Muslims are a plague on the world. Prove me wrong

Muslims are a plague on the world. Prove me wrong.

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I can't

Dubs confirm

I can't


Crazy people plague the world.
There are plenty of sane Muslims who are good people. There are crazy people in almost every denomination you can think of.

There's just some percent of the population that are a problem. They should be caught early, in school so they can get help early before they are dangerous.

You don't think there are dangerous Christians?

Or atheists for that matter?

prove they are first

There no plague they are an incurable cancer (plagues can be cured)

the world is a plague the muslims are helping cancer cull the humans, it's only natural you're here to bitch about it

Most muslims are crazy though. Can't say the same about any other group.

Christianity doesn't promote violence or dishonesty, it promotes forgiveness. Islam promotes violence and dishonesty and justified it with self entitlement.

I've read the bible and the Quran. Islam translates to submission did you know that? Ghandi was part of the real religion of peace and it's called Jainism. Islam is a degenerate guide book on how to fuck your first cousin and believe in an anti semetic pedophile

If you become a Muslim and then decide to leave Islam, you will be killed. The penalty for apostate is death


For example a MAJORITY says that Sharia law should rule the land.


I certainly don't know ANY christians in recent history who beheaded someone because of their religious beliefs.

you are correct.

importing this pic from Sup Forums. this is the new allure cover.

At least they're not faggots like OP

ITT: the leftist mantra of false euquivalences

>dangerous christians radical/dangerous muslims >70%
from the world population

the Spanish Conquistadors certainly didn't baptize Aztec children then dash their heads open on rocks in the river to prevent them from falling into sin!

>destroyer of stereotypes
>wears a head scarf





>" recent history..."

learn to read you stupid idiot.


Nigger you think 70% of nearly 2bn people are radical? LOL


hw far back do you think human history goes? you do know there were people on the earth before 1492 right?


They don't so that anymore not have they for the last 100+ years.

Islamic countries still cut the clit off girls, still excecute homosexuals, still don't let women drive or do anything without a man or head veil, still kill you if you're a Muslim who is trying to leave Islam, and have you fucking seen the actual birth rate by incest in the Muslim world?

Inbreeding is a HUUUUGE Muslim problem. 70% of all Muslims in Pakistan for example are born of incest, sometimes the birth by incest tradition is maintained for up to 40 generations. 40 generations of inbreeding is going to produce retarded defective humans who grow up to have abysmally low IQ. Pretty much explains Islam. Google is your friend

i dont think, i know that. Look up the numbers from pew research. If you want a quick overview, here is your reality check:


Actually if you look at the number of Muslims who have been polled and asked about stuff like sharia, in first world countries mind you, yeah. It's the majority. Wake up and pay attention or stfu

You're not wrong, but not fully right either.

*religion in general is a plague on the world

they are. It's not a secret and supported by enough scientific studies that most muslims have very conservative, if not radical views.


timothy mcveigh
Seventh-day Adventist Church (the wako lot)
westboro baptist church
Eric & Dylan

Hey what do you know Christian nut jobs

All religions have a history of violence there is no such thing as a peaceful religion shit even the budists had warrior's

Inbreeding is a major problem in India too. My ex volunteered there for a while at a maternity clinic, first question they had to ask expectant parents was "how closely related are you". Turns out the families all arrange for the kids to marry their cousins. The arrangement is sometimes made even before the kids are conceived. There's been so many generations of cousin marriage now the babies are all being born with harlequin ichthyosis.

Don't do a google image search for that if you're eating right now.

imho if you start cracking down on muslims they'll get desperate and that is what isis wants. More desperate people makes an Islamic uprising more plausible

And is brown. Looks like a generic Syrian immigrant to me

Dear kid moron,

If 1/8 of the world population was radical, there would be more going on than a guy driving into a crowd once in a while. Go outside and make some friends.

Buddhists wouldn't attack anyone unless said people were doing really bad shit to Buddhists. In Myanmar for example the Muslims have moved in to the Buddhist majority area and have fucked everything up. Self entitled and demanding in their usual fashion, well the Buddhists don't take that shit. Muslims got violent so the Buddhists cracked down and started killing them.

Islam isn't even compatible woth fucking Buddhist societies. How much more proof do you need that it's a garbage religion and Muslims are inbred trash?

>inb4 no source

atheists are not a religious group

Superstitious people who act on their ignorant beliefs to manipulate the lives of children. Sounds exactly like what I hate about religion in general. Poor India

are you really that stupid?

Of course not all in christian history was peaceful. They were more than once the aggressor and did horrible things to themselves and to others. But listen, these times are over. Not one single christian kills for religious beliefs nowadays, which is of course a good thing. Muslims kill daily and get butthurt when they get backslashed.

I really don't understand the point you are trying to make.

You wouldn't have to deal with them if your governments weren't such power hungry institutions with no sense of cultural identity. They established a system in which women are socially and economically masculinized resulting in low birth rates and the solution to that is wars and mass-immigration. Blame no one else but yourself for this mess.

Atheism is technically a religion. It's a system of beliefs in the opposite direction of theism ofc. There are even atheists churches. Deal with it

Reality check, there was no problem before the jews told us we had to go fight their wars for them in the middle east. The jew media tells us to go to Iraq, the jew is too weak to fight their own battles. So american soldiers die for the jew. Then the sandniggers blame us for shitting on their country.

The jew is the root cause of the islamic problem. Fucking educate yourselves and stop getting your "facts" from the jew television and the jew newspapers.

not a single one??? dude they still murder homosexuals and kill thieves when they can, get over hte issue that you cant google it but that shit still ocurrs and not just in 3 yrd world countries, holy shit that was dumbass remark

Islam is not compatible with civilization.

muslims are an illness to society and they absolutely deserved to be outcasts, Have you seen christian or catholic counties taking up arms?


