SO I know you faggots are too busy cumming to Donald Trump but how do you feel about the oceans dying? Honestly though...

SO I know you faggots are too busy cumming to Donald Trump but how do you feel about the oceans dying? Honestly though, with ocean acidification and pollution do you think it can be saved, and if we cant what do you think the consequences will be?

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Eh coral can adapt. And it's all over the place as well.

I never understood why anyone cares that much

Donald Trump will make the oceans great again!

who cares we are gonna die faster than shit hit the fan. If we cant achive space colonisation by next 3 generation . we are probably deserv to die.

Dump large amounts of iron flakes , problem solved

>withe people are going extinct
>corals become white
good, fuck land, lets take the oceans

Will many fish species die out if we lose all our corals? Might be bad for fishing industries which are already at risk from overfishing

its pretty shitty buddy, but its happened before and it'll happen again.

>but how do you feel about the oceans dying?
Lel, the oceans will be fine
>muh corals
fuck off, worry about what is going on land faggot

You do know it takes coral a year to grow 1cm and something like the great barrier reef takes 1000s of years to grow. Also more than half of our oxygen is produced by the oceans.

The world is a constantly changing place. Yes, we have more environmental issues now than say 50 years ago, but we also have much more people and increased output.

Things will never be the same again, and that's the point. The planet, and the universe is always changing, always reshaping themselves, and we mu st either adapt along with the changes or go extinct (and suffer before we go extinct too).

Link the two issues.

My dad's fish tank looks like that every now and then. Just needs some shit in it and it fixes the coral right up. No problems here.

Fucks given: 0

Feminists basically ruined western society, so I don't give a shit anymore. Humanity can die out for all I care.

>implying carbonic acid

Yes, Coral provide protection and homes for a large majority of fish. with ocean acidification the carbonic acid it creates basically makes coral soft and not supportive at all.

I don't live in the ocean.

Literally nobody cares about the fact we are L I T E R A L L Y killing off our ecosystems worldwide, not GLOBAL WARMING


yet what you hear on the news is shit like "LGBTQ faggots want special snowflake bathroom rights!!!!"

globalization and capitalism will literally be the end of us

We can thank the reds and kikes for that. Nothing we can do about it whatsoever.


That takes co2 out of the water, iirc (iron feeds an algal bloom?), but doesn't reduce the temperature straight away. So, no - problem not solved.

about a 1/3 of co2 outputted into our atmosphere gets dissolved into the oceans and makes it more acidic because it crates carbonic acid, this makes things like coral and sea shells which are usually rock hard basically become soft and easily breakable. More co2 the more acidic the oceans get, then coral cant survive. its not even a biological thing its more chemistry related ad with how fast its acidifying there would be no way for natural selection to work on the coral.

Global Warming can help by expanding the oceans and giving more to the ocean for nature to retake is a great plan.

>Also more than half of our oxygen is produced by the oceans

This has nothing to do with coral.

why not just kill yourself

Humanity wasn't eating a lot of fish from the seas last time it happened, though.

please tell me how its not

True nationalist are also environmentalists

10 to 15 years ago it was common knowledge the reef was dying because of tourist sunscreen washing off in the water. The fact is scientists don't know shit about why it's happening and they don't really care either. They'll give any issue attention as long as it gives them an opportunity to bitch about le evil capitalists.

>how do you feel about the oceans dying?
I feel like we should start a war with China to sink some of their ships, create artificial reefs, and stop those fucking chinks from shitting up the white man's snorkeling resorts

>nothing you can do about it

the liberal agenda tells us to "go to college, save the planet because a scientist!"

which i took as, be a fucking slave for the rich who are literally running this planet into oblivion

be a slave and wipe up babbies big messy poo meanwhile they make billions

there is no hope left for us

>coral can adapt
but, coral is the most fragile living organism on the planet.

I'm sorry for my people. But China, Phillipines, and those other dogs ruin the ocean much worse than we do.

coral reefs harbors a HUGE diversity of life and are extremely important both humans and the environment

are you people really that brain dead?

