What are you doing for ramadan Sup Forums?

What are you doing for ramadan Sup Forums?

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I wonder what year they got stoned to death.


Sitting down with a bowl of pocorn to watch the annual Mecca human stampede on tv

The Asians that wrapped a towel around their head for a niche porn shoot?


They're still muslims you fucking tard.

>porn shoot
And you call others tards?
You dumb fuck

>that is a porn shot

Just stop...

Ethnic cleansing.

It is tho.
What pioint are you tryibg to make?
Ate you suggesting that muslim girls would just make out with each other in public spaces?

You're retarded... I bet you believe all the vid titles on half orphan too

>he thinks pork isn't staged to make it look unstaged.
What a moran... also...
>underage b&

Learn to take your own advice


oh boy


>pork isnt staged

pork is always staged DUMBASS


Scheiß Gelumpe

Muslimische Schlampe


preparing to jerk off to your sister

Börk Börk

I fired a muslim. It's okay. He had shitty work ethic.

You think muslim sluts dont like dick you virgin?

Living my life as usual.
That is, eating 4-5 solid meals a day, drinking a bbit of alcohol in the weekends, going to work.

Because im not a caveman who live my life after some rules a pedophile goathumper made up some thousand years ago.


OP is Always sucking more Cocks.

This thread is pure shit.
Go fuck yourself with a shovel dumbshit.

Beating my dick to the thought of two sand nigger lesbians.

getting ripped as fuck

Just came by, what the fuck is Ramadan, can someone explain?

fuck my goats


Is this the result of poor American education and lack of reading comprehension?

They're from Iran and don't do Ramadanan


OP is a day, yes, but you're the one with that image saved
Fucking double fag

They aren't and they do

Those are some fine-ass brown titties.

ham pies and putting peanut butter on my balls so my pet pig can lick it off lovingly

Eating bacon and burning a koran.

>what the fuck is Ramadan, can someone explain?

Some made up day sandniggers claim is holy.


Holy for a reason? I know they drink as Irish after sunset... why ? Is this day connected to some event they think happened?

Is this haram?


Kill yourself please

This is the result of people with mental processes that can be predicted long before they have even seen what they will be respinding to.
>pic related

Just keeping track of the Muslim body count for science.

When you're about Allah in the street, but Ahmed in the sheets.



porc is not allowed for Christian and muslim
Sura Al-Baqarah 2:173 and Leviticus 11:7 because is not good because of the Uric acid go read some science book about that

Not fucking my Muslim fuck toy as she's in the homeland

I don't tend to celebrate the holy days of any religion.
I might walk around and eat delicious stuff in front of muslims though.

Breeding Muslim pussy.

Can't decide if the lips or eyes are hotter, but either way 10/10 I'm in love


Ramadan ended.

>for ramadan

Its ending today nigga

Thank fuck. My gf is Muslim. This month has been shite

Eat pork. Muslims missing out on this.


>>tfw a muslim eats bacon for the first time and cries at how good it is then posts it online

there was a saudi guy who worked in my office. not only was he the laziest mother fucker in the world, he bragged about how he was doing nothing to his boss

he got fired

this outraged him

Are you dating them to be progressive or something?

I just want my own personal suiccide bomber

The usual, bombing a public event, I'm thinking a child's birthday party.

it ends tomorrow or even monday in some countries

Wow, that was fast.

Eating during sunlight


yeah... a month ususally is around 30 days long

Sure they do...
Not on camera though.

But they also don't eat any food whike the sun is up for weeks because Ramadan

ex excuse me gentlemen?! fff, fffF is this thing on? fff, yeah, sooo, I just want to remind you that Mr. Hitler did NOTHING wrong.

My muzzie gf thanked me after she had her first real bacon

>Dating a muzzie
>She is still religious
You fucked up lad

Thousands year old texts did not gave the term uric acid.
Think about that you fucking retard.

Nah white women are just shit and fuck niggers and chinks

You missed the fasting joke dipshit

same here, no food and mentall illness has mad her bonkers

Why are you dating a practicing Muslim

Because i can?

Slowly moving away from it tho man. I mean she's dating me and I'm an atheist

goddamn stinky sand niggers... whats the point of there existence? to blow shit up? mosquitoes have a better purpose in life then these human towels


Though the Quran doesn't actually say to kill homosexuals, that's the Bible.

More hot muslim girls plz

science say that because of uric acid but before science wasn't know so of cource there no uric acid in coran or bible still they both said that pork is not good and that change nothing science just confirm plus christian can't eat pork too but a lot of them do it that for me that the most important thing in what i just said before even the most important thing you should think about it retard

It said pork is not good because improperly prepared pork makes people

Enjoy the hook worms if you don't cook it well enough.

That's just fucking dumb m8

Should have found an immigrant who has westernized a bit

Who Is ramaddan?

Nah shes not even religious shes just doing it because shes dumb
Have fun with your hand tho lol

Thanks for agreeing

>I wonder what year they got stoned to death.

1432 AD

sweet mother of jeezie, I want to fuck those lips and cum deep down her throat. repeatedly

>Can't decide if the lips or eyes are hotter,

you are literally faggot. unless you're thinking of fucking or cumming in those eyes. but you aren't, so you are faggot.

100 virus type comes from china in the united states with the pigs then the pig digest in 4 hours everything it not enough to eliminate all toxins from the feed so even if it's "propely prepared" it's still not good to eat that shit you love so much