McDonald's officially replacing 3000 workers for machines. This is what happens when you ask for a 15$ minimum

McDonald's officially replacing 3000 workers for machines. This is what happens when you ask for a 15$ minimum.

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I for one welcome our new machine overlords.
mcdonalds cashiers are almost always complete idiots.

No, this is what happens when a corporation realizes they can cut costs by eliminating a low skill ceiling job.

TBH, their customer service metrics can only get better from this.

wonder why they don't use the app. I always thought mcdonalds was in the top of their game


It was inevitable even if the workers wanted a lower minimum wage

A machine will always cost less in the long run

Thank god. Fast food cashiers are morons who can't get an order right as it is. And so many of them are stupid niggers. Only downside is that I heard these things are super slow.

Typical conservative reaction - blame the victim.

Then may I say RIP small businesses.

Yeah. Especially with energy and software becoming cheaper than wages. Electric bill too high? Install solar panels in the future. They'll get extra PR face for that too.

Well I'm surprised their food isn't made in a factory assembly line.

It will be, soon enough. It'll take time for the machines to take over, but mcdys is on the path.

Minimum wages accelerate the rate at which this happens. If equivalent hourly price of machines is going something like 25, 23, 21 and labor is going 10->15, it's going to happen sooner rather than later.

This shit has been in the works for fucking DECADES.

Soon a you'll just select the food you want on your phone, pay the company with the patent on the food, then it 3D prints and shoots straight into your fat fucking mouth.

most min wage job exist only because there is not a technology to replace them. there are AI systems in the works to replace customer service call centers, self-driving cars to replace taxis/couriers/truck drivers, etc. it not so much min wage is asking for more as it is the growth of technology. primary reason i'm learning to code

>Minimum wages accelerate the rate at which this happens

Let's demand minimum wages of 50$ per hour so that the corporations are forced to replace every job by machines.

Nobody has to work anymore, tax the shit out of the corporations (worldwide - so that there are no tax havens)


> voted for Bernie Sanders

I work for $14 an hour 10 hr days 4 days a week, no fucking faggot mcDonalds nigger drug addict should make 15 an hour especially if they dont work near as hard as I do

Because no one wants a MCDONALD'S app on their phone. It's tacky and gay. If you would have the NEED TO DOWNLOAD IT, then you should reconsider your life choices that led you to frequently make use of a McDonald's app.

Fuck them anyways, I ask for BBQ sauce with my mcnuggets and everytime i get sweet and sour.

Good luck getting arrested for trying to go off the grid, install solar and contribute to grid and get paid faggot

They would have done it anyway stupid. They still pay $7 here.

There will be a niche for human interaction if computers take over, people will migrate to said jobs nothing will change

I guess the real question we should be asking companies is: What are they going to do when there isnt enough people buying their shit because all low-tier jobs are fucking gone?

True, the upfront overhead cost of equipment lile that is easily absorbed for a massive corporatipn like McD, making the long term savings of lower payroll expense faster to realize.

that's when they push for govt funded universal wages

>a [small] niche for human interaction
>[millions of] people will migrate to said jobs

are you retarded

Well at that point they would pretty much just control the government more so then they already do. Communism, but with the companies in charge instead of the workers.

Well the funny thing is, min wage workers are the type of people that buy fast food.

>replacing workers FOR machines

user, if you worked for me I'd replace you with a houseplant

Cant really blame them when you can get a days worth of food off the dollar menu cheaper than ingredients from a grocery store.

I'm just wondering what took them so long. We've been ordering by touch screen computer at the cafeteria at my office for like 5 years.

so you think Warren Buffet works approximately 7 000 000 times harder than you?

If you are a wage slave in 2017 you are simply a placeholder for a robot that hasn't been implemented yet

Changes like this would eventually be rolled out at all locations if effective, they likely took time selecting proper seed stores in order to get reliable feedback information befor deciding to spend however many million it would take to retrofit McDs all over.

$50 says this guy is unemployed.


At least I know when I order a double quarter pounder with cheese, xtra pickles, and no onions, it will get sent back to the kitchen as a souble quarter pounder with cheese, xtra pickles and no onions.