He asked how would the oceans dying affect us, its not just coral its every marine organism thats suffering due to higher co2 levels, warming oceans, ad pollution like the large garbage patch.

Is that why it's literally fucking everywhere? There are shipwrecks less than 50 years old that are covered by the stuff.

Hitler was an environmentalist so ill believe that, nationalism is important!

>tfw landlocked and not giving a fuck

not to mention overfishing

why should i?

I'll just keep on consuming, making as large a carbon footprint as I can, giving zero fucks about the environment for as long as I'm alive.

Also stop the Japs from killing whales and dolphins

>I found a spot on the shallow ocean floor that looks different than it did five years ago
>conclusion: the ocean is dying

The ocean is a dynamic ecosystem where organisms flourish and wane as a matter of routine. We couldn't kill "the ocean" if we dedicated all of humanities resources to it. It would adapt and thrive regardless of what we threw at it. Could we kill of many species? Yes, absolutely, but extinctions and mass deaths would regularly occur with or without human intervention.

When plant life evolved they spewed toxic oxygen into the air that caused mass extinctions of anaerobic life. The earth didn't die, it adapted.

sideways canada where is your leaf

I agree its ok though i see you realize its wrong

We hqve studi3d the environment for what? 200 years tops? We had ice ages. Get over it. Species die off all the time because they cant adapt.

Now link all three of those logical leaps together, proving causation.

Make sure to provide sources.

If you want a leaf, why don't you ask your nigger president?

Warmer water = coral polyps expel micro-organisms* which (1) provide about 90% of their energy & (2) give the coral colours. So the coral now looks white = bleaching.
*: they expel them because at higher temp's the heat-stressed micro-orgs emit toxins as well as sugars which the polyp absorbs. If the temp falls enough, quickly enough, the polyps re-colonise with micro-bugs and survive. If not, they starve and the reef 'dies'.
Replacement corals which can survive the higher temp's are less complex in shape, which means less habitats for small fish & other life, which means fewer larger fish etc preying on the small fish, and so on. The food chain is reduced and simplified. Also algae can smother the reef while it is recovering and kill the coral, too.

I'm sure Chinese industrialization has nothing to do with this.

becaus you obviously hate living so why not just go to valhallah

Cool - so all we need is mega-tonnes of "stuff" and a fish tank the size of the reef?

>I found a spot on the shallow ocean floor that looks different than it did five years ago

When that spot is happening in large cases all across the world its not that difficult a conclusion, i mean look at the decrease of the great barrier reef.

>are you people really that brain dead?

There's literally nothing we could do whatsoever.

The best we could do is EMP China and India.

There's essentially nothing we can do at all to save the planet from the shitskins.

No, implying* higher temperature sea water, ij the first instance.
*: actually, 'showing' not implying :-)

i mean we L I T E R A L L Y almost killed off blue whales, and a bunch of other ones

like, we humans physically brought the genetic variance of many, many species to a literal bottleneck

but "lol no we could never affect the ocean lol, keep overfishing without thinking about the consequences of our actions"

you people should go outside and do some research about ecosystems and animals species around the globe, many are not doing well.

The pic is bleaching, not acid decay.

man, european comebacks are always on point

>keep overfishing without thinking about the consequences of our actions
>our actions

Now explain to us why that's such a travesty please.

"common knowledge" is not the same as science. Don't refer to or quote tabloid newspaper headlines or similar from online sources.

True, but it dies quickly if the temp of water is too high.

The ocean is bcoming acid, its hard to grow calcium in there, the clamps are dying, you cannot stop it now.
All you can do is sit and watch ...

The only way to stop it would be to erradicate 60% of human life and unless you got some really strong airborne agent, i sugest to give up and enjoy the end.

Maybe you overpopulated countries should stop importing brown people and making babies k thanks

The overpopulated ones are doing the exporting.

literally dissolve higher levels of co2 in seawater with some coral and seashells and they will fall apart.

scholar google com/scholar?q=ocean+acidification+and+coral+reefs&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUpvXhjNHMAhXBKB4KHY3oDSYQgQMIGjAA

Caring about global warming is mainly an issue that the white race cares about.

