Crippling fears thread! Rank them and if they match mine good shit will happen

Crippling fears thread! Rank them and if they match mine good shit will happen

tits and timestamp or gtfo

you were pro Bernie, but voted for Hillary.

I literally timestamped and made note of it

No I was gay and went Johnson

Hey op !
Saw your last thread...
Meh... loss of memory is my top ranked
Also fagoos Op will deliver

My fear is that I can't tell if I'm looking at a man or a woman.

Can you put numbers on them instead of dots.... would be much easyer.

tits or gtfo

Sup fam
That's pretty up there for me too, it'll be shitty not remembering who I am

They're just salty.

A bee is pretty fucking scary, but seeing a girl that actually posts on Sup Forums is even scarier

raped, memory, supervirus, bees, and isolation are tops

You look like Ramsay Bolton became a woman. Gross.

penis not working anymore

we are the silent majority

The Feminist agenda wins and becomes the reality we must all live in.

Bees ? Bees... c'mon... bees
Mem, supervirus... the rest i just don't really give a fuck :)
Rape no1.... where do you live? Is rape a thing there?

oh god no

>a bee is pretty fucking scary

yeah, but i could have dreamed that a ht the most half decent femanon would crawl n this warm arm pit shit hole we love in know.


The feminists tell me I'm in constant danger of rape

My biggest fear is that I won't be able to successfully find a sister wife for my wife.

>The Feminist agenda wins and becomes the reality we must all live in.
Well we are kinda living in it... feminism , blm and refugees
As we sit here and masturbate the population of africa is on a mateing spree... think about it

Do you people seriously not understand the rules? It's very fucking simple.

Yea... you are in constant danger ! Listen to them... and you will be in constant danger of being a unfunctional human in a society.
Aaaand it depend on how much your btain allows you to think !

I don't see your nipples...

Off by one

1. Mass population dead via supervirus

2. Memory loss

3. Electronic bee worming into your brain

4. National debt

5. Concept of death/eternity

6. National debt

7. Getting stalked / raped /attacked

8. Gender/Identity politics

Oh and 9. National debt.

Is Alzheimer's the same as memory loss?

I have no fears.
Because fear is a choice. None of those things have any impact directly upon you. They all touch you through other vectors, if they touch you at all.

So why choose to live in fear?
What good does it do you?
What more do you accomplish by stressing yourself out that you could not achieve by disregarding events beyond your control, and by choosing to reject fear and instead keep a level head?


Now let's do it op... kek
Wven if you posted here yesterday you did not catch the rules... yea there is a timestamp.. but not all know your last thread

if i were you id be afraid to go outside. yikes.

Neat, spread cheeks.

Yeah, because getting a strange penis inside of you doesn't affect you.

Your philosophy degree is going to prepare you for an illustrious career in the ditch digging industry.

i think you'll find that's a sharpie fucking your ass not national debt

OMFG you nailed it

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

Nah nah... spread it op that looks like just in between the cheeks... belive me (we) i saw a lot of sharpies in the pooper

Fear is the thing that stops you from doing dumb shit.

Can I just put all of these as 0/10, I have never once given any thought to any of these as actual fears and I probly never will.

That's pretty sexy

No way, i thought only a dick could do that??????

losing memory
national debt
mass population death
getting stalked/raped
concept of death/eternity
gender politics

Where are you from op?

It's probably because of the electronic bees in our brains creating a hivemind.

oh shit, i didnt even see a sharpie in the pooper

It's really hard doing it and taking a pic at the same time

Reason does that.
Fear is just one of many prompts for reasonable consideration.

Falling in love.

Sounds skitzo' if you catched the pill

A place that's hot and humid as balls rn

my lord, your face... it looks like someone shaved an ewok

Lay on your back , spread ... take photo

It sounds schizo because I didn't catch the pill.

I'm sick of timestamping, it's such a fucking chore


One could argue fear is reasonable, then.


1) Concept of death/eternity

2) Gender/identity politics turning Western society into even more of a Marxist cesspool of degeneracy than it already it

3) National debt (definitely related to #2)

4) Losing memory

5) Electronic bee burrowing in my brain (terrifying but highly unlikely)

6) Getting stalked/raped/attacked by stranger (I'm a reasonably strong guy and know how to fight, plus I live in a sleepy mostly white neighbourhood. It's highly unlikely I'll get attacked and if I do, I can probably defend myself. If I lived in some shithole like Chicongo this would be way higher though)

7) Mass population death via supervirus (seems highly unlikely and humanity could use a good purge anyway)

8) Being isolated/shunned (I like people generally, but don't need anyone else to be happy)

Someone got spooked watching black mirror

MOAAAAAAAAR i love that ass

please spread your asshole for us OP

That's why you do it at the beginwing of the thread+tits... thus you do the stamp+tits and start asking shit or demanding shit


>Yeah, because getting a strange penis inside of you doesn't affect you.
It does not.
How is it any different than stubbing your toe?
You feel a pain. You maybe bleed. You recover. It's a temporary sensation. I've experienced it myself. As a child, even. It was no worse than being physically beaten.

I'm also a STEM major. Philosophy is just how I filled all my liberal arts credits. But I adopted Stoicism years before even going to uni, to cope with an anxiety disorder based in the trauma of my childhood.

I used to live in constantly daily fear. Now I'm virtually fearless. Because I simply choose to be. And rationally I know now that fear did not help me. It distracted me. It's a relic of our primitive pasts. Now we're smart enough to survive without it. I'm safer now without fear than I ever was when I was paranoid.

Rather, that fear is just another sense observation that your reason can use to make decisions, like the color of a sign or the shape of an animal or the smell of smoke. I'm not sure fear itself can be reasonable. Instead, our considerations and conclusions based upon it would be what is reasonable.

A feeling itself isn't within the class of concepts we typically ascribe to reason. But a feeling can be an effective premise for justifying a specific conclusion proposed in response to a circumstance.

You caught me

There you go op !
Told you fags that op will deliver

There is no timestamp because I am not wonder woman and I can't do all that shit at the same time. You'll have to take my word for it that this is indeed my ass

blue eyes, blue eyes

It's not a good show to be watching when high out of your mind. That shit will fuck you up.

FUCK YEAH OP, DELIVERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome OP confirmed: Engaging in thread

best show I've seen in I don't know how long

thanks Sup Forums you're awesome too

can you show tits now?

I fear tensions might escalate between russia and the US and that it may lead to a proxy war in Europe (Where I live)


can you please never show those miserable tits again?


I'm actually disappointed.

aliens are my biggest fear, now do more butt stuff


I don't think they are miserable at all, they have the right slope

>it's true?
>Watches at $ 0?

That is the ugliest looking trap I have ever seen. I hope you sued the mental illness enthusiast, I mean doctor, that gave you those saggy lumps for tits.

they look very disappointing actually. pull your nipples hard as punishment

The fuck are you