Am I the only one angered by these fucking refugees?

Am I the only one angered by these fucking refugees?
>Smell like shit
>Wipe there shit everywhere
>Completely disrespectful
>Angered when we don't acknowledge there 'OP he's
>Angered when we won't respect there goat fucker god
>Angered when we don't serve shit smelling curry
>Angered by how we live even though there just now coming
>Angered that we won't let them into our country's even though they wouldn't help us in there's when we were trying to kill the people in there's
Why do they feel entitled to enter and stay here?
Almost worst than niggers

Post reported to Homeland Security.

They can get fucked. Islam is cancer.

Mad white boi? Your genes are inferior, prepare to be wiped out like the faggotron9000 you are.

Same can be said for you Christian kkk cousin fuckers. Always shooting up schools and batman movies lol.

sand rats are all getting blasted soon. you should probably move while you have time

>your genes are inferior
>is a mix between whites and niggers

Remove Kebab


okay bud just saying you should move soon

Anger problem. YOUR anger problem.

Niggers are dumb as rocks and the last time humanoids from sub Saharan Africa did something useful, they left, mixed with other humanoids, evolved a bit, and became whites and east asians

Kek. You lack the capacity to understand that every race has their own small batch of retards like you (im assuming you're Caucasian) but that doesnt mean every caucasian is a retard. Just because youre acting as if you have an extra chromosome doesnt mean all caucasians have downs. Get me?

I feel like you havent yet learnt about the word...
Its important or else all my white froends would be red necks and school shooters and maybe rapist psychopaths that kill little girls every week and fuck their dead bodies.

How's this: the average black IQ is 15 points lower than the white average

Kek. Do you actually believe that all races evolved equally despite different environments and mixing with different pre-humans? Sit back and think about that. Does that really make sense to you?

lol you think it's not possible to greatly dislike the characteristics of Muslims that 90% of them exhibit. A great example of such a characteristic is following Islam, which is unforgivably disgusting.

Yes only *some* of any given group is especially bad. For example, when you look at humans, only the group called "Muslims" is especially bad

That's if there American blacks. African blacks are actually mentally retarded on average, with an IQ of 70

It's not about what makes sense, it's about what makes him feel good, knowing he's part of one of the worse groups


that's so surprising! it's a wonder how they were able to accomplish so much throughout history, such as inventing the pile-of-sticks shelter, and mashed-together peanuts

Yea but when i.q. is put to the test, china, hong kong, japan are at the top. You talking about The u.s. i.q. or the worlds buddy?

I'm a white male, I'm 20, I live in the Uk I hate Islam, I think it's like nazism a radicalised belief I'm fine with the fact that people have different skin, there are muslims out there who want no part in Islam, I respect that. people should think for themselves and not be bullied into a belief, plus all the Islamic nations are fucked unless they start to live in the modern times and not be goat theiving pillagers

No of course not you fucktard. Never said that

because they miss their home. back before it turned into full on war-zone.

not everyone who lives in a civil war wants to be part of it. most of them just want to sell shoes, fix sinks, make food, be married and live un-terrorized in the home they knew as children.

not an excuse for their childish behavior, but i can understand where the anger comes from which leads to it. just because you've escaped to safety doesn't mean its the world you want to live in.

Did you know that if all black people suddenly left the US, americas average IQ would go up by 7 points, tiring us for third with Japan?

Yeah but what about the people who want they home to stay the same because they were there first?

The reason you exist is because of refugees in your family because nobody is 100% a single race unless they inbreed

Please die you inhuman scum.

You're one of those people who take the "we're all refugees" argument seriously?

ur a faggot

china, hong kong, and japan might justifiably not want a bunch of average whites mucking up their culture and gene pool. And good for them if they stick to their guns on that.

Meanwhile africans and dark arabs are throwing themselves at the doors of europe like they already own the place - excuse us for not wanting to be dragged down into your barbarism

True shit that

I don't care where you're from or how you got here so long as you're not a pos.

being a safehaven for refugees isn't an easy thing. it means knowing when to compromise and when not to. its like taking in someone from the street who's been fucked up from years of homelessness. deep down you want to see them doing better, but every time they shit up your place you're more and more tempted to kick them back out.

i dont know what to tell you man. i have a lot of respect for what you're trying to do in the U.K, but i understand you're reaching a boiling point with their rotten behavior.

