Allright here's the deal, my daughter wants to have a youtube account. She wants to be a youtuber...

Allright here's the deal, my daughter wants to have a youtube account. She wants to be a youtuber. She's really excited about it, but after seeing the pedo comments in the little girl gymnastics videos, I just can't allow her to upload anything where her face or body shows. I don't want her to be in some creepy dude's vid collection.
How to shake her dreams off her head without hurting her too much? She's in for a big disappointment, but anything's better than her reading some fucking wetback describing what he'd do to her cooch.

Fuck thats actually a tough one. Maybe explain why?

Tell her to get into podcasting.

How old is your daughter, because chances are she's probably been told these things already? Does she have a smartphone with snapchat, kik or periscope? If so, then she has most definitely had these things said to her.

I guess you have a point- It's hard to burst a kid's bubble about their dreams but sometimes it just needs to be done. Though I'd rather have her spend a couple more years in innocence. The later she learns there's guys out there attracted to 7 year olds, the better.

She's 8 and she's got a phone but no kik or anything else, just vanilla chat with her school mates..

Do you monitor her phone and chats? My niece was talking really nasty to her friends/boyfriends at that age. Her parents never would have known if she didn't feel comfortable enough with me to show me the chats.

Just explain it to her and bring bullet points and pie charts and shit so she knows you are serious.

If that doesn't work let her make the channel and if she gets a bunch of pervy fucks delete the channel

You gotta let her know what's gonna happen mofo, then let her do it anyway and see for herself. That way when she's exposed to it randomly by her pedo uncle or something she knows how men are and how to handle the situation correctly.

I'd do this, I'm just convinced many pedo gentlemen download the little girl vids then reupload them under different accounts, for what purpose I'm not sure (wouldn't it be easier to just torrent the thing?)

Just say "you can't post YouTube videos until you are 15". Is it that hard to set limits for your own child? Why would you give your 8 year old daughter a cell phone?

>obviously you should never have had children

Isnt it possible to disable comments? It could be hard to explain why, but that would let her have a youtube chanel, but avoid pedo comments.

Yes I do, all her contacts are known to me.

What did her parents do when they found out?

Yes but see Once it's uploaded, it's out there and never to be recoverable again. (Not that she'll do anything sexy on them, she just wants to make handicrafts, singing, that kind of stuff)

LOL. They just said don't say those things. She had an iphone at 8 years old. They don't understand technology at all.

I hope you got some sweet lap-sitting out of it

it's a tough position to be in. on the one hand, you might be able to delay exposure to sexuality for a year or two. on the other, the harder you clamp down to stop it the more likely she is to just hide it from you, and get herself into a really bad situation you'll have no clue about.
better to just face it head on. that's the problem with the snowflake generation today, their parents shield them too much.

Fuck off, pedo.

You should inform her that she shouldn't try singing till hitting puberty because her voice will drastically change.

I think you can post vids that can only be seen by private viewers. Just enable that setting and she can have her friends and family watch.

Good idea, I think that's a good compromise, better than a full NO YOU CAN'T

Pics of niece!

Just know you will have to watch every video just so she doesn't get sad that no one is watching her "content"

I don't have kids but who gives a shit?
People think they're so fucking special like she is going to have more than like 10 followers and it will all be friends and family.
Nobody will care and it will just come and go.

All you need to do is chill the fuck out and do nothing, she will make a couple videos that nobody will watch or give a shit about then she will decide to do something else.

Easy, tell her YouTube policy requires she be 12 before she can start making videos. (Someone told me this once, not sure if it's true but it doesn't really matter if she believes you.) This gives you 4 years to let her forget about it. If she still wants to do it afterwards, she might be serious about it and there isn't much you can do to stop her. I mean other than outright forbidding her from doing it, which never works out.

Tell her she's too young.

more pics?



> (OP)
>Just say "you can't post YouTube videos until you are 15". Is it that hard to set limits for your own child? Why would you give your 8 year old daughter a cell phone?
>>obviously you should never have had children

This OP seriously put your dad pants on