Imagine you are a girl

Imagine you are a girl.


My Trap fetish wouldn't be gay!

I am gril wth benis :D


i would be working out and making myself hot bag myself a rich man and hope he dies. ill take a dick a few times for a lot of money

If by some miracle those CYOAs, rituals or roll threads work and I become a girl I promise I would post video after video fulfilling everyone of your fucked fetishes and then offer each and everyone of you a heartfelt date with hardcore cuddle action after.

I would find someone nice and marry them.

I would lesbian the shit out of myself.

I would get myself into an abusive relationship, and enjoy being beaten everyday.

me too~

i can make that happen even if you got a dick

became the biggest slut in history.

Where do you live? Do you have big strong muscles that can choke me?

i would eat all the bc pills

ny, i dont have big manly muscles but i am an engineer so i can make a choking device

Can you make a strapping table to torture me?

i can tie you to the back of the shed and turn a fan into a thing that whips you with riding crops continuously

source on pic?

Eh, good enough. I like any abuse big boy~

Oh good, I can use both of my dildos at once now!

all 3. you have a mouth too

safe word is bananapenguin lets do this

Alright~ tell me where to go.

guess this means my brother wont fuck my ass anymore

Why should i imagine that?

My dad would be disgusted fucking me. I won't dissapoint my daddy like that.