Could somebody track down the ip of this guy...

Could somebody track down the ip of this guy? He is blackmailing a friend with pictures and we want to track him down to know who could it be.

We're gonna need to see these pics first


Oh come on

Catfish the info dumbass

something something personal army
like there needs to be something in return

Blackmailing someone under the age of 18 is a felony. You could easily get this guy arrested if you report him.

Now, if you're older than 18 and someone has the power to blackmail you, it probably means you deserve to be exposed just so you stop being a fucking idiot.

networking fag here. Not sure what chat you're using but if it's end to end encryption you should be able to get his ip from the network packages. Use something like wireshark to capture the network packages. You'll have to learn how to use filters but all the information is online.

Kali linux is always a good place to start once you have a basic networking understanding

we using dm

we using dm

it really comes down to the specific chat you're using tho and how good it's security features are. You might be able to get it by sending him a link to webpage you own that would easily be able to track ips but if he's got a proxy you're pretty fucked unless you know some good javascript

You're not the smartest pal

im high as fuck, tiered as fuck and injured as fuck so the shit im typing might not make total sense but there should be more then enough key words to figure this shit out yourself if you're not retarded

he ain't a hacker I know he is just some sort of cunt that wants attention but payback would be so intense on this one. No proxy no bullshit. As soon as we find it this nigga dead. And well, I never tracked down so I'm asking iF someone hopefully could do that for me

chances are someone will track him down just to see the pictures, then post them here. you dun goofed OP

don't use much twitter but networking packages won't get the persons ip there. You'll have to learn a few things in web development

No one's going to be his personal army or yours

If he wants to do it he'll have to do it the hard way just like everybody else

Trying to hack is fairly easy but getting away with it is a whole other ball game haha most sys admins need to have some sort of experience with white hat hacking in order to do their jobs but very few would jeprodise freedom and lifestyle when they really don't have to as those skills are so in demand at the moment

Easiest way is to iplog him with one of the websites that let you generate links and then when he clicks it you have his ip

easy way is for cowards

It's probably the only way op will understand and actually be able to get his ip. If he's not using a vpn or proxy of course.

If he's that dumb he doesn't deserve help on /b

bro u useless

don't cry dumbfag