How does saving the planet make you a slave? How are the rich running the planet into oblivion? Should I even be responding to an edgy high schooler whose mad because his parents expect him to go to college?

Thank you


And we see changes like that on the Great Barrier Reef within weeks, not 5 years.
But as for "we can't kill the ocean", human activity can put so much extraneous chemicals in sea water that algal blooms remove almost all the dissolved oxygen, Everything except for non-aerobic life dies: weeds; grasses; fish. The sea is essentially empty except for algae. Not a good look.


If we want to make a change in favor of the environment we have to kill people not disable their systems. Biological weapons would prolly be the best as scorched earth for all of china/africa/india prolly isn't the best for the overall goal.

Ocean acidification os directly related to Indians shitting in streets.

Prove me wrong.

I'm sure Australia's carbon footprint does.

>can't explain it


Finally someone scrubbed that coral crap off the pristine ocean floor.

Or maybe we could stop buying the products from China and India that cause all that pollution as they're made

They're fucked either way. I worked in an aquarium for 10 years, and I can tell you that Corals, Anemones and inverts are extremely sensitive to any kind of water parameter changes. The slightest change in temperature fucks them up.

Because we keep on discovering new molecules in life forms, some of which have implications for human health, and industry. If the life forms are not there, we may never stumble on these otherwise.

Which is caused by acidification is it not?I thought you couldnt have one without the other. honestly curious

>If the life forms are not there, we may never stumble on these otherwise.

Are you crying about the millions of species that already went extinct too?

Disabling their systems is the best first step towards killing them is my point, EMP causes the largest amount of death on the largest scale without impacting the environment.
Beyond that there's pretty much just dropping Agent Orange on their farms, bombing roads and harbors leading out, etc.
Full fucking retard. Having, you know, the whole rest of the planet make billions of individual choices to boycott them is wholly impossible. Military action at least requires fewer people to agree than "the entire rest of the planet."

As a Floridian, who grew up fishing and diving the gulf, I can say that shit is not the same.

it breaks my heart desu... RIP in piece ocean.

Then why does it deserve to live? Life is struggle. Those who adapt will carry on into the future and those who don't die out.

>white men are evil, fuck you assholes we hate you
>please solve the worlds problems white man!

How about fuck you.

t. Never scuba dove

Assisting them to get local-ish green power instead of coal + building new grids will be a better method.

Because all the shitskins are still trying to figure out how to fucking live without having the minds of an ape with a 3rd grade education. Whites have passed that phase hundreds of years ago. How many shitskins actually know that there is more than a sun and moon.

But if we destroy the earth then the brown people will not have a chance to live a totally unrealistic and unsustainable life like we whites have.

It takes less people to start a war than it does to change a trade policy? Starting a war is better than changing a trade policy?

its crony capitalism, and socialism. You fiucking god dam motherucker dip ship nigger.

>"saving the planet"
>oh and here college educated person, go clean up their mess under the guise of "green" and "saving the planet" and "muh ecology"
>meanwhile business as usual

Algae is not coral.

>and if we cant what do you think the consequences will be?
Much laughter, I will make sure to use as much oxygen as possible when faggots kill the ocean life.

I donno know guys why is my reef doing so good? I think you guys have shitty fish keeping /coral care skills here and not global warming . The corals in OPs tank look brown as shitty and likey have high nitrates in the water.

Full stop: We're not the ones destroying the Earth. The problem is that our environmental controls are 100% worthless and pointless since only we abide them.

It's the whales fault. Japan and Norway both know what's up

Its probably more related to shit blowing up in the middle east with all that methane.

Whose mess is it exactly? Do you think the big evil corporations are polluting our atmosphere and dumping shit into the ocean?

People who would need to not trade with them: Every fucking person around ever.
People who would need to declare war: The POTUS and Congress.

>caring about shit underwater no one except hippies/greens/environmentalists care about