
Why do black people have such a problem with Trump anyway? Did he even say something about black people?

They would actually profit from stopping low-wage immigration and outsourcing.

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They're dumb as bricks, and will do anything or hate anyone that they are told to hate.

>implying niggers can think properly

monkeys associate republicans with taking away their social welfare.

monkeys will always be monkeys

Does Trump really need the nigger vote?

This dude should defend himself if attacked. He has every right to.


He's the biggest cuck himself. It's not like he's a real trump supporter. Wouldn't be surprised if he was okay with what people did considering he doesn't support trump.

He's not a Trump supporter. He's some ignorant fucking moron trying to get views on jewtube.

That entire video is basically ignorant idiots attacking an idiot strawman.

I;m sure your out there making the refugees feel unwelcome right?

He's done a few things like not immediately distancing himself from David Duke and retweeting fake crime stats, but mainly because of BLM.



Granted, this was back in March.

new yorkers are fuckin retards. get on that subway for 5 minutes and you'll see some of the most disgusting monkey behavior in your life.

he totally distanced himself though. instantly. it was drummed up by the media

Won't bother to look up whether this is true or not (doubt it tbqh), what matters is that he was perceived as and is now thought of as only distancing himself from Duke when their relationship became a liability.

"I won't bother to look up whether this is true or not."

AKA I am a lazy nigger desu senpai baka 100

They know instinctually that the government wont extort the wealth of white people and redistribute it to them anymore if Trump gets to the White House.

you're giving these apes too much credit. they will not research their politicians. All they do is stare at a TV and believe everything

Black people are taught from birth that everything they don't like is racist.
The media tells them Donald Trump is racist.
Therefore Trump must be something they dislike in their mind.

Yeah this vid is 100% realz

>Won't bother to look up whether this is true

Pretending to have intelligent conversation

>retweeting fake crime stats

No the media ignored those posts because
A.) they were just the numbers of San Francisco
B.) were above the nation averages by only 1-2% in each catagory listed

How the fuck do you think people would view Black people if all the media outlets went "You see Trump was wrong with his Stats, Black on black Violence only kills 90% of Black people instead of the 92% he tweeted"

They buried it.

both of those are wrong. the source was fake and the black on white crime was inverted