"Muslim who doesn't believe in Islam" would just be like an arab or whatever.

"believes in Islam" filters out anyone with the requisite intelligence and moral decency to live in a western country (yes I understand we give birth to our own undesirables). Skin color isn't the issue

Have you heard of Timmy Robinson?

That's why I am a black medical mal lawyer that makes 6 digits a year. (Before my real estate, investments, and stocks). I'm just saying we all aren't dumb, but most of us are tbh.

We wuz lawyer and shiet

Am I the only one who thinks nationality is a really stupid concept?



A lot of people who hate "niggers" like to think that nigger is a subspecies, not only belonging to black people, but to all races, and just use nigger interchangeably with black because that's where it's most commonly found. I doubt anyone in this day and age actually thinks all people of a single ethnicity act a certain way

being a refugee at all is cowardice unless there's a full scale genocide occurring. that is not happening at all in Syria. there is a war, and those faggots should fight it, or they should die

if that shit happens in the UK or USA you need to fight it. if you run away it better be to find a nice place to kill yourself, because you do not deserve human life

obviously none of this applies to women and children

I meant the main majority, there all undesirables praying to a false god, theres very small percentage that are acceptable

The irish, the italians, russians did the same thing back in the mid 1800s as well when they came to the u.s. for similar reasons. They dont just leave to fuck up another country. Some just want to live their fucking lives but you've always got people within their groups making them look bad. Doesnt mean all of them are bad. But it does suck

No two colas have 100% exactly the same ingredients so this Mountain Dew is a cola

>inb4 "people are not sodas"
if you are a female please show your tits or leave the website

Your right, most aren't here to fuck it up, there polluting it with there disgusting culture, we have enough problems of are own with African American population



Muslims and middle easterns aren't degenerates.

But actually muslims fuck their cousins way more often. In many places in the middle east cousin marriage is actually prefered.

but thats not that bad. In the Old testament cousin marriage is prefered. It's actually one of those ways humans first built alliances and kept family relations strong.

babby ameriburgers tries to argue with nigga logic

No wonder mexican immigrants are 80% of your enrichment stew

but haemophilia

> there is a war, and those faggots should fight it

LOL you would come crawling to europe once a firecracker finds itself inside your ass. only fucking retards wants to engage in a war they didnt ask for.

Yes they do, every ethnic group act almost the same. Are you a retard?

So does that mean we should get rid of all the caucasians in u.s. schools because mostly if not all of them are the ones that shoot up schools??

but they don't have guns and shit
islam is a religion of peace

>Why do they feel entitled to enter and stay here?

Interesting question.

Except I'm pretty sure those Italians, Irish. And Russians assimilated into the culture and worked their asses off to prove they were just as good as the native population of the country they were joining. And they called themselves immigrants. They were honest about wanting to move permanently.

Your not a nigger. That labels for wannabe gangsters

>you can't trust family unless you fuck them and produce retar babbies

ok Saheed back to the desert with you

The red injuns had the dignity to at least try to fight.

Yeah that was then were are in an age of science and technology, you can learn from both that fucking your family is wrong.

>person posting loli porn is selfish and spineless
here I am surprised on fourchan dot org

Yeah, cuz it was sooooo easy to take a boat, plane and leave? are you retarded?

Yess they did work their asses off. Assimilated. It was easier for them because they were white. They were still looked down upon for a very long time.

No you're not at all. The problem is that people around you are so cucked by the globalist media they're afraid to say they hate their home being invaded.

Stand firm in what you believe and speak your mind man. As soon as someone hears you talking they'll jump on the train...shit, five minutes of logical and clearly spoken rhetoric based in fact and you would probably have a crowd of very pissed off people cheering you on.

Are you serious? What happened in Manchester the other day??? Forgot about that did you?? Islam is bullshit and it takes a coward to blow themselves up at a child concert

and where the fuck would they leave to? they literally knew nothing else

Or someone engages in a war in hopes to preserve his nation or ideals. Not saying its wrong to run from conflict, but it's strange to see so many people just outright give up on home and country. It's almost as if there's no nationalistic value to be held among this population. Like they don't care about home and country.

tits or gtfo

Again read my fucking post faggot
Re read OPs first post, never did I say anything about there silly 32 virgin in heaven ala huh Akbar acts.
There poisoning us with there goat fucking culture

>The red injuns had the dignity to at least try to fight.

