Redpill me on communism

redpill me on communism


It's useless and killed about 200 million people.


The revolution is coming soon friend


you die






>capitalism doesn't work
Pretty subjective ain't it? Doesn't work for who? Poor people? Sure. But it works pretty damn well for the 1%


Not if you're the dictator/president/ruler


5 Vance Jones for every homeless


What revolution nigger? U guys aren't gonna do shit.


I'm not the 1% and it's working great for me
Way better then my equivalents in Venezuela

I honestly hope you fggot do start a revolution. It will finally give everyone a valid oppourtunity to exterminate liberal cancer.



Come for property and guns mr. revolutionary

Communism was never ment to help out the workers - it is a tool used by the "intellectual" class to trick the working class into overthrowing the existing ruling class, with the "intellectuals" ending up as a new aristocracy, controlling most of the wealth.

And of course, in the long run it ends up being very inefficient - look up the economic calculation problem. Communism ends up failing hard there, as it has no good way of figuring out the relative value capital goods, ie, how many tractor factories is a power plant worth, that sort of thing.

originally it was the Chinese but they changed it so as not to loose a few billion movie goes.
side note, for scenes that were already in the can their uniform emblems were digitally changed to nk.


Every nation to ever try communism or socialism has failed. The USSR, Vietnam, Venezuela, and hundreds more are just some examples. The standard of living drops ten fold and poverty skyrockets in the same way. Capitalism has been the only system guaranteed to work (See America, Modern day Germany, Japan, Italy, ect.)

its biggest flaw is scarcity, until you can create post-scarcity or functional-post-scarcity (if that is even possible) it will need to be hybridized with capitalism to work like it does in western european and scandinavian countries

Nazbol is the only acceptable form, everyone else get the ovens

Communism can only survive as a parasite. In the USSR, Venezuela, etc it basically killed it's hosts. In democracies communism doesn't go as hard so it can survive longer with more rewards.

Make no mistake though it is a parasite and America would be more prosperous with less government.

Capitalism is just as parasitic, very much like a tumor

without regulation all the wealth pools up in parasitic growths while the rest of the society starves, withers, and dies until the whole thing collapses

Communism is flawed and I did state that and what its main flaw was, but it is foolish to believe that capitalism isn't just as flawed

why hasn't it collapsed yet?

It works great for the poor. The number of self made people in the world succeeding in capitalistic countries is far greater than those who fail

> note this only applies to people who try. People who do not try should be allowed to fail

its already destroyed and stunted many developing countries we've exported the burden to and now its running into problems here as many businesses are going under and less people are buying homes (etc...) as the consumers don't have the spending power to keep the economy flowing

literally everything is flawed.
Some flaws are just more manageable than others. There's a reason Communism has never worked. Capitalism sees marginally more success.

man this website is a lugh riot.

Reminds me of TIMECUBE

dude you have no idea what you're talking about, go read a book

marginally more successful for how long? I'm also not saying capitalism isn't useful, just that in needs to be properly regulated to keep it stable, but there are people (neck beard ancap college freshmen and sophomores usually) who believe that it is a golden pure system that needs to be completely deregulated, and again communism on its own will not work because of scarcity, but many socialist programs are nessesary in capitalist settings, such as the military, police, education, healthcare (except for america), and infrastructure

and you stop watching fox news and masturbate more to Nancy Reagan

you are wrong and we will leave it at that. Try reading or listening to Milton Friedman

America setting all time records for GDP and productivity. You know nothing

sounds like you've been reading too much Ayn Rand

That's called the Pareto Principle (or the 80/20 rule if you're stupid) and it applies in every single pursuit and facet of society ever and they don't tell you about it in your government funded indoctrination camps that you spend your whole youth inside of being taught that "everyone am equalities", "equal outcomes for everyone am only fair options".

You are right that they are both flawed but neither Gommunism nor "Capitalism" can solve for the Pareto Principle and in fact Communism ENFORCES it INTENTIONALLY by creating massive centralization of every facet of the entire society, you fucking faggot.

Minimalist social programs, equal OPPORTUNITY for everyone, and charity are the best ways of keeping the resources which naturally accumulate at the top circulating that we have come up with as a species; which is why it important not to be a self-interested, welfare queen, gibs-me-dat, degenerate, statist, and to actually have some morality about yourself, as opposed to being a virtue signalling cunt whining about equality.