowing river. Unless you want to go broke fast, the outflowing river had better be smaller than the inflowing river.

Trump has a fabulously wealthy lifestyle, which he finances with his job. I'm sure if he lived like a hobo he could be worth triple what he is now.

Bring back Berlusconi dude

You're a fucking retard, I'm ashamed that we share a flag. My favorite thing about Trump is that as he sits back and keks at how rich he is, people are ignorant enough to say "ahah he should be richer!" as if they've ever done a thing in their lives. "if I had a loan of 10 million I could be a billionaire too!", oh well why dont you make $10 into a thousand? and that thousand into a million? Queens of shit slinging on the internet better get their tear jars ready because this summer is going to be very rough when Trump blows hildog the fuck out and everyone is busy blogging about how they can't even.

TLDR kill yourself you jealous commie

>Literally a jew jewing

was she always this ugly?

It's as simple as the fact that most of the $200 million wasn't very liquid. It's like saying "Well I have a rare art collection that's worth $2 million together, if I could invest it all right now I'd be rich in 5 decades!" Finding a person who will buy the entire collection will be extremely difficult and parting it out may cause it to lose value. It's not a simple scenario.

The worst part is the 20-something retards who claim if they had that money they'd be use it wisely when most of them don't even know the first thing about investing much less working. They took out $80,000 loans to go to college for some liberal arts dogshit degree and now they work at Starbucks and they have the gall to say Donald is an idiot? It almost makes me physically sick.

>review of books
>8bil $

i call bullshit, op
Freidell is an anti-trump propagandist


There are probably "poc" in that group so all snark would be rayciss.

how much money do they think he got from his father?

are they aware that his father died in 1999, well after Donald became a successful businessman and billionaire, and he shared the $200m inheritance among his siblings?

i dont get your point

>rating a liberal page's statement as false

oh boy,you know they fucked up now

>not pants on fire

seeEven politifact says its wrong
And they hate Donald Trump

>London Review of Books
>litterally just that, a publication of book reviews

Yeah, I'm sure that they're exactly the sort of person to be giving financial advice.


The response to this is:
Why aren't your parents multi-millionaires?
Why didn't they pay for your tuition to a private school?
Why are you working a regular job/side-job to support yourself, if your folks have more money than they could possibly spend?

Only one man managed something even remotely like this (not quite, value investing is different yet, but close enough to use to make the point), one man, and he had Benjamin Graham himself as a mentor. He's not called the Oracle of Omaha for nothing.

He has his net worth at the end of Crippled America, it's like 9 billion or like 8.9.