It's 3am and you're walking down the block and all of a sudden this dude crossing the street like this...

It's 3am and you're walking down the block and all of a sudden this dude crossing the street like this. What would you do ?

hmm, thinking..

hmm... good question mate


I've been thinking...

I would

not sure.

hmmm i really dont know

Say HEIL and do the roman salute

lol nice

Embrace fellow white brother

why does he have to be white

Check my map cause i just walked in a circle from the party i left

Give him a big hug.

Cuff him and arrest him for poaching a wild animal like in the documentary.

say what?

Don't stop and turn left!

>1488, my Aryan brother!!

keep talking on my cell phone. I think this neighborhood has speed bumps.

Say "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

do a 360 and walk forward

Give him a sign heil and go stomp nigga with him

Full stop ventilation bro


do a 180 and walk away and then do another 180 and walk back and hug him then do another 180 cause I dropped my wallet then pick it up and then get curb stomped cause I'm a dindu

nothing - because I'm white

He lured a wiled animal out of its natual surroundings, appliance boxes and drugs, with a car.

Tempting the wild beast OUT of its native/usual territory in order to hunt/kill said beast is poaching. Ok, upon review, poaching might be a bit off but.... dentists, am I rite?

Regardless of proper phrasing, the documentary holds true, he didn't have the proper paper work for curb stomping said animal.

The brilliant part of this documentary is how well they portrayed the hive cluster of the animals in their natural habitat(prison), and the protagonists survival skills therein.

fucking samefag

>survival skills

>anal elasticity

This movie is for closeted people only

Misquoting, are you a politician?

Thank him for his service