I can't tell you how many times a stupid cashier has fucked up an order because they "misheard" me or some bullshit like that.

Everyone say thank you to capitalism for being dumb as fucking shit.

no jobs means people dont get money which means they cant spend their money

Literally was going to post this.

> low skilled labor will lose jobs
> only good cuz they shiat
> has zero knowledge of what AI can do
> tfw 80% of labor force loses jobs
> shaaait they stol me jobb i huv pHD wey

Thank Reaganomics.

Lets throw our money at the rich, because hording money isnt something the rich do.

the state does not need labor for economy to grow only labor output, which will be done by machines and AI, therefore people can be unemployed and live off machines as predicted before

McDonalds is dying anyway.

Only a fool would eat that crap.

We need to kill some corporations and McDonalds is a good place to start. Put them out of business.

Actually, it really isn't, but a peasant like you wouldn't know anything about that. You're just mad you're not getting a free ride.

Let it happen! Let ALL jobs be replaced by robots! They will do the work while we get the rewards! I voted for trump, but I'll admit the future is undoubtedly socialist and that's fine. Just need the republican party there to make sure we don't run too fast into this robot thing and end up fucking shit up. It has to be slow: there is a LOT of change to be made until we have a future where none of us have to work, robots doing everything instead. It's really inevitable: with the advancement of robotics and technology, this sort of stuff will get cheaper and cheaper and more appetizing to corporations. And corporations are the biggest influence in what happens to the world, aside from governments.

You realise that there are no examples of a minimum wage having anything but a positive effect on an economy where it's been tried?
Same goes for universal income

Stop sucking your corporate masters dick for once and imagine yourself in a better future

Name calling, a grade A way to disprove something.

But I deserve $15/hour...

>aside from governments
but who pays the governments?

What could go wrong!

Taxpayers without shit jobs. But they're used to paying lazy fat asses who have genetic conditions.

the machine owners

it's true?
Watches at $ 0?

yeah and the best part
less working niggers
more niggers in the streets that stab you and
take your bike

You're mostly correct, however I feel the need to point out that retrofitting the POS systems in every McDonald's in just the United States wouldn't be counted in millions, you're talking hundreds of millions, potentially billions in initial investment. Which is why they are careful about who gets it when, and testing it before full scale implementation.

Doing it on a world wide scale would most likely get into the tens of billions by the time the project is completed.

If it works for bottom-feeders like you, why shouldn't the rest of us do it too? Oh, that's right, you don't want a fair fight, you want to win automatically and get your trophy just for showing up. The rich don't get rich by hoarding money. They're not a bunch of Scrooge McDucks swimming in literal pools of cash. They get money and then BUY SHIT WITH IT THAT CONTINUES TO MAKE MONEY FOR THEM. Maybe if you experienced the real world through something other than the Internet and MTV, you'd have something resembling an informed opinion, but no, you'd rather drink the Kool-aid and sieg heil to anyone who will promise you something for nothing instead of grow up and earn your place.

Fuck that, too much work. Puree that shit and give me a double quarter pounder enema.


The top 5 richest individuals on planet earth have the combined wealth of the bottom 51%

Yes, they Scrooge it to the max

one day none of us will have jobs
machines will do everything
and we wont have money to spend
and that day
the fucking corporations have had drained every last cent from us
and capitalism will finally be dead

It's just the cashiers getting replaced. The food will still get assembled by people and you will still get food that looks like that.

Communism will rise as a side effect of automation. It will come and all of us will learn to accept it.

I'm sick of this shit. If you want cheese on the side, don't be surprised when someone takes it literally.

if only bk could do the same. those guys fuck up my order everytime.

automation or communism?

The super rich are SO rich, that they literally CANNOT spend that money - as well as its tied up in offshore tax havens meaning if they ever used it, they'd lose it.
The rich are literally pulling a Scrooge mcduck you retarded gormaloid

nice, automation is good

Thanks Trump!!!111

if eating mcdonalds were like licking the street clean
eating bk would be like diving in a sewer

More Robot Jobs
A Solar Panel Wall so Mexico doesn't have to pay a secret much

We all know how concerned Trump is with Mexicos plight.
Isn't that why you voted for him?

