Trump Wall

Would the Trump wall expand the black market for drugs, and end up giving cartels a huge increase in profit due to the reduced supply yet steady demand? Are there any other negative externalities that the wall would pose that out weighs the numerous short and long term goods it would do?

Reassert national sovereignty and Make America Great Again

the cartels would continue to shift to oil instead of drugs.

>reduced supply
>steady demand

Trump has been pretty clear that he's going to support rehab programs for addicts, but the "reduced supply" will be closer to zero.

We'll see more activity thru the ports, but we need more security there anyway

There's an environmental impact for migrating animals. (Other than Mexicans, I mean)

Honestly if we just shot them on sight we wouldn't even need to spend money on this.

>huge increase in profits due to reduced supply

you've never taken an economics course have you?

>Would the Trump wall expand the black market for drugs, and end up giving cartels a huge increase in profit due to the reduced supply yet steady demand?
I don't think the term for an undersupplied market is an expansion.
It's also not necessarily the case that suppliers profit in an undersupplied market. In this case, the wall is intended to make it more difficult to get those goods to market, it's not a closed system problem.

Can you clarify what you mean?

The "zero supply" mindset was applied to burning drug crops, and arresting dealers. It did go down a bit, but nowhere near zero since it's easy for anyone to get their hands on illegal drugs as they can legal drugs. More people would just produce their own or get it from small time producers if they can't get it from the cartels at the ports as you mentioned.

>you've never taken an economics course have you?

Less drugs in the US would mean higher prices on drugs yes. But I remember in the early 2000s coke was rare and expensive. So we didn't do it often. I guess that was a good thing. Wall makes sense to me.

No. The price might go up but the profit would stay the same or go down. The loss would come from more expensive smuggling methods. Whatever the loss would be would be factored into the price, the price would go up which would reduce demand. Most drugs are not perfectly inelastic products, there is some price elasticity.

Demand remains the same despite supply for drugs, so when supply shifts to the left without demand moving it causes prices to go up putting more money in the cartel's hands.

Greater /unit profit but less total profit.

You lose economies of scale.

You can't get or make coke in the US, it doesn't grow here. It's possible to make meth but takes a lot of effort, they're regulated the pharmaceuticals used to make it very strictly here. Heroin can be produced here but not very discretely. Weed is growing more legal.
>it causes prices to go up putting more money in the cartel's hands.
Only if the cartel is able to get its goods to market. That's not a given when it's routes are closed.

The drug market would become more competitive in Mexico. Young people would be unable to flee to America, might start agitating and getting politically involved, probably reach boiling point and cause a toppling of the current oligarchy.

Trump makes Mexico great again too

Benis2016 you racisssss

you are not going to stop beaners from getting in here unless you legalize all drugs and no jew taxing them either, ending all prohibition is the only way to stem the flood of beaners

opiate addicts should be subsidized also, like in some EU countries

>Would the Trump wall expand the black market for drugs, and end up giving cartels a huge increase in profit due to the reduced supply yet steady demand?
>hire 80's Businessman to stop coke traffic
>hire Marion Berry to stop crack traffic
>hire Irishman to enforce prohibition
>hire diversity consultant from Sup Forums
>Dawkins for Pope
>Malcolm Gladwell as NFL Commissioner
>Rosie O'Donnell chairwoman of NASCAR
>Kermitt Gosnell M.D., your kids new pediatrician

Bad ideas, these are some.

How exactly would that work?
>use these drugs and we'll put you behind bars for years
>but if you admit you have a problem we totally might not do that
>don't you trust us?

El Chapo recently escaped from prison through a mile long tunnel. If you really think a wall is going to stop drugs when there's money to be made, you're really underestimating the drug cartels.

The price will be steeper but they won't sell nearly as much, aka much less profits.

If decreasing supply meant higher profits, then they would willingly choose to produce less

Supply shifts left and prices go up, but quantity sold also shifts left with the supply curve. They're selling at a higher average price, but total profits are still less.

Also, if less supply would make them more money, they would willingly choose to supply less.