/b explain to me why do Europeans bitch about gun violence in the glorious US which comes from a right to defend...

/b explain to me why do Europeans bitch about gun violence in the glorious US which comes from a right to defend yourself while the whole continent is scared shit from terrorists because they openly invited a trillion Muslims from ISIS enabled countries. Free healthcare and equality doesn't help with dodging a truck.

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imagine if the terrorists had guns though

If its a muslim or a nigger its a public service. No true conservative would protest agaisnt these acts of heroism. Muslims and niggers arent people created by god.. They're abominations created by satan.

About that "free" health care. You do realise that money for our health comes from our taxes right? It's not free. Most of the people in here doesn't even use public health care because it's shit so we pay double. USA has the best health care in the world no wonder it's expensive.

This tbh. Ive seen a disturbing amount of fake conservatives defending the muzzies lately. The only option I see is genocide. We have to kill them all. The children should go first while the parents watch as a last ditch effort to convert them to Christianity and if they dont they will join their devilspawn in hell. Its the right thing to do even if it seems a bit mean.

Actually, it is less dangerous in Europe than it was in the 70-80's (with the IRA, Airplane hijack's, and much more shit like that) omnipresent shity news makes people believe it is such a danger.
Regarding that weird 'right to bare arms in the US', that is a very outdated law, coming form and age when people lived in the fucking middle of nowhere, so there where no sheriffs around. Also it was intended to defend oneself to corrupt government which was evolving at the time.. nowadays it has been beautifully framed for profit reasons, no one cares that US citizens like to spend their money on guns, and shoot each other as they believe it is their right

Also majority of Europeans are starting to realise that if they had a gun they could defend themselves. Right is starting to take over in Europe but from what I can see once glourious USA is leaning towards communism.

Wow someone actually has the balls to finally say what everyone thinks about. This is the only answer. This is why I voted for trump. We cant have these towel heads in the world blowing up buildings. If only our politicians would say this.

they seemed sane

Yes. You pay high taxes for unemployed and disabled while you are also waiting the line with them to see a shitty doctor who will give you bunch of pills for which you need to pay with 1/3 salaries compared to the US. And also when you get seriously ill you need to fly all across the EU to get the treatment which is no covered by the local healthcare models so good luck pull up the sleeves and start digging you god damn grave.

True patriots who stand up for western morals and values.

The law is there to both protect the citizens from the Government and the State from foreign interference. Effectively making a militia outside the general army. Invading America and occupying the land seems to be out of the reach of any current nation.

very very interesting......so canada does suck then?

In case you're actually serious...

1. Only pussy bitches are scared. Most people aren't bothered at all.

2. Idiots who should have no business owning guns in the US kill more people a year than terrorists have killed by any means in Europe in the last decade. Who really has a problem?

People do often with serious health problems travel to the US to get better. What US has for some demographics is the high cost of healthcare insurance. The healthcare itself is top notch state of the art. That is why it's so expensive. Europeans like to compare two very different things.

from canada? I've never heard of that
might be true though

I agree that american health care is top notch. My mother traveled to US to get a treatment because any european country couldn't provide what she needed.

No one is really scared of terrorism, the US makes a huge fucking deal out of it to push their own agenda. More people die in car crashes and in tons of other ways whilst terrorist barely do shit.

A truck is way easier to dodge than a hail of bullets.

Yeah, we totally realise we can defend ourselves against fags in trucks and who leave bombs around with guns.

Norway here, we have more guns per person than you doo america. and we have better prisons than america too youtube.com/watch?v=jDjISR5OHa4

Norway is better then America.


>Norway is better then America.
most European countries are.

>per capita
there aren't that many people in Norway, that's not a good comparison


europoors are waking up

Pretty sure Chicago alone sees more crime, shootings and death in a month than terrorism has caused in Europe over the last year.

As if Europeans want all these people here in the first place

I'm not from the US or Europe but I too wonder when the Brits in particular will realise that they have been neutered by their government so badly that they not only can't physically defend themselves, but they don't see that as even a possible solution.

Even with authorities saying police in London will be stretched trying to keep up patrols, people still don't connect the governments inability to protect them with a need for them to protect themselves.

I'm waiting for the next knife attack, and praying some chav is carrying his own blade and guts the sand nigger before he gets a good count. Then the slogan can change to "Save a life, get a knife"

Not to mention, bullets are harder to come by in Norway.

There is no single European healthcare system.

>"Save a life, get a knife"

People travel all around the world to get better treatment. US is good in certain areas, so are other countries.

It's easier by far to hit someone with a truck than a gun.

Seems that did not stop a knife attack in Texas last month. On a campus where you are allowed to carry (not openly).

I do not have a problems with the weapons laws in the US, would not have a problem if they where implemented in my country (guns are allow in my country, but only for sport, collection or work), but do not act like this would make anyone safe. You might feel saver, good for you, but this changes nothing.

You must be a terrible shot then, buddy

That's like comparing a neat little cake you can hold in the palm of your hand with a full course meal user.

I lived in Norway. You literally have wooden tools in your hospitals.

I live in Australia and it grieves me deeply that my right to ensure my personal safety has been forfeited to our Police only with their shitty response times.

It was also a decision I never had any say in, nor will likely ever have a say in.

USA is the greatest country in the world for making each individual responsible for his or her on protection and snuring they have the means to do so.

Fuck the nanny state.

Your post is funny, it hurt me.

It takes a lot of training to hit a moving target. Far easier to tell someone to drive a vehicle.

Give that person a gun and just set him off in a mall and you'd get a way higher kill count.

But when we blow up their buildings its okay. How many people died when we installed Sadam Hussein, how about during the Iranian Coup. Iraq amd Afghanistan war over 1million civilian deaths according to multiple observer organizations including the UN and CIA. But hey they killed less people than teenage shooters in high schools so lets genocide them? Yall are retarded.

Until the first person with a carry/conceal notices.

The point remains, no matter the method, disarming the citizenry doesn't protect them, and it obviously isn't enough in the current situation.

5 people died in the stockholm attack.
On the most crowded walking street in the city.
If I give you a gun and asked you to take out 6 or more people in a public space would you not be able to?

>live in a country where your constitutions allows people to have guns
>allow police to kill people who have a gun

America, please explain.

The most recent attack we had was a white dude wanting to kill a load of Muslims, he only managed to kill one old guy and was stopped when one of the Muslim chaps punched him in the stomach as he came for him. No need for guns, and we have far far fewer terrorist attacks than America has shootings

We only keep them to smack bitches like you.

Watching americans kill each other in shootings en masse then piss their pants because of the scary boogeymen muslims.. And then complain about fake news because terrorist are EVERYWHERE. No wonder comedians are having a hard time keeping up over there. Give em all guns, I don't care.

But they do? Or did you forget about Hebdo already