That is completely irrelevant to the point. The question was:

>Why do they feel entitled to enter and stay here?

Which begs the question why did YOUR ancestors feel entitled to stay?

>diverts from subject

Sandnigger or not, no one deserves to die over stupid trivial shit.

Islamic extremists are terrible, i just hope less people worldwide can be victim to their violence in the future.

EXACTLY. that was my point.

ye niggeer

You know it finally someone who can think

just miss me with that shit fam

not only "let's import a whole new culture of people" after we've already done russians, italians, irish, etc., but this time it's sand rats. I mean come on

It's the same with other races. They get looked down on until it's common place. Look at blacks in America. It wasn't common at first but now they make up a sizable portion of the populace. Granted there are a lot of leeches with them, I know a lot more respectable black people than I do apeshit niggers. Same goes for Muslim's. When they work and try to assimilate into society, they get accepted more.

People like other people who act like them.
Who would have thought

Fucking sand nigger who the fuck do you think you are? Us was a Caucasian country in the beginning, is and ever will be, this country is run by Caucasians. Piss off you low life subhuman intruder

They were good at murder.

I'm just hoping Europe whips out the old genocide-skills soon.

Morality or ethics never mattered in Realpolitik, only power.

not really. you're just projecting thinking it's normal or understandable to be a coward because you are one yourself. it's actually a shame and a liability to the people around you.

>I know a lot more respectable black people than I do apeshit niggers. Same goes for Muslim's
That's because you see the one's who make it to your office or cafe on White People Street and probably don't live in a black neighborhood

Your point is not totally wrong but I would not say black people have assimilated as a culture at all. They are still among the furthest from doing so

this nigger trying to be smart

By the way people who fight for the argument in that jpg, your fucking dumb that was back before literally cowboys and indians and when people occasionally bathed once every month.Since then in some terms you can say the world is far more modern, advanced and civilized as for the country's who still refuse to cooperate with US to help there goat fucking problems and then flee around the world to expose everyone else to there goat fucking problems which you can see no one actually cares for and nobody truly wants them immgratting here.

> It's almost as if there's no nationalistic value to be held among this population. Like they don't care about home and country.

nationalistic values are for inbreeds. Countries are where you happen to be born. Made up territorical lines drawn by warmongering manbabies through the ages. We live on one tiny dust spec, that is all that matters.

They were religious zealots just like this lot. If you can see this is equivalent to your natives being lost thing you'd probably not wish the same on your enemy. Unless you're still salty about the whole trail of tears which case, you might enjoy the next few decades.


Almost worst than niggers? At least you can "white wash" niggers into being human beings sometimes, but muslims? Good luck with that shit. Goatfuckers rapists until the end. There is a rare amount of decent muslims, and it's waaaayyy lower than the amount of decent niggers.

>made up country in the fucking desert with an oppressive government fighting the IRL version of COBRA
Yeah, no.

You breathing hard while typing all that stuff Cousin fucker? Aww. Its okay. "Us was". kek. Like i said. One retard caucasian doesnt mean all caucasians are stupid. Keep going to school buddy

>refuse to cooperate with US to help there goat fucking problems

The US is thier problem, you dumb shit. The botched Iraq invasion in 2003 is what set all this in motion.

HEY, being a coward when it comes to pointless wars is A O KAY.

every single time


This has to be bait, without those 'territorical line's you'd be sharing your home with much worse people than 'warmongering manbabies'

I lived in Miami a few years, and went to miramar for three years. I'll give you that the slums are not a fun place to go to, but that's cause of problems like gang mentality, or just general lawless with blacks. I found its a small amount of blacks who did this shit, but I guess you're right. I did move out of the hood eventually to get away from the threat of that stuff even if it didn't happen to me specifically. There are still an outstanding amount of blacks who try their best though. Places like Chicago, Detroit, and whatnot are still culturally fucked because of the ignorant black populace.

Good point.

>post seemingly ironic pic
>fails to see it proves unchecked immigration destroys cultures
>if the Cherokee Nation had been able to control its borders, it might still exist.
>instead it was flooded with illegal immigrants and Cherokees are almost extinct.

tldr: your meme proves illegal immigration kills cultures.