Re-watching Interstellar again. Can't hardly stand it but giving it a shot...

Re-watching Interstellar again. Can't hardly stand it but giving it a shot. Come at the part where they encounter the black hole. Is actually bright as shit. Dropped harder than it's gravitational pull. I'm supposed to believe this shit?

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It's an accretion disk formed by the swallowing of another star.

Fucking idiot
Read this book and shut up please.

>There is a moment-

Initiating Spin!

>black hole pulls in stars from light years away and destroys them
>there are three stable planets in orbit around it that are not being torn apart and fried from the radiation

You can have a stable orbit around the black hole

No you can't. It would rip them apart.

What about everything in our galaxy? That's orbiting a black hole you dumb faggot.

>Can't hardly stand it

literal retard

>watching science propaganda

>t. christian faggot

>black hole
>it's actually disk and circle

And we are being ripped apart, just very slowly. That's why people only live up to 100 yrs old.

>No you can't. It would rip them apart.

>very slowly

>black hole
>it's a sphere surrounded by light
And Nolan keeps getting away with it.

Because it's orbiting a supermassive blackhole. A regular black hole would tear shit up son.

Even scientists agree this movie was nonsense.

>clickbait article on pop "science" website

like most movies

>someone with autism doesn't enjoy something where you have to suspend disbelief
surprise surprise

based Krauss. He's good friends with Kip Thorne and hates what it did with his name attached to it.

lol what a fucking faggot.

Didn't realize there were so many astrophysicists on Sup Forums.

okay I'll read this book and get back to you


We have Wikipedia, motherfucker.

Blackholes have exactly as much gravitational pull as whatever they were made of prior to being a black hole, it's just concentrated in a singularity with an event horizon.

If the sun became a black hole today the earths orbit would be completely unaffected

The sun isn't massive enough to become a black hole anyway. So yeah a regular one would still do a lot of damage if it would appear in our solar system.

Black holes don't just randomly appear.

depends on how close it came to earth
a singularity has significantly less mass than the start is resulted from due to a star losing most of its mass to the wolf-rayet stage and the following supernova

if it simply passed through the oort cloud it wouldn't disturb the orbits of the planets in the slightest and the only notable effect would be the destabilization of the various oort cloud objects resulting in a significant increase in close approach comets and perhaps a few impacts with several planets (mostly jupiter and saturn)

Of course i don't mean that it would 'randomly' appear. Just stating if hypothetically there would be one in our solar system. Shit will get rekt yo.

it's a good trick.

kek, I shall use this line one day

Incorrect. In fact, the science in this movie directly correlates with accepted astrophysics, and was 100% vetted in its script phase. You tryhard haters will say anything.

>suspend disbelief
you certainly need to to think there was any accurate science in interstellar

2001 is superior in every way no fedora. I was hoping Interstellar would be a simpler mobie with a bunch of rad planets and maybe even some ayy lmaos. Instead it tried it hardest to be deep, even if it meant the climax had to revolve around some girl walking around her bedroom. Crazy amounts of quasi-science nonsense too. "Gravity is the only element that can pass through the 4th dimension" or whatever the hell it was

T-thats not why...

satan pls I know that's how you get around.

Gravity having extradimensional properties is one of the current plausible theories though

But it's impossible!

It's mostly right but him surviving inside the event horizon

it's necessary!

I rather thought it was because most of the non-stem cells having a limited number of divisions because of telomere shortening.

Thought you quoted my other post.

Him surviving or not surviving is 100% theoretical, though. Given that, for the purposes of the story, it's perfectly fine. And at least they did their due diligence as far as replicating what that transition would look like should you actually make it.

I'm sorry, were you triggered?

>Sup Forums
I doubt there are 2 crossposters

dunno how serious you are but that entire scene was a massive homage to the Gemini 8 mission in which Neil Armstrong perform a very similar maneuver.
It was one of the reasons he was selected as commander for the Apollo 11 mission.

in string theory yes and pancake multidimensional theory. But it doesn't have extra dimensional properties of the 4th dimension, which is time. General Relativity makes gravity work at the speed of light

It's a fantastic story about love, very optimistic and hopeful. Director literally subverting himself in it.

Easily Nolan's best, and most ambitious film. Nothing in his filmography comes even close to this.

In movies, they literally hire people to roleplay other people. What nerds. Then people think it's actually real. Fucking retards. And get this, when you see a spaceshuttle flying through space in a movie. It's not actually flying and there's no spaceshuttle. Don't believe check www (dot) spacemoviesdebunked (dot) com

What, exactly, is your gorilla grammar post trying to say?

This guy gets it.

You can survive going through an event horizon if the black hole is massive enough. If so the gravitational gradient isnt as steep and won't pull you apart until you get closer to the center.

>expecting people who browse Sup Forums to understand how science works

Why even bother explaining things to retards like OP

Can you not spoiler shit unnecessarily please, you obnoxious fuck? You spent your time to spoiler something with literally no slither of reasoning behind it, and it made me have to go to your post to see what you spoilered as I was reading replies.

Fuck you. I'd probably kill you in real life.

>this mad over literally words in a post on a board on a website

I think you need to turn your devices off and maybe go sit outside in the sun or go for a walk or something. Jesus.

