Saw this graffiti in a drainage pipe, does anyone have this thread by any chance?

Saw this graffiti in a drainage pipe, does anyone have this thread by any chance?


any anons rekkaniz this

Some local graffiti, saw it while I was exploring some tunnels.

no i mean what lead to this grafitti?
i wonder what this post was about


I'm not entirely sure what it was about, which is why I posted.

I'll bump it with some other graffiti I found in the same tunnel.



Feel the bump

hey i remember that thread that's the sewer cp thread

Wow really that crazy

It was thread that got like 10 replies, some camgirl who wanted attention.

yeah they had one boy with his ass up his own ass crazy

Do you still have pics?

no of course not sicko

A shame

Another bump with more graffiti I found

i do remember the posts tho, one was of another boy and his ass crasy huh

Yeah, it's also crazy to think that those boys are probably in college right now judging by the date

no 2010 wasnt that long ago and college is expensive

If those boys were both twelve they'll be in their second year of college and pretty much anyone can get a loan these days

Yet another bump with a view of the entrance to the tunnel

heres a representation of the ass going into ones ass, very metaphorical

as the cheeks slide in new ones formed. when ones ass gets fully engulfed, is it really gone? do we ever really loose anything?

Yeah, you probably lose will to live im guessing.