Just ate a hard candy with 150mg of thc (i think) infused. Whats gonna happen?

Just ate a hard candy with 150mg of thc (i think) infused. Whats gonna \happen\?

nothing your brain is happy and youll get tired then you go sleep and wake sober up

You'll get stoned, take a nap, then munch out.

Slight buzz maybe

depends on your tolerance. I assume you barely have any. You're gonna probably pass out in an hour or two and sleep hard

You'll go to another dimension


>slight buzz
nigga how much do you smoke a day? An ounce?


i dont get high if i dont smoke in a bong. whats wrong with my thc intake?

10-20mg of THC in edibles is a typical 'dose'

nigga u gon fly

I don't know, but that looks like a pretty disgusting ass.

lol 150mg?? are you fucking serious? imo thats a fucking ASS LOAD, instant sleep very soon. shitty dreams, prolly wake up and be fucking beyond fucked up. everythings going to be SUPER fucking vivid, prepare for possibly a bad trip. im not a stoner like most people. but i took 20mg of candy and was fucking blasted from here to jamaica. fucking gone. but i rarely smoke. gg user, ure fuckedddd
>also that high of mine took about 13 hours to finaly fuck off all the way, it was horrendous

Not going to say people come online to lie, but this person ain´t telling the truth. You´ll be fine.

mm im being real. i got fucking destroyed by 20mg, and im also a fat guy. so yeah it should of taken more than that to fuck me up, but it didnt, gg me.

Wow talk about a fucking child. 100mg doesn't do shit for me. I need about 200-250 to get high

you guys are so fucking pathetic, i eat like a whole gram on a daily basis you fucking spergs

Okay, first of all, more body fat = more high. THC's weird like that. Second, OP, you're gonna be pretty effing baked in about a half hour if you don't really have a tolerance, but it's not gonna destroy you. Just enjoy the ride.

omg that tasteful thickness

I said typical you autist.

I do 60mg of tincture and that's perfect. It depends on your body chemistry and how much you consume it. What is it, a competition?

not sure if im alone on this but whenever i take edibles i dont get high and ive had some pretty strong ones. but if i smoke after eating one ill feel extra baked for sure


Where the fuck did you get this picture OP? It's beautiful..

You gonna get high user, it'll take a while and it'll last a while but it's all good, you'll be fine in the morning, just have a coffee and a banana and you'll snap right out of the groggy feek

In about one hour after you consumed the edible, you will be as high as you have ever been. It will wear off in 4-8 hours.

Some ideas for some reason see it as a competition. Which goes against the stoner stereotype

You're gonna want to munch on that butthole.

This.. in like any fucking situation omg