Would it be worth it to get into a relationship with a chick who is probably crazy?

Would it be worth it to get into a relationship with a chick who is probably crazy?

any stories?

Don't get in a relationship. It will end badly. Just be fuck buddies. Best bet for ya.



Do it the sex is amazing and the relationship can be perfect but when it comes time to leave her....good luck

hi there used to be a website where people would post videos or photos of there ex girlfriends naked or having sex ect i can't seem to remember what it was called can somebody help?

Meh I dated a chick who was fucking insane. I'm talking tried to throw herself out of my car while doing 45 mph insane.

HOWEVER. I did pretty much what ever I wanted to do with her sexually. Fisted her, anal, ass to mouth, throat fucked. Filmed a good bit of it too. The whole 9 yards. Had her talked into a 3 way but never got to it since I dumped her.

The sex was awesome, would do it again if I weren't married.

never stick your dick in crazy

But they're all crazy tho

it could easily be your last time

Found the fag

user, I only hope you are not talking about my ex. Listen to this advice, although we all know you won't: don't do it.
You are asking because the girl is hot or appealing in some other sexual way, otherwise you wouldn't even picture dating her, and at some point your lust will make decisions for you

Found the other fag

Crazy chicks are the best fucks, but, hey, they crazy.

I've done some things that cause of this I wasn't able to sleep in nights. I really want to kill myself a lot of times. I have nothing in life. I just want to end it all, I really don't know why I'm alive. A lot of times in my head in public places I think how i would kill all of those people are around me and I start laughing so so so hard. I think someday I will do something to someone. I also wish that someday someone hit me on the face cause I would be able to smash him hit him destroy all her face into the ground as a " self defense " also I thinked to kill all my family before. I never hurt someone I never argue nothing clearly I never argue my bully enemies also i never cried on a funeral weathever if that was or no family, while all my family screaming me "OH MY GOSH CAN YOU JUST CRY PLEASE!!!". I just want to hurt a lot of people before I die .

Ex wife is crazy. One of two people on the planet I had just cause to shoot. 0/10 do not recommend

>any stories?

NOT worth it
THIS. make it clear from the beginning.

Not true. Had such a relationship, ended badly.

I have too much experience with crazy girls.
And just to be sure, I will never date a girl again that isnt virgin.

Listen to me Sup Forumsro. I married crazy. Pussy runs out. Crazy never does. Even after a divorce, she didn't go away, bee-yatch kept coming back with all her problems and bool sheet. Finally, she went nuts at work and her mama had to put her in an institution. That was years ago and she still crazy. Quit coming after me since I moved far, far away. Pussy aint worth the long term hassles.

thanks for sharing


please try to get people that deserve it. NOT ALL DO

I would rather be with a crazy chick that can wield a hammer when the shit hits the fan. People will riot and rape and kill and you need a second buddy to watch the backdoor for SEALs.

Yeah, once i've been with a chick whose dad was sick so she was always emotionally unstable af. Chances are that if the girl or boy is in a difficult time in life, things will end up badly, as they did in my case. She cheated right in front of me at a party and started crying right after. Stay away from crazy girls or guys.


wouldn't have expected that. thought crazy chicks were inhumanly loyal

Every woman is fucking crazy,thats how a woman is. You will alllways have good times and times when a single stupid fucking comment or action will trigger an unreasonable monster that you need to handle in order to keep the relationship and that is a fucking bother. But again thats woman, in exchange for that we fuck them, get their blowjobs and eat their cooks.

Perhaps just make sure that the level of crazyness does not imply suicide/killing you at some point in that case get the fcuk out, but otherwise I think you should not put that into the equation for deciding whether to get into the relationship or not.

I dont have a huge experience, but i can say out of 8-10 more or less serious relationships I had all of them involved the girl being fucking crazy at timess, different stuff and personalities but you dont avoid it.

Anyway good luck with watever u decide bro.


once you're there it's too late and you're fucked op

all of us are batshit. good luck.

Never stick your dick in crazy

Currently in a "relationship " with one. Best head and great in bed. I like selling her a dream of settling down and raising a family but I do it just to see how far I can push her. I like seeing her cry and how long she can ghost me before running back. First chick I ever got to cut herself. Don t know why but I derive enjoyment from her misery. But yeah, don't breed, just enjoy.

how to fix this photo?

No one is inhumanly loyal. Shit happens.

Burn it

Just... Just don't. Never stick your dick in crazy. Hell, even coming close to that can cause you harm.