You know that's Hindu right?

Can't tell if troll, stupid, or both.

It is a numbers game. There are several hundred million people in the world who believe that death is appropriate to those who insult Islam or Mohammad.

No one worries about the Christian, Buddhist, or Jewish suicide bomber.

How ignorant can you be?

You know there are terror attacks in other parts in the world? In fact, the majority of terror attacks occur in countries with muslim majority.

Of course not every incident whith religious background is portrayed by western media, because it's simply not large scale enough. They barely mention big terror attacks in Iraq or Afghanistan.
You don't seem to know how many people are lynched daily in muslim countries because they had more liberal views. Take a look at local news in Pakistan or Indonesia for example and you will understand what I mean.

Islam is the problem, not Muslims.
It is the ideology that should be targeted.

I wouldn't mind so much if they'd shave once in a fucking while

On half the planet you get beheaded for wearing the wrong clothes, having the wrong hair, or listening to the wrong music. Only Western culture doesn't take itself seriously and is so fucking delusional to think that no one else does either.



That's my point. Wherever Islam goes, the bar is lowered across the board and progress is destroyed. Islam is regressive just like postmodernism which enables it. It's aids on civilization

That guy you are replying to was obviously asphyxiated of oxygen at birth with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. The lack of oxygen for the first 2.5 minutes of his life resulted in stunted brain growth and thus his slightly-retarded outlook on things. Also I'm assuming his mother drank red wine while pregnant with him because those are the only scenarios that explain why he believes whatever it is he is trying to convince us.

Muslims were once useful when they promoted science and technology. Since then nothing made of note..,. see wikipedia /wiki/Science_in_the_medieval_Islamic_world

>murder homosexuals, kill thieves

Where in the west does this occur if I may ask?

extremists are a plague on the world

I see what you're doing there.

I thought everyone knew this. Google "rothschild cartoon", see how back their insidious influence goes

well said

>There are plenty of sane Muslims who are good people.

Those "good" people are just like any other "good" religious person residing in western countries.

...until their backs are against the wall, and the violence happens.

Sharia Law is part of the Muslim faith. The simple fact that if one thing is done against that belief they can kill those who defy them.

You don't need to be in ISIS, Al Queda, or any other 'extremist' faction.....Muslims are indoctrinated to kill any who oppose them. Whether it's by beheading, or crushing their daughter's head in with a brick because she shook hands with a white-boy in a western school.

The problem with Muslims, is the same with any other religious ideology, even Christianity. Old and archaic ways of life colliding with the new world and new ways of thinking. That there is no room for these ideas as humanity moves on. And these religious institutions are fighting tooth and nail to stay relevant, while these faiths fight each other as well.

You inbred mongrel of a dog obviously did not read the part about "recent history". It is absolutely pathetic that Muslims are 1,000 years behind the times.

Remind me how many Muslim Nobel Prize winners in the sciences there are?

>you probably have never heard of me

Why would they try to be "compatible" when they can simply take over your entiry civilization within a few generations? Why would they even want to be part of your dying culture? Obviously they don't want their sons to be gay, daughters to be SJW's that will never have children etc. It's completely reasonable for them not to assimilate.


They are more than plaque...they are cancer.

Nothing they do is praiseworthy

Actually, most Muslims are very decent and likeable people. ISLAM, on the other hand, is a social cancer. Especially the Wahhabi/Salafi kind.

>Islamic science

maybe you missed this post

I and my family are migrants from Russia to France and yet we don't like muslims

Plague on the western world maybe, did anybody ever think maybe Islam is the next stage in human Evolution, like it was meant to happen? Time will tell

>migrants from Russia

so, jews then

look at Christianity, they aren't violent and shit even if their religion is/was really fucked up
you just have to get the religious to subscribe to secular ideas and they stop fucking shit up, doesn't matter if they're Muslim

I wish I was


why does the video only show girls and an old man?

Cousins marry cousins to keep the wealth in the family. 3% of Muslim immigrants in the UK have 18% of the birth defects.

brb, gettin married

How about the attacks that happened just this year alone?

Yeah. That's the difference.

and 100% of the retards

I agree. Thing is, there's a major difference between Christianity and Islam. The bible basically gives The Ten Commandments ("don't kill, don't steal" etc.), a subtle guideline on how to live a peaceful live. The Quran, on the other hand, gives detailed descriptions on how to live your life ("how to deal with non-muslims, what do if somebody insults your religion, what to wear, when to eat" etc.). And there lays the main problem. Christianity went with (western) social developments, Islam did not. It stayed the same for hundreds of years and is not likely to change significantly.


Despite the Bible telling people to stone and kill, Jews and Christians today do not. It is only the Muslims who hold true to a barbaric practice of millennia ago.

Hey, stick your head in the sand all you want. Immigration is a big part of this too. They colonize.

Countries that have been neutral for centuries have been brutalized by this evil.




Alpha as fuck.

A good reason not to allow Muslims into the west. Stay in your own backward and evil countries, and blow yourselves up because some of you have a slightly different interpretation of the religion of suicide bombers.

you realize shootings happen in America all the time but you only heard about it when it's Muslim related(Attacker or victim)

Well yeah but like niggers it's like a 90% ratio of bad to good. I have no problem with sensible people but the main problem is MOST muslims are bad so you're being a little bitch focusing on the tiny minority that aren't complete savages. And you're ignoring their effect on the real world we are all forced to live in.

Please can we just nuke this planet to death and then there will be nobody left to make it suck. Fuck it.

I can't prove you wrong about Muslims. But you are wrong about one aspect.

It's not just them; ALL religions are a plague.
They ALL need to go.