Good luck. The movie is so over-rated it literally gives me a headache. Garbage.

not unless you have something called negative matter, which probably doesn't exist. Ever heard of spagettification?


>not unless you have something called negative matter, which probably doesn't exist. Ever heard of spagettification?
>I got all my knowledge of blackholes from television!

are you sure it wasn't your autism?

Spegettification occurs, but it isn't as severe at the event horizon as it is for smaller black holes. Standing on Earth theres a difference in the force of gravity on your head and feet. The difference is determined by the mass of the Earth and how far away you are from it. The same is true for black holes, and if they're large enough you can have the same negligent effect at the event horizon.

is this for real? did your mom do cocaine while you were growing in her uterus like the malignant cancer you are or you're just naturally retarded

Of all the things to be pissed at in the movie.

If you're watching movies for physical accuracy though you should probably stop. You might was well take those courses on "Science in the Marvel CU"

Sure but so would a super massive red giant if it just magically appeared. The point is that stable orbits around massive black holes are both possible and observed (with stars, granted, but planets can do it just fine too)

In fact with normal sized black holes there are actually *more* stable orbits than with the star that spawned it

If you even care one inch about the scientific mumbo jumbo in this film you've fallen to the trappings of pleb filter.

spagettification happens rapidly in small black holes and slowly in large. In a large black hole you theoretically wouldn't feel a large change as you pass the black hole. Unless, as OP pic shows you have an accretion disk that would cook you alive.

Not true at all. If the sun was replaced with a black hole of equal mass the orbits of the planets wouldn't change at all.

Typical Reddit retard. All you leftard morons treat your ignorance as a religion. If you watched at least one discovery documentary about space with black holes or read about it you would know what is that bright disk around the black hole.

Every single Reddit leftard should be hanged cause he is just a weight to the society.

>Fuck you. I'd probably kill you in real life.
>white people

Hence me saying that a regular black hole would fuck shit up. The sun can't become a black hole so we should rule that one out.

you're retarded. There is no such thing as a "regular" black hole and he's not saying the sun will become a black hole.

Yeah, he's right. How much damage the black hole would do is entirely depended on how much mass it has. i.e. the event horizon might only extended out to the orbit of Mercury

How about any fucking stellar body that has the mass to become a black hole will cause immense damage. It would tear planets from their orbits. Forget about the fucking sun already.

Fucking nerds. Who gives a shit if it's scientifically accurate, it's a popcorn flick ffs.

It wont necessarily tear planets from their orbits unless the orbits of the planets are within the event horizon

The intense gravitation pull of a black hole well exceeds it's event horizon. It's the reason why black holes have an accretion disk surrounding it because of all the matter which is being pulled towards it. It's gravitational pull doesn't just stop inside the event horizon.


Of course it extends beyond the event horizon, but it won't "suck" the planets it. Beyond the event horizon it acts as any other object with equivalent mass would act. The gravity beyond the event horizon generated by a black is the reason planets would stay in orbit around it.

Wouldn't the planets have been destroyed by the supernova that preceded the collapse of the star?

I'm not saying it sucks planets in but i feel that you're underestimating just how destructive they can be. If a black hole has no trouble pulling in gas and dust from a nearby star and essentially destroying something that massive it will have no trouble doing it the same to smaller bodies like Earth. I mean some accretion disk can be millions of miles wide.

>millions of miles
please use astronomical units, miles have no sensical meaning in space

Unless someone understands what an astronomical unit it in relation to miles, then using AUs would make no sense to them either.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

No, not true. THere is a point at which the tidal forces wills start tearing you to bits but that point is (depending on the size of the black hole) relatively close to it or rather inside it. You can orbit a black hole the same way you can any gravitational body. Black holes just have a muchmuchmuchmuchmuchmuch higher gravitational pull so that your orbital velocity must be much higher.

nigga, people understand what a mile is, they cannot comprehend what a million miles is like.

You're so right.




It really did since it seemed to teleport a couple times in the movie. Same with the Lithgrow, he teleported twice in the movie. Who edits this shit?

any massive object orbiting a red giant star will suck in its matter
in fact that's literally how type 1A supernova's happen: a white dwarf star orbiting a red giant sucks in its outer layers until it grows massive enough to undergo carbon fusion and eventually go supernova

they're extremely important to astronomy and as a direct result well studied

woops meant that for

Krauss is the worst "revenge of the nerds" lowlife to have ever existed.
He starts arguments with religious idiots who clearly won't agree with him no matter what he says. It's pathetic.

I don't know how accurate he is here, but it wasn't like Nolan made up the astrophysics himself.

All orbits decay user, ALL, either into the object or out. I just takes billions of years in some cases. That is because there is stuff in space and it causes drag and even if you somehow empty it, empty space itself will cause a slight drag due to virtual particles. So yes, all these things decay but at time lengths that can outlast stars, but won't outlast Black holes.

The type 1A supernova are between stars though, and the gravity they have causes intense drag via solar wind and ejection of masses. Eventually becoming so large as to start syphoning off enough mass from the star to the neutron star to cause the supernova.


he's post-unironically-shilling the irony of being a post-ironic retard

aka: retard

I bet he's denying the science because he hated the "love" part.
After years of secretly running through the equations in his mother's basement, he could never perfect the mathematical formula that would grant him love.
Interstellar re-opened some wounds for Krauss.