How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

As often as you make these threads, bls stop it

Every hour or so I guess.
Like to imagine the cold steel pressed against my forehead.

shit i used to think about suicide every hour was normal until 5 months later where i accepted who i was and my depression ended. Thats when i finally saw the drastic change did i realize wanting to die wasn't normal. I had lived like that for so long. Now suicide hardly crosses my mind except for at night if i reflect on my mind for too long. Every week or so i think about suicide.

4 times a day

I usually place the gun on my Temple and think about how easily I could end my life. I pussy out all the time, but one of these days I'm going to rape the fuck outta of sisters before I do it

Every god damned day.

how old is your sister?

once or twice a week.

Pretty average i think.

depends.. usually occurs when i remeber something that i fucked up

Oldest is 32
Middle is 27
Youngest is 22

It's kind of always there, but it mostly comes in cycles.

>things start getting bad
>slowly gets worse until suicide is all I can think about
>attempt suicide
>go to hospital
>get out
And so the cycle continues. Each time I've gotten closer to actually dying. Last time, the paramedics told me that if they got there 3 minutes later, I would be dead. I don't know if it's scary or relieving to know my next attempt will probably be my last.

>incest is wincest
>rape won't leave your sisters in great shape
what if you develop a new zest of life because of your sisters and then start living only to rape your sisters.

>6379766 [Reply]▶
>How often do you think about suicide?
quite a lot

good doubles

mostly because I'm a right lazy cunt and just existing kind of feels like more effort than should really be bothered with, let alone applying myself

rip user

You know what they say if at first you don't succeed try try again.

Pretty good advice for most things.

I think I have at least a year. For one, I know what I feel like emotionally and physically when I'm about to attempt. I'm not close enough to that yet. Secondly, I need to kill myself on a certain date. That date is coming up very soon this year and I'm not ready yet.

Practice makes perfect right? At least I know what works now. I just have to push everyone away first so I don't call anyone in my drugged up and suicidal state.

I think about it every single day, my anger is going to drive me to my own death because the only way I can channel it is through some form of self harm. Very unfortunate, I don't have incentive to wanna make something of myself because I already feel worthless. It might be my time to go real soon.

Everyday probably 10+ times. I usually drive out to the woods at around 3am and just sit in my car thinking about driving off a cliff.

All the time.. But its mostly wishing to get owned by a bus or a gunshot

Make sure there is deep water at the bottom you might survive the impact.

You know the rumor about how men think about sex every 7 seconds? Im like that, but i visualize my death instead.

shit dubs. got into the kek club