What would he have to flip flop on to get you to stop supporting him?

what would he have to flip flop on to get you to stop supporting him?

serious question

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On protectionism. I don't want Canada to have to follow with the TPP/TPIP.
On the wall for most people I guess.

I thought Jews were smart. Figure it out yourself.

Go data mine somewhere else for what lies to spread to "control" the narrative.

Gun control, obamacare, and the wall.

im just wondering if this is just meme magic or if there's legitimately a line he could cross that would make you fags drop him, because the way it looks he'll piece by piece go back on everything he's said and we'll end up with another vanilla cuck in the whitehouse

It was all just part of the plan. Start by asking for more than you want, then compromise towards your position.

His position is the status quo.



Either way I win.

Liberals, Neocons, and cucks all get btfo'd


Based policies occur.

The future is finally looking up.

trumptards dont care about issues . the guy can say antyhing


mexicans or muslims

He'd have to say he was welcome to taking refugees in the country. That is honestly the only reason I'm supporting him. The rest can fuck all.

if he doesn't bomb the shit out of isis

The mexican cartels have killed more americans than ISIS...

name one thing he has flip flopped. And I mean a real flip flop not something the media misconstrued as a flip flop to further a narrative.

how do retards not realize that ISIS exists because of us bombing them? we need to either glass the entire region so none can rise up to take revenge or figure out another fucking strategy than MUH BOMBS

He's a Christian, he thinks Muslims are evil and can't recognize that it's just our fault and that not all men are created evil, specifically brown people, because the bible says otherwise

Making America Great Again

u think i care about "the issues"

ur dead wrong buddy

i only care bout one thing and thats making america great again

The wall. I don't even want a wall, just more border security with shoot to kill orders for all illegal persons crossing north and mass deportations and super enforcement of anti-illegal labor laws. That combined with ending the h1-b program is the first step to righting the ship.

If Trump didn't fulfill those promises, he won't be president for long I imagine.

He'd have to flip flop on something like killing random people for absolutely no reason.

Obamacare, the wall, muh guns

This. The only thing I can think of is when he fucked up with abortion prior of the Wisconsin primary. The rest was just the Lugenpresse Juden doing their thing.

Maybe if the media would give him full, sincere Hillary like support I would be become cautious.

Political correctness.

Haha, he's winning in the polls, so the media is snooping around Sup Forums to shape the narrative. Nah, nigger. Get outta here.


He already did that by speaking favorably of trannies.

He's already flip flopped on muslims. Turns out his complete shutdown on muslims entering the US doesn't include the mayor of London.

I think he believes that, not just trying to be correct.

He would have to stop trying to Make America Great Again

Minimum wage.