It's like rolling the dice. You might get that crazy chick that can realize it's just sex, be the most wild and fun pussy you've ever had and be fuck buddies from then on... or the fuckin lunatic that blows up your cell, stalks you, tries to get to know your friends and stalk and follow you through them once you boot her psychotic ass.

Worst case scenario for me, was she started fucking one of my friends and turned him against me. Then when he realized she was nuts, she came after me with a knife. Restraining order filed and she broke it once even.

Fuck no. Once you realise the scale of your fuckup it'll be too late. Crazy bitches don't take breakups well. As in YOU cannot break up with them. Crazy bitches = -5/10, avoid

Nice try FBI

is so bright

i guess you could use paint to turn down the brightness i don't know im on the god like mac pc

I got one.

>be a junior in high school, just transferred to new school
>get put into the same german class as this fatass blonde weeb
>annoying but her tits are huge though and she's loose enough to let me touch em
>ask her out, she says yes
>start going to her house after school, meet her family
>they're poor but they're really nice, have me over every day.
>over the course of a year, I become a part of a family that's not my own.
>feeling is indescribable. genuinely start to love these people
>the girl, however... not so much
>shes more of a weeb than I thought she was.
>katana collection
>pocket knife collection
>vidya gremlin
>disgusting room and even grosser eating/cleaning habits
>never cuts her nails and refers to them as "claws"
>we wrestle sometimes because I get to feel her up while we do, but she starts to bite me
>tell her to stop, but she does it more and more often. gets off on me fighting back and telling her no
>leaves huge ass hickeys, bite marks, scars all over my face and chest that I can't explain to my parents or teachers
>starts to actually punch me, kick me in the balls, etc
>get fed up and threaten to break it off if she doesn't stop that shit.
>goes ballistic
>locks herself in the bathroom, screaming and crying as her mom tries to get her out
>her moms boyfriend and I chill in the front room until she comes out
>dude is cool. knows that is gfs daughter is an annoying bitch
>when she finally comes out, she locks the door to her room
>cruddy lock, easily able to get in with my ID card
>shes sitting alone in the dark as I try to talk to her
>as I manage to cheer her up, her mom calls me out in to the hallway
>hey, user? can you come out here, please? I need to have a word with you."
>shrug, go out to see what she wants.
>gets in my face and says;
>"you know I could kill you if I wanted to, right?"

Nodded, went back into the room, broke up with gf and went home. Don't do crazy, user. It's never worth it.

It's a mixed bag. Last one I was with lasted 7 months. She was fine when she took her meds, but utterly incapable of functioning as a person otherwise. She'd get near to the end of her meds, and not get a refill, spend the next week freaking out over everything, break down constantly, and cry over everything until I convinced her to get her refill. The sex was great of course, but because she was crazy and fucking hot, I had to put up with everyone trying to get with her, her friends, my friends, any place she worked. The moment she put her FB status to single her phone basically exploded, every person came out of the woodworks to give her the sympathy line and try to get with her. Even before that it was a constant fight of having to get her off her fucking phone when we were out doing shit together.

all chicks

Dated a Bi-Polar chick for 2 years. She was hot, but an ex-drug abuser as well.
Was pretty great for like 6 months, then she let her more crazier half show more and more. Would be completely angry over nothing. Would always complain about her family, then rage out that I didn't console her, or react, in the way she thought I should.
Would always say I owe her money for X reasons.
Would barely sleep and see shadow people.
Would never get off of instagram, and constantly fantasize about becoming an Instagram Model, or personality.
would say that I beat her, and try to make me own up to it -to which I would say, "you're a crazy fucking bitch." and ignore her, so she would threaten to leave.
Never would get a job.

The list goes on and on. One day she just disappeared on me and started spreading to everyone that I was some abusive, horrible dude. It made me feel shitty at first, but it's actually extremely relieving. Now I'm with a girl that is in College, and doesn't have any mental issues (aside from general womanly stuff)

Don't fucking do it.

Pic: Not her but looks a lot like her.

It depends really if you are searching for real bitter sweet love and drama than a crazy chick is perfect for ya. Crazy love (grills with borderline, anxiety and shit like that) if fully developed is a roller coaster of the highest emotions out there. im talking about: way beyond your best mdma trip. Its a state where death doesnt matter, just fullfilling the other ones needs and getting that high love spike. If you want to bond for life than go ahead and be warned. If you just want to fuck up another life, see how she cuts herself infront of you and texts you at 3 am that shes standing on a building and will jump in a sec. That well do it too for the giggles if youre tough enough

I am just some user guy what can i even tell you to do?

