Wtf i hate jews now

wtf i hate jews now

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Nigga, do you know how rectangles and squares work?
Same thing.

All zionists are jews but not all jews are zionists. Figure it out op.

Get your life together

Which are worse?


Sup Forumsshills will tell you that whites are going to go extinct, and that we're under control by jews, but it's mostly just inconclusive and debunked conspiracy.

louis and the islamists when

>Scientologists thinking they're still relevant
You're about as relevant as that pathetic attention-whore.

No one cares. You're pyramid scheme is for morons. It will not stand the test of time. Stop trying.

flase flagging sea orgy pls



Correction: I saw Theroux and got buttmad because I thought this was another scientologist shill thread, and I posted something retarded.

My apologies.

nice try Xenu.

s'all good mango

Xenu is in lock-up, you ignorant whore.

Jews are way worse than squares.

>0 evidence
>whites reproducing below replacement level in every white majority nation while importing millions of non-whites
>more whites are now dying in american than being born
nigga u a shill

Naw, he just saying sum shit he think he supposed to say, nah mean?

Spread dat word, mah nigga. White muhfuckas be overtakin errythang, and they racist cause they ain't givin us no space, nahm sayin


at least the zionists will tell you what they want


>All zionists are jews
uhhhh no?

The biggest zionists are Christians, eff ay emm.


The main objective of Jews is to spread their poison as much as possible.

Many Christians are Zionists because muh End-of-times -- it's the only tangible thing that they can imagine would actually validate their retarded beliefs.

>The main objective of Jews is to spread their poison as much as possible.
The main objective of Jews is to be left the fuck alone. That's why Zionists exist.


That's the first wave of Zionism, dummy.

It's basically a case of wanting your cake and eating it too -- they want to be left alone, yet they want to be wherever they can make money and exploit as many people as possible.


That's just the same as most Nationalist philosophies. "Territory for me and people like me, but also let me grab whatever I want from people not like me to help us." It's not unique to the Jews. What is slightly more unique is the Jews haven't actually had that nation for very long, and sought it often because of poor conditions for them everywhere else.


Where did he say this? This sounds so hyperbolic as if it came right out of Sup Forums.

>the Jews had that nation for very long
Pretty sure that's not entirely accurate, m8.

Palestine was a thing LONG before Israel was a thing, and the Jews have been competing for that land for millennia.

That said, fuck the kikes, they're a scourge on the human race

>We can ruin the ancient pure bloodline
If you're going to make up fake quotes, at least put some fucking effort into it.

But I question why fake quotes are needed at all if your positions are strong enough. You guys are so worried that a cabal of people are trying to manipulate you and control your thoughts. Well who is it that keeps making up quotes to attribute to Jews to get you angry at them? It can't possibly be people who actually respect your intelligence and share your views.

It's text in the form of a jpg.

Your response was literally not an argument.

Ah shit, I misread your post because I'm drunk af.
>the Jews HAVE NOT had that land for very long.

Nevertheless, my point kinda still stands

The best part of this documentary was the Australian Jew who's program was selling Israeli real estate to overseas Jews. When he himself didn't live in Israel.

wtf i love jews now

I can't wait to see his scientology movie.

Those people are moronic fucktards. Should be good for a lot of laughs.

The main aim of zionist jews is to be left alone

The main aim of atheist 'cultural' (only breed with other jews blame all whitey for holocaust forever) jews from brooklyn is to destroy western civilization

That guy is a based mother fucker.

Literally Jewish Hitler

It's not the jews people who meet in the mystery schools...

>destroy western civilization
Why? If you just came up with something that made sense for a conspiracy theory like "They want to make money, and use nepotism to help that happen" It would make a little more sense, but just going "Oh, they want to destroy our way of life because they're just eeeviiiil!" makes it sound even more like crackpot nonsense.

And don't reply back to me with some quote by a Jewish professor saying they want to "abolish the white race" or anything. I've looked up those quotes, the ones that turned out to be real that is, and it's pretty much always talking about how "White people" is a construct designed to create a hierarchy, and which is what they want to remove, not remove white people themselves. That's far removed from having something against western society, which is much more about Democracy at this point than it is about race.

Why don't they all go back to Israel, then, and stop messing in the affairs of everyone else?

Because Israel is a shithole piece of land, and there isn't much opportunity for advancement within those confines.

So, it's not about being left alone, then.

They want to be left alone in other people's land. Oxymoron.

Because not all Jews are Nationalists, or are even worried about having a country all to themselves. The rich ones in the USA are perfectly comfortable where they are, some sects of religious ones believe it's not the right time according to prophesies to return to Israel, and many of the liberal socialist-leaning ones don't even like Israel or its politics.

>They want to be left alone in other people's land
It's their land if they've bought it.

Now you're catching on.

lel those sephardis look exactly like arabs


J-Roc pls

How did this get produced?

you're allowed to say Israel is bad just not that Jews are bad

take the same image and put "after extensively reading the talmud, which is the jewish bible, I realize that they consider us superior aryans as cattle". it works the same way if not more.

the talmud is only followed by a tiny minority, it's silly to think all the jews are after us.

I mean obviously jews own most mainstream media outlets and and people like george soros exist but you can't just say ALL jews are in on this plot


>Israel for Jews
>Western countries for everyone else.

He was going to make one, he did an interview with an Islamist but he was arrested before they could get much info or any further leads.