Daily reminder he beats his kid

Daily reminder he beats his kid.

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...and who am i looking at?

I beat my kid often too, if you know what I'm sayin'

>what happens when you don't beat your kid
>they grow up to be OP

Butthurt feminazi detected.

Inb4 it's destiny

Sargon beats his kid? I mean, I don't really like him or respect him in any way whatsoever but you could at least CITE YOUR FUCKING SOURCES

Who is this and why should I care?

Could have asked nicely.
youtu.be/gfOob-36OEo 8:41


That alt-right creep Sargon? Not a big surprise.

Sargon of Akkad (YouTuber and opinionated bastard who sided wth a politican he calls an idiot but refuses to side with the only viable alternative)
By all means, check out his channel, I'm not wrong. At least some of what he says is agreeable

An alt-right cuck on youtube, no one important.

thats the veritasium guy right?

Spanking a child when they do something bad does not equal beating them.

We're talking about the same two-faced piece of shit that keeps advocating towards mostly alt-right positions but says that "he hates when neo-nazis contact him on twitter", and he responds to them by spamming black dicks and interracial porn to them on his twitter responses.

Don't forget he's a liberal :-)

This is not a safe space here OP


one of those "dude muslims lmao sweden rape amirite" youtubers


Aren't you the one complaining about differenct viewpoints though?
>that pic


sargon is a genuinely stupid person whos just really good at talking. His argument are often illogical and disjointed

He's essentially the ultimate contrarian snowflake.

That was from quite a while ago and he didn't say anything like "I beat my kid/s when they do something (I consider) wrong" he said "..when they refuse to listen to reason or do as their told to their own benifit"
While I would agree restraining the child and causing minimal pain and simply... incapacitate, I suppose. That would be a better alternative but the Sargon in that video is not the Sargon of 2017 who wants Theresa May in power over Corbyn

sargon is a cuck lol

That's nice... What else?


Right, he's just friends with Milo but that's a coincidence.

Basically... He's a twat

Not so much compared to people like Paul Josep Whoreson


This is the first time a "daily" reminder is actually posted daily

I try.

Why has Sup Forums gone really leftist all of a sudden? The fuck is going on?

He posted a link, scroll up, my dude

Sup Forums is home to many peoples and opinions, not just alt right kekistani

not my kids not my problem

>really leftist
Sorry to disturb your safe space.

What did he mean by this?

You know how people used to joke about Sup Forums being taken over by normies?

It actually got taken over by normies.

I think Sargon isn't wrong. How is it that all of the eye witnesses at/ and around the pentagon have the same story... a story that contradicts the official narrative.

9/11 was an INSIDE JOB!!!

He's mates with Milo? The literal sexist? I can call him a faggot because I like dick as much as SJW

As much as SJWs like making up genders

>Milo? The literal sexist?
Libtards get out.

No, you're just not changing as Sup Forums has

Well fuck. Who is going to laugh at my ironic shitposting now?

Don't compare me to people who make up magic genders and call themselves REAL DRAGONS

you have yet to prove he's sexist cuck

I prefer to communicate with people whose IQ exceeds their range of known insults but he spends the majority of his time insulting women as you can see on his Twitter or just clips of him being a regular cunt all over the internet

Convinient you didn't post any examples.

Yes, I believe I know what you are saying. You don't have to keep repeating yourself. My Nigger.


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