I met my wife in a psych ward, she's totally loyal and submissive. She'd cut off her hand if I told her to.

Been married for a while, things seem to be going all right.

what the actual fuck

Ew. Stop.

I dated a psychopath and, long story short, great in bed; don't fall in love.

u will get a crazy fuck but in the end it didnt work. Just use your single time or a special realationship to tage that experiences...

I was in a relationship with a borderline girl from Sup Forums for a couple of years. Sex was really good and frequent. I had the best orgasms of my life with her and haven't had any nearly as good since. We also had all of our retarded nerdy interests in common so spending time together during the honeymoon phase was a blast.

She cheated on me more than once, left permanent damage all around my home, flirted with my friends, refused to meet my family, kept me away from my friends, refused to lift a finger around the house, wasted tons of money, was a loud and obnoxious radical anti-male SJW and proud bitch.

Overall I still gained from the experience. I was a depressed thirsty virgin before and now I don't care about sex or women anymore and I'm enjoying life by myself. If I had known what I know now I would have never ever gotten into that mess though.

Thats the same i get :D!

thanks for your two cents

You're thinking of crazy chicks in anime. Yandere is the polar opposite of real life.

If you're crazy sure go ahead if you're an idiot you will any ways, Protip all
females are crazy even smart doctor ladies, Especially smart doctor ladies.

Sure, but only if they're hot or if you're more mentally unstable


could you elaborate?


100% true story, i dont give a fuck not greentexting its not meant to jack off just the fucking truth

I dated a borderline personality girl for about a fucking year, AMAZING sex, fucking crazy in bed, and hot as fuck (Pic related)

As soon as i crossed her in any fucking way, she would build up inside and at some point exploded, but i didnt see it she just did stupid stuff like mix my sugar with my salt, break my phono needle, fucking sucking a dude she knew just to get back at me because i forgot to call her or something.

At some point she told me she would like to suck dicks off craigslist for a little side money??? Wtf she came from a rich family, she is rich and im doing pretty fucking good too.



This a thousand times

you and
have changed my mind.
gave me some hope but it still seems like a long shot


The only good thing that came off this relation are the pics i kept, other then that stay the fuck away

Fuck her, wear a rubber, take pics it will be amazing, never get involved emetionally, fucking crazy bitches.

Fucking NO.
I've dated 2 borderlines, amazing sex but they ruined my life, now i have depression.

No relationships with them if you have anything they want. Hell I'm only 19 but family has money. Once I told her we should stop talking. Next night. She's saying that she's Prego. I got mad and she got a test. False. BESIDES I NEVER CAME BITCH

When I was 26 I started banging a Filipina chick who had JUST turned 18 and graduated high school. She moved into my apartment pretty quickly and would wear nothing but her high school gym shorts with the football team mascot on them to bed. She was a black belt and had the body to go along with it.

At first things were OK but they quickly got weird. Then semi-violent. She started accusing me of things that were absolutely paranoid and bizarre. Her mood would be all over the place. I finally kicked her out.

Then a year later I found out she had been homeless afterward until hwr family found her and put her in a hospital. I saw her again and she was saying that she had met God and aliens would talk to her.

Too bad. The sex was so hot. But ultimately... not worth it.

A very high percentage of women in real life have emotional and mental issues to some extent that stem from childhood abuse or early introduction to sex. Getting molested or experiencing sex at a young age messes women up for life and it happens a lot more frequently than you would think. The most common types of crazy you run into in the wild are actually extremely egocentric and desensitized to romance and sex. Attractive yet clingy and virginal women don't exist in real life because they either get diddled and automatically grow into turbosluts or they are spared and get engaged to Chad right out of highschool.

Girls with borderline actually experience emotions very intensely so they "fall in love" fast and can appear very empathic. They can make you feel amazing because of how into you they are and how strong they come on, but it's all selfish on their part. They only care about their own feelings and just want as much attention and validation as possible but they don't care where it comes from. Quantity over quality. They don't respect you as a person and your opinions or feelings have no value to them. When I was dating my ex, whenever we went somewhere together she would constantly talk about her previous boyfriends and how she did the same thing before with them. She would even go into detail about the sex she had with other guys. At one point, she just flat out hooked up with a guy from okcupid while we were still dating. She casually told me about it like it was nothing.

