Who is Sup Forums's favorite JewTuber and why?

Who is Sup Forums's favorite JewTuber and why?

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I Hate Everything because he is the only youtuber who actually gives a fuck about the quality of his content.

they're all faggots.
channels that edit videos are alright tho here are a few of them.

I'd say IHE, SomeCallMeJohnny, DStecks, and Digibro.

IHE because of how he cares about his content and the quality of it and how happy he is with it when he's done.

SomeCallMeJohnny because of the awfully chilled out vibe I always get from his videos. John's stuff is also really good for when you want to listen to youtube while doing something else.

DStecks because he's how I got all into the deep hole of lore that is Sonichu and Chris-chan

Digibro because of all of his anime analysis shit which is also good for background noise.

SovietWomble. but hes mostly twitch

Nothing I see it as literal cancer and a stain in the massive pool that is the entertainment industry
I jewtewb for simple shit like disassembly of an electronic or etc. or a feat in a game that im struggling to accomplish.

Otherwise fuck that place, verbal comedians are a billion a dozen its actual poison to watch an entire new release in the video gamemarket get hammered and played by a million people live at release instead of playing it yourself.

>I watch jewtube for help when im bad at games
>Why watch games when you can just play it yourself

Now I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying you're retarded.


Her and her friends do the stupidest shit with GMOD and it's always funny.


I don't follow any Youtube personalities. There mostly seems to be cancer there.

>I wish to enjoy a game and expand my skill level until i peak and then seek to raise my skill level by watching those above me.

>Hurr i watch them play so Ican pretend that this will systematically make me a good gamer.

4hours in game or 4hours watching a faggot play a game?
Ican tell which dick you are slurping.Real nice givingcash to something that develops nothingmore then ego eh?

Naked Ape


General Sam,
+self aware Jew
+amazing production value

Filthy Frank
Spirit Of The Law
Sexual Lobster
Jon Sudano

Fuck yes I hate everything.

Oh, and Anthony Fantano

I would say bootsrapinbeef bit of a dumbass but not bad could be better though

I watch vinesauce on twitch, but RLM lets me pretend I have friends.

Brother Nathaniel


absolutely amazing

easily some of the gayest shit on the youtube and their fan base are complete cancer

General Sammy the jewiest jewtuber of all and E;R the fag.

RLM lets me feel better about my obesity and crippling alcoholism

yeah boi another GS liker

Pewdiepie :3

I can't disagree.


>essily some of da gaist shit un yuhtube and thar fan base are compled cans are
Are you in this country on an expired visa?


>On the youtube
>the youtube


I've enjoyed some of his newer stuff, actually

General Sam is my Jam.

He is becoming redpilled.


I also like when Sargoy of Cuckad actually puts effort and research into a video but all he ever seems to do is read fucking news articles. Like he did a really good couple of videos about the Bombings in Syria but shit like that comes few and far between and he always bitches and moans about how much effort it takes. Like nigger this is the shit that made your ass famous. Do the damn work you fatass neckbeard and stop whining.


nignog that's the old thumbnail

Lets see we got cancer.
We got cringe.
We got autism.
There's another one, lemme think of it...




Easy Allies
Or formerly Gameatrailers.
Those fuckers just make me smile everytime



Jesus christ your sense of humor is fucking aids

No competition.

Sye Ten

I love when he says Allah, like he's passing a kidney stone.


VanossGaming and PewDiePie



Jerma985 and SuperMega

Awaiting your review of Dankest Meme Compilation #12, you fucking infant


I like OneyPlays. It's the only Let's Play channel anymore in the popular-esque sphere of Youtube that's actually good. OneyNG is still funny, Julian is literally a fat, gay Mexican with a curly moustache and a glass eye and the fact that that exists warms the cockles of my heart, and Ding Dong is also really funny and more than half of the time he sounds like Chris Chan, who the fuck doesn't like laughing at Chris Chan shit? Faggots, that's who. But the good thing about all of them together is the dynamic they have, jokes about anything and everything with minimal to no censorship on topics, the main focus isn't always just finishing a game, but having fun with the game. Also, El-Cid has been editing the OneyPlays videos more so lately than anyone else and he is super funny with his subtle jokes and the overt edits. Oney by himself is a bit dry like in his older vids, but his shit now is hilarious and actually makes me like Youtube more. Not like how Game Grumps makes me feel now

funhaus is savage

Yknow the glass eye is fake right
DingDong said so on multiple streams

I haven't watched Ding Dongs streams so I didn't know that. Still a fat, gay, curly moustached Mexican is enough to make me laugh without the glass eye part

Critical he has a nice voice