You laugh you lose

You laugh you lose







Holy shit it's been years since I've seen this picture.

Funny. Not a OSHA approved ladder.


u started the thread with this? THIS??!?



ejia are athere 2 oaf these? Arein;t one enough?2 si too many ylytl threasd.
please checks the catalg before majing an extra ylyl theraed.

Dude his girlfriend is a ghost.

ok they need a punch in the head. not funny, just really annoying.

dude therez ant0her a ntlylylyl thr4ead., this onesa a waste ofspace and is why thereee is banaa and shitposting.

finally lost

I mean of ofrs4, good for you if yo aoere a peaceful muslim. i don'ts see wny We syhould pariase thwe rest for that. Judge eah man indikvidullly, anf all that, but SMITE THE shit out of em when theyerde ass holes, you know?

Sad. (é_è)


thank you I was teling rrhem this awasd cancer.