If you want fiercely loyal, you actually want a sane girl with common sense and real empathy and kindness.

Meant to reply to

Samefag here. Thought about it.

It was worth it.

crazy like yuno gasai, my favourite anime character X3

Define crazy.


In any case:

If crazy fun and all around great to hang around, but with fucked up ideas and daddy issues...

Still no.

i get it... i think
is right about how its not that they don't love, it's that they cant.
then you're still right about the "fuck it, do it"

heres a story OP

23 now, there was this chick who has been messaging me for 3 straight months every 2 or so days with messages "hi", "how are you", "are you doing fine", yada yada. One day randomly i brought that shit during a convo i had with a friend on facebook and he said "yeah dude, go for it, whats the worst that could happen" and hoo boy was i wrong, let me green test what happend next my dudes
>chat with her regularly
>notice something was off about her
>tell her yo im into you too gurl
>she starts spamming that shy face on facebook (bleh!)
some time passes by
>start hamming up romanic shit
>shes really into it
>tell her "yo i want you to b my gurl"
>ask her to meet up (jesus)
at the bus station, and heres what i saw
>4'5 feet, she could pass as a 12 year old in height
>nappy curly hair
>crazy eyes
>clothes obviously from 10 years ago
(o jesus what have i done)
>go out on a date
>doesnt mutter a word, kinda twerling her hair and laughing randomly as i talk
>go to her place (because i dont want to fuck up)
>kiss passionately
>have sex multiple times (yikes!)
next morning
>get 40 texts (not kidding) a day from her
>"i want to marry you and have babies with you"
>get creeped out
>ignore her for a couple of days
>she starts texting people from my tagged pictures on facebook, asking me if im dead or something
>tell them to fuck her off
>next day
>she doxes my parents
>sent like 23 messages to my parents
>my parents dont know what is going on, havent seen them in 2 years
this was april, still trying to get her off me

trust me crazy is not something you want, believe me

The sex can be great but you'll regret it sooner rather than later. The crazy doesnt show until after you want to break up

you described her decently, but what does she look like? like her face?

like a happier dracula with fuller lips

Especially if they're borderline.
Not trying to offend, but the at the heart of the disorder is developmental arrest, lack of being able to truely love and compassion.
They're dependant on drama and do whatever it takes to ruin their own situations, accepting no fault.

I fell in love with one, became engaged and moved to Houston six months ago to live with her. I gave her all the energy and love I had, and helped her through a lot. But it turns out she cheated on me, and didn't stop or care about it until I proposed to her. To her she did nothing wrong, and I'm the awful one became I left the same day I found out, and didn't fight.

It's not worth the trouble. Don't become their toy. They're not your problem, and the only one that can do anything in their lives is them. Don't waste your compassion, don't invest in someone too self absorbed with their own issues to love you, because to a borderline, it's just four letter word that distracts them from the emptiness and neverending, crushing feeling of being defective.
But no one ever believes the warnings, I know I didn't.

Dunno it depends on your chic.

But I will tell ya how to deal with crazy. Treat her like shit. Make sure she's always below you in every way. Never ever give her the upper hand in anything. If she wants fucked don't do it. She fucks when you want to. Get her to open doors for ya and stuff.

Clearly you've never dated a crazy girl. It isn't worth it, fuck her and move the fuck on. Don't let her know where you work,live or your phone number.

Also, bring and use your own condom so she can't sabotage one and get herself pregnant to keep you around.

The sex is great, but that novelty wears off super fucking fast.


Trust me its not worth it.
One crazy chick I fucked started spreading rape rumors about me


I have plenty of personal accounts of why it isn't worth it, but I'm too damn lazy to recount them.

Just take my word for it.

This has been my experience as well but I lacked the wisdom at the time.

>bring and use your own condom
and STILL pull out.

been fucking crazy women for 24 years and still no kids :)


post more

This is still treading dangerous waters. I tried it once, told her multiple times that we're only fwb buy she kept wanting more ad to be the center of my attention. She's not in my life anymore

>I know I didn't

>lacked the wisdom at the time

Yep, same here. I used to see threads like this when I was a 25 yo kissless virgin and think to myself "these guys are just shallow and picky, I'd love a mentally ill gf forever and never give up on her"

Now I'm 3 years into the relationship and I just want out. She has cheated on me more than once but I didn't want to end it because I was stubborn to see it through and I like my inlaws and her friends a lot. Now that we live together I'm a constantly exhausted doormat. We still have great sex every night but I've lost contact with my parents who I used to see weekly, my friends have all but given up on me. I haven't played any video games in months. All I do is work, come home to a dump, fix dinner, clean, have sex and sleep. Meanwhile she keeps e-cucking me and draining my money but somehow she managed to keep me believing that she loves me.

