In this thread we post albums that have aged terribly



lmao, no

"aged terribly" doesnt even fucking mean anything

one of the most annoying non-criticisms, along with "filler"


Don't worry op, I can start :^)

But there's albums that are obviously aged and that can't cause the same impact as they did back when they came out.

Suicide s/t is one of the best examples (for me at least)

although Suicide s/t is still brilliant imo, although the hype around Frankie Teardrop is silly

albums that are not acceptable for today standard


>obviously aged
>can't cause the same impact as they did

what the fuck does that even mean?

who cares if an album wouldn't have the same influence it did when it came out if it was released today? that doesnt affect how the music sounds at all

If you don't understand what aged means that's not our problem.

This topic has been discused for years in other arts too and everyone seems to understand, so go with your autism to other thread.


I don't have a picture of it saved but TPAB and MBDTF

Strongly disagree
Pic related is my pick

Fuck you

>not even attempting to defend your point

damn that buster said although and then -- get this -- he said it again. fucked up and wrong.

More like the reason it aged was because has synths nobody uses anymore

Not OP but the concept of something aging badly is pretty and sounding dates is pretty obvious, can't tell if it's bait or not, but if it is stop being a pseudo-intellectual faggot


by "aging badly" do you mean it doesn't sound like it could come out today? like for example an 80s album sounding extremely "80s"

if so why is that necessarily a bad thing?

I already told you to stop being a pseudo-intellectual faggot

STS has aged like wine, because it's god tier

why do you even come here if you dont want to discuss music

I don't want to discuss simple concepts that you know damn well what they mean.

well can you at least post another example of an album you think aged badly, and why?

I posted this one

>station to station
Kill yourself and make it painful.