It's happening

It's happening

Brussels right now. Any know more?

Other urls found in this thread:

train station exploded but it happened few mins ago so you gotta wait for info

20 minutes, 2 blocks down, 30 minutes, 1 block, 45 minutes, exploit

Bump nigga


they got him already, amateur hour

literally nothing

Damn niggers

did he even manage to kill something ?
it was a suicide bomber but police says theyve shot him

>literally looks like a garbage can on fire

to be honest belgian special forces retaliate like terminators if you piss em off


only dead one is the bomber himself.

m o n k e y s

Waiting for information?
Must be a muslim.

The only person he killed or harmed was himself.

half hour away from where i live, why didn't i know this shit was going down?

ya some goatfucker suicide bomber tried to hit but thanks to police reflex he got massacrated and no casualties in humans

need a link

have a dutch link

Yea, the Belgians have this fixation on not being confused with the French. The Dutch also have it, except they are obsessed with people confusing them with the Germans instead. It's fucking hard to blame them either, because no one decent wants to be mistaken as a coward and/or a Nazi.

Go read up what Julius Caesar said about us, we don't need no nazies or french pussies

No kill

lol what a loser