I'm working up the courage to have the break-up talk now. I can't wait till my life settles down again. 18 year old me would have never believed what a pathetic cuck I grew up to be. At least it's been a learning experience.

Absolutely not. Not worth it.

Have crazy exwife
Cost me 10 good years of my life and had to start over from nothing because of her
Cost me half my sanity
Ruined my career, went from being an engineer to working a deadend job

0/10 Do not recommend

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

Pump and dump, sure. But never fall into the relationship trap with crazy chicks. They will lure you in with the hottest sex you've ever had but it's never worth it in the end. They are always more trouble than they're worth.

I'm so sorry for you brother.
I would say the best option is to leave as soon as possible, delete and block.
To try to talk with her would just be to feed her even more. She'll make more false promises, make you feel guilty and defective. Leave a note wishing them the best and know that you did an exceptional job.(But learn to respect yourself more) Your good will was wasted, and although they didn't deserve a lot of it, you did a good job. Know that, accept the pain that'll come and keep your life busy after a day or two of drinking. There are people who care about you, without twisted desires past the norm. And there are others that will love you from their hearts, not their plague.

NOOOOO user. NO! BAD user!!
>date friend
>had mental problems
>depression, anxiety etc.
>oh well i know how to deal with her and help her calm down
>she regurlarly abused me physically and verbally
>couldn't do anything bc she literally gave herself a black eye and said if i say anything shell pin it on me
>literally feared for my life
>also threatened to kill herself if i left her
>"im not goind down alone" she said
>only way we broke up is because she tried kill herself and ended in a mental hospital
DONT DO IT YOU FUCKIMG DUMB SHIT, women can get away with so much more. And they are patient. Theh will wait till you sleep, till you let yoir guard down. They will wait months if necessary. DONT DO IT

Just don't do it, it's not worth it.

When i was 20 i met a girl which 3 months into dating suggested a trip only the two of us, she started flirting in front of me with some dude (i forgave her at the time because she told me she had cancer and was going to die in one year [months later she told me she did that because she wanted to look cool or some other insecurity-based bullshit]). She often mixed up things like "you don't answer me in time - then i go out and get passed out in some random 'friend' house". She left me, roughly, 50 times. Talking back to me a few hours after she said she'll never talk to me again (she left me for stupid shit like not letting she cut my hair or not wanting to get engaged at 4 months into the relationship [at this time i was still thinking i was a fucking cuck back from the trip thing, still hoping she'd had some explanation]).

She was bulimic, she once pretender to have killed herself the first time i attempted to leave her (when i finally put all the pieces together and found out she wasn't going to die of cancer and told her). She gave me an apology about lying about dying of cancer 4 fucking months later.

6 months in she started to say that if i saw my friends she'll stop talking to me. And reaching the end of the relationship (18 months) she went out a full weekend with her friends, from friday to sunday. By that time i was just fed up, asked her for an explanation, obviously didn't got more than excuses and shittalk about how sometimes i want to do my things and not be with her, not even a fucking apology for not letting me see my friends in a whole year. I blocked every way of communication with her and that was it.

Again it's not worth it. Those people don't recognize you as an equal. You won't get their respect. There whores will fuck your head and if you come back they'll act like nothing happened. They'll avoid ANY form of responsability over their acts, infurating you until the point of no return.

Stop copy pasting this in threads faggot

not worth it bro. I spent 7ish years with a crazy chick and it almost killed me literally. cheating and screaming are always on the edge of your mind. It's fucked up my ability to function in a normal relationship. On teh upside, I got to do ALL of my seriously fucked up sexual things to her. Holy SHIT it was depraved, but still not worth it. I left her so many times but always got sucked back in. Only escaped because she moved thank fuck

done it few times and it was always a big mistake and waste of time
find someone who deserves to do something for her

A borderline girl led me on, I literally fell for her, she was a ten in my books, has so much in common but I don't think she ever wanted anything to do with me in a serous way, shit fucked me up, especially seen her flirt with a friend right infront of me.

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Do it but don't invest yourself
if she's crazy she will likely cheat or fuck you up somehow
so if you get into the relationship not giving a fuck, then you can get all the sex you need, when she leaves or whatever it doesn't bother you