Uh huh, assumptions about a total stranger's life asside, and more name calling, and assumptions of spending habbits based on zero facts...

Well off families keep as much money as they can, and have the power to ensure they save that money. As an accountant, I see the spending habbits of dozens of snall businesses, and the millionares I work for are the ones that are slowest to pay their bills. Not because they can't pay, but because generally the wealthy are far stingier than normal society.

Ive refrained from insulting you, please return the favor in your doubtlessly incomong response.

Especially when your order is taken and made by a computer

yeah but, it's nice to change up the dietary trash sometimes.

honestly who even goes to mcdonalds anymore
except for landwhales, thats obvious

No, once they have full control, that's when your corporate overlords will tell you that now it's a GREAT IDEA for a guaranteed universal income(so that you can now spend it on their robot services)
And the retarded right will start singing that tune as if it's the only song they've ever sung.

No, dumbass, this is what happens when a company gets fat and bloated on their profits for 50 years until people wise up and start eating healthier. They're still rich as fuck, but not AS rich as fuck, so this happens. Some board room guy thought this will help increase profits. Fuck McDonalds. Let em burn.

>You realise that there are no examples of a minimum wage having anything but a temporary positive effect on an economy where it's been tried?
I fixed it so you don't sound like a giant retard.

Get the fuck off /b

i think if i could go back in time
id stop the monetary system from being invented
the world is sick
with greed

America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register.

Great retort. I surrender, you've convinced me of your point.

When the victim is retarded. Yes, it is there problem for having a case of the downs. Doesn't mean we should have to put up with a system of the downs. Replace the stupid with machines... funny that the Same retards probably can't use the machines replacing their jobs.

nah, by then machines would have gained sentience
i think it would all go down like in animatrix

they would do this anyhow.

hope you all enjoy the rampant homelessness we have awaiting us in the future. i'm gonna laugh my ass off when AI comes around and starts running businesses better than any CEO can now. perhaps then they'll regret what they did.

They won't burn. So what if developed countries do not eat Mc Donald's anymore, they still have about 4 billions potential clients in developing countries

You're the retard my friend , ignoring the hard data.

Go on, please show where the introduction of minimum wages or universal income had a negative effect?
You have all of history and the entire globe to choose from.

Now, shall we count all the times capitalism has failed?

>America is the wealthiest nation on Earth
no, no, a thousand times no
do you happen to live under a fuckin rock?

WYD retard? Most areas that's not illegal. Adding to the grid costs 20k +- just to add the hardware to give power to the power company. Some places they won't even pay...

Lol this happened in Australia ages ago. BASED AUSTRALIA always one step ahead of the rest of the world.

Right, pretend to have insider information so you can claim to be right in spite of your assertion being absurd. Money sitting around does nothing. You're confusing the corporate wealthy with the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Money is useless unless it's being utilized to either procure assets. Interest-bearing accounts only exist as a means to encourage the middle class to dump money into banks where they get pennies a year if anything, while the real wealthy are moving their money on a daily basis. A REAL accountant would know this. Stop trying to win by deceit.

Yeah have fun with that bartering system.

your post is so fuckin ironic.

Typical trumptard, no actual points just namecalling

>Money is useless unless it's being utilized
Now you're getting it faggot.

Now, of the few hundred billionaires there are on the planet (with a combined wealth of more than the majority of the planet combined) , how many of those billionaires saw their fortune spent and regained in the last year?

I think you'll find they stockpile money to an obscene level.
Rich people are detrimental to economies.
Sounds crazy I know...happens to be true

Typical republican

So technically saying, our life will be like internet?

That works too. Either way they're the bottom of the barrel

People could control whether McDonald's has success with these machines.
Just don't buy your food there and demand a human cashier.
But no. Sheeple, especially hipsters and liberals, will praise those machines....
It's not Macdonald's fault, it's society.

Just reinforce the idea that Usuary is a crime and that those people guilty of it should be put to death.
It's already written in the bible to do that, you just need to go back and convince Emperor Constantine that it should be a primary tennent of the faith

Much like 80s Eastern Europe, Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea, and 80s Soviet Russia thrived in socialism. China makes it successful through corruption, oppression, and cheap labor. Just research history, and open your mind.