I like my coffee how I like my women

I like my coffee how I like my women.....

ground up and in the fridge?

Strong and black?

hot, sweet, and full of cream?


Freshly made (if ya know what i mean)

fresh from the hills of mexico?

Black and Rich

Cold and bitter

No sugar. I want it raw.

I thought you didn't like coffee...

With your dick in it?

trips confirmed. nice roll!

Roasted, ground up with boiling water poured over?

Strong, black, and preferably fair trade?

badly burned

white and preferably with no pubes


pretentious and expensive as hell?

cold old and stale with some spit that some cunt decided put



hopefully the beans its what you are talking at

fat lipped, loud, lazy, stupid, worthless, violent and obnoxious as hell?

gween tea god damn it

Fuck off what does that have to do with the fill in the blank¿

Black and bitter?

stupid and easily enraged?
like this nigger

light and really sweet

maybe you could say sumpthin' bout how she's a roastie and ya like it roasted or sumpthin'

anything but black? including a giraffe?

With pubes and hot

Rich and bold?

Just the right size and hot forever

From a third world country, and preferably cheap.

Digested and shat out by a monkey