Is this a real man Sup Forums with his blonde girfriend?

Is this a real man Sup Forums with his blonde girfriend?

yea obviously, Sup Forums created the best looking men that slay plenty of poon


art-fag is the only man for me

kk sjonnie die gozer, nederdraad


Skips the leg day
>real man


I'm jerking only of to his GF :(


dick head no leg like said.

how come all those boys wear those faggoty lookin white shoes

They are no faggots because they already bone hot blondes.

Homie prolly oughta wear some pants until he commits to quit skippin leg day.

Echt een idioot jij ook. steun je medemens dan in plaats van afkraken jood!!


Pretty boy fags are still fags

I genuinely hate this girl for nothing more than the way she looks like such a smug little cunt.. He seems like he might be a massive douche as well.

Why a smug little cunt?

She's a 9 who thinks she's a 10 basically
, also definitely a cheater

Maybe that's why she needs a firm manly hand to control her.

Why you checking out another mans legs you faggot?

Women cheat whenever they want man, jesus, how old are you?

Why are you being a fag for the douche with toothpick legs

White sneakers are what's currently fashionable you fucking caveman

Can a cuck get such a girlfriend?

I didn't call him a cuck I said he's a faggot

He appears to be a real man, not artificial. Could be wrong though.. He might be fake..or a robot or something.

He is either a total bro or some aggressive new age yuppie, do you know him OP?

That is the best example of why you shouldnt skip leg day

Why the short shorts?

Yup tall dark n handsome gets busty fair n beautiful.

Not that much. The girl is a friend of my sister. I like her :) Him don't know him that well.

Still better then short flat mousey girls we call hot an fap to.
What do fap threads here have an upper level of 9 n 10s

Nah this is a French piece of shit preparing to be sacrificed to allah.

dutch. its dutch. only dutch girls are that obnoxious


Somebody skipped leg day

every day is upper body day

Aw right, I dunno, I just think guys who date girls like that have their priorities messed up

Fuck the shoes, how bout those faggy ass daisy duke boy shorts?

put some fucking pants on bobby

This guy is the dutch equivalent to american white trash. I recognize Dutch inbred males immediately.

Don't worry guys he has an IQ of

>She's a 9 who thinks she's a 10

she's a 6 tops

Right then Hugh fucking Hefner

Better kill yourself betafag.


>chicken legz

Yeah, his got more money than me, and his been to the gym. Good luck to him, am I jealous? No, I've fucked sluts before. I'll keep gagging on my cheap alcohol and choking on my cigarettes, because I've became nothing but miserable. I hate my life but I'm not jealous of his, because nothing even matters, even though I wish it did, we will both end up dyeing and its gonna be fucking horrible.

We all slowly lose our mind until we are vegetables. This is fucked.

He looks real to me, if not that's some great graphics

The make the same pose in every picture

It's like they just took one picture and the background changes

Things have meaning user, get out of your funk.

Clean your room

Nice bedazzled Jean shorts fag. Is this an 80's theme party?

I'm just drunk being a weirdo brah.
Plz listen to
Sarah McLachlan - Silence
Its my favorite song, I want it played at my FUNeral

Is "clean your room" the new dank meme fellow kids?

Yeah, its "filthy frank" tier, edgy memes for edgy teens

She's a solid 8, but has shitty taste. That black bathing suit is awful. Something Beyonce or JLO would wear and "think" they are killing it when in reality looks lie granny panties over their wide hips and mommy gunt.

He looks like a cop. Funny that you guys say he skips leg day....looks like he shaves his legs.

I don't know whos legs are more like pipe cleaners, his or hers. Can't tell

Girls like the fuckboi look it seems.

She is a 7 who thinks she is a 10 bro. These are the type of chicks who date cunts like this guy until they cheat on them and get taken down a peg or two.

>real man
Her legs are literally bigger than his. Fucking kek

Take a wet wipe to that face and its basically a guy with tits and hair extensions.


dyeing what? your hair? it wont be horrible if you go for a nice colour :)

Nice dubs
Nice abs fir a dude

Ben je boos?

that bitch is nothing to strive for, she looks stupid as fuck, you would be tired of her 80iq after 1 day.

ja man, kei boos :')

>I wouldn't fuck her consistently or even consider it at all
>tips fedora

This crowd makes me want to jihad

precies dit

i knew someone would comment this shit, but yes at least for me a stupid girl is a huge turn off

Thats Ocean Beach Club on Ibiza.

stop being a faggot and hand job on other's GF fucking faggot cum eater. go fuck ur own slut !

Yeah, well played Kelsey Grammar.
Its Dying isn't it?
>LOLZ XD!!!!

literally Dying XDDDD

I bet her dick is bigger than his

"I can't even!!! XD"

It's not even funny