Why is this shit legal to show on youtube?

why is this shit legal to show on youtube?

Why do you care?

she involves her husband into this shit.


You know you can turn it off right?

idk what you mean

Because it's not sexual. Not sure why people have an issue with breastfeeding. Don't know why bitches think they need to keep posting this shit though.

But, you can post nudity for educational purposes.

Also there's nothing illegal or wrong with posting sexual videos on YouTube, you just have to keep them private or unlisted.

ya its fucking disgusting im gonna barf

That are not what op is saying.
He's wondering what the fuck the morals are behind the loopholes allowing idiots like this to post their tits online without being labeled a pornstar. Yea a lot of them do do it for educational purposes. But when you get the ones with fake tits spraying milk all over mirrors as just teaching its bullshit. If you find breastfeeding fetish porn videos, they're exactly the same

Because google and youtube are pushing a politcal agenda.

Literally who gives a shit? Why are you snowflake so offended by breast feeding?

So don't watch it. You have the ability to turn off anything that offends you. And if you cant such as if it's in real life. Tough. There is no guarantee of a life without offence

Even if it is sexual who cares? Why do people feel the need to police morality?

>But, you can post nudity for educational purposes.
all my educational masturbation how-to videos have been removed and I've been banned.

Well that sucks. But just because you were censored doesn't mean you should try and censor something else. Fight censorship. Not what is or isn't censored

So are you if you want to censor something.

Because I can think of a lot better, hotter shit that could be posted on Youtube, that involves nudity, besides this nasty shit.

wtf is that reply
im not offended , im saying its disgusting when a filthy fat pig feeds its maggot on view

I wouldn't give two shits about the video if they made people follow the rules evenly, but they don't and are a bunch of hypocrites.

Why not?


Vile creature... ergh.

How do you get over half a million views with nothing but your going-to-be-bullied-and-mentally-retarded toddler sucking on your awful fat tits? There is no message, no art, no education. It's nothing but a cow being milked.

All these posts confirm that people are offended by nudity. Why should nudity ever be cencored? I can't see how seeing tits is going to fuck up a kid.