Why does the UK have a stupid fucking queen that does absolutely nothing?

Why does the UK have a stupid fucking queen that does absolutely nothing?

She eats babies. That qualifies as "something".

Tourist attraction. Seriously.

The actual government is controlled by Muslims.

She's a jew.

Why are americans so triggered by that fact?

>queen that does absolutely nothing?

She bitches a lot, that's something. After she croaks the whole thing will collapse anyway, everybody hates Charles and William will die before 40, aged and bald.

You can't be triggered about that, and also isn't it against the law to speak badly about the queen in the press? Didn't it come out a couple of years ago the monarchy actually had a small role in making govt decisions especially in matters regarding the royal finances?

She is our mascot,. Kind of like colonel sanders is a mascot for black people.



Here mascots have power other than dancing around like an idot, your queen could order you be put down...doesn't sound like a mascot to me...

No power*


>american education

Its our culture

They bring in tourism and keep us relevant

Plenty of other countries also still have royalty

Also TV licenses exist in Japan as well so get off your high horse on that one

[spoiler]I wish I was an American[/spoiler]

So they can blame their misery on their German overlords.

Because you're a dumbass, OP.

Look up Orwell's views on the monarchy

>this is a 10/10 in the UK

I hope little girls in Britain view Elizabeth as a role model.

>don't like it when the English king/queen does something
>don't like it either when the English king/queen doesn't anything

And its a 17/10 in mexico my burrito brother

the queen is an immortal reptilian

Hey mate dont bad mouth our bloody queen you here me, she'll show whats what i tell you.

But seriously she is pretty based and is actually a benefit to the country (For things like tourism and national relations)

England is a bro the queen is for that fancy British feel kind of like not brushing your teeth before you go there because you want to fit in.
I'm pretty sure a lot of them hate john Oliver as well