So for any hard core Christians out there, I wanted to get your opinion on homosexuality...

So for any hard core Christians out there, I wanted to get your opinion on homosexuality. Of course it's listed as a sin in the Bible (The bastardized version we all know today as the King James version) but so is working on the sabath, and wearing clothes with two different kinds of fabrics, and yet, once a woman is able to give birth (as young as 13?) They can be wed.

Now I just want to know how and where you determine the line is for sin or not. I was raised as a god fearing/loving christian. It wasn't until I was 16~ where I had too many nights of insomnia and critically thinking about religion in general. I just couldn't accept the fact that since I was born into this religion, it makes it correct? Pretty much every religion claims themselves as the end all. It's pretty ignorant of me to assume the one I happened to be raised on is correct.

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what what in the butt xD

I hope you critically think. Your mind will rot if you don't occasionally drive yourself mad with exploring metaphysical concepts.

>t. 17 year old who believes he has license to start a serious discussion about philosophy
just because you learned some alternative words and sophisticated phrases doesn't make you smart or qualified.

As a true Christian,

It doesn't matter to me if it's a sin or not, because it is not my place to judge.

It should only matter if you are trying to be gay and Christian.

"Revelations 22:11"

Has the answer.

Honestly as long as you're not a degenerate goat fucker or pedo or anything I couldn't give a shit, take as much dick as you like just don't take it near me

"Bible is bollocks."
- Me, 1:1


That's a notion from the Enlightenment's legal codes, what does it have to do with good ol' semitic religions? Nothing.

What a shit holy book you're trying to write, user.

The apocalypse clearly says that no single man can save himself, God just gives us a lot of mercy so we can be saved.
It is up to us to work to be better men and women while we understand and learn from our mistakes.
I am a bestiality fag and I should have been purged if the procedures had been followed by the letter.

>implying that he could write a book

I'm a Christian, and I'm bi, Jesus preached love

Not really religious myself, but it has to do with where it's found and in what context. All those mentions of things like wearing clothes with different fabrics or (I shit you not) burning your house down if you find mold in it are from a certain section of the old testament (I forget which one) where a bunch of these kinds of laws appear. Most of these laws are considered obsolete with the new testament (i.e. Jesus). There is, however, reference to homosexuality being immoral in the new testament, as well. According to my interpretation homosexuality is still OK according to the bible, but it's been a while since I looked in the whole thing so I can't detail the justification.

user did u mean beastislity or like a best faggot?

Fucking animals.

I feel that it's bad because a sexual preference determines a partner rather than an actual bond.

>Implying idiots won't make a religion out of these words

Looking at you Scientology

I'm 25 and I'm scared that everyone is a drone irl. They don't have intelligent converations any more. I don't want tv or listen to mainstream music so I have nothing in common with thsee zombies. It's so hard to find people to challenge your way of thinking.

It's just hard to believe in a god that makes a rule against two consenting adults of sound mind can't be together but you're allowed to wed a 13 year old girl because her eggs are now working ? I don't like this chetry picking. My whole modus operandi has always been about causing no harm or to others.

Jesus said that nobody can judge anyone and the one that is perfect has to throw the first rock.
It meant that nobody can judge but God, because only God has achieved perfection.
Everybody has done mistakes.

Find some good materials to study, OP, such as:


I have had a vision of the promised city, 3 miracles where my money has duplicated itself as signals, my Father and my Granfather said goodbye when He died to me in a dream and walked to the light together.
And I saw an angel watching over my mother at 5 am when she was sleeping.
I can't wait to join them all in heaven and be a family again.

Religion is a cancer the world would be better off without

Dont know how religious people get away with it if anyone believes in magical fairies they'd be deemed crazy but its ok to believe a dude that floats around on a cloud causing havok

Dubs confirm

The door to heaven is about to close.

>Of course it's listed as a sin in the Bible (The bastardized version we all know today as the King James version)
It's a sin no matter what translation you choose.

It's a religion born in the iron age from Canaanite polytheism. They sacrificed animals to please god and slaughtered the women and children of rival tribes at His command. At some point you have to accept the Bible has a lot of ancient, backwards, magical bullshit despite Jesus saying some pretty wise shit toward the end.

I had a vision that your vision was a lie from satan

There is no heaven its just us here alone doing stupid things in the name of religion your born you chase money all your life then you die and you feed worms thats it

Jesus didn't preach butt-fucking. You're a shining example of cognitive dissonance.

You would love that, won't you? heretic.
"And they will be allowed to defeat the saints"

no u r

Forgot to post your frog.

>believes Revelation
lol that shit doesn't even belong with the rest of the bible, it's insane shit written by a madman many years after the other books.

Just as expected.
Keep fooling the men like it is written, minion.
Just be sure God and my brothers have already won this.
You can't escape God's will and you will face destruction.

The Bible despite what most believe it to say homosexuality is a sin is not implied or inferred there in.

There is a reference to it outside of the sodom and gomora references that actually speaks about it other than the aforementioned rape context.

Basically it says in our age of grace where we are in a spiritual war, and we are, it is only mentioned as a shame that people don't choose there battles more critically.

If you are in the heat of a battle you don't stop to check if you have mud on your face.

That's basically the only reference to it and so if you can find this in the Bible you will be well on your way to more meaningful paths.

That is all I will say, this would be an excercise for the student and I will say use a Strongs concordance to help take the KJv of the Bible back to the original word and all words in italics mean the scribes honestly didn't k know at the time the translation so cut them some slack.

Homosexuality, the hive for hiv.

T. Not a Christian

P.s. Be weary of trying to rationalize 3000 year old laws and compare it to modern standards of ethics.

Homosexuality is not a sin, sodomy is and it's a sin among heterosexuals as well.

The church advises homosexuals to live a life of chastity.

> only one sin in the bible wich is unforgivable.
Tip: its not gayness

many things from OT are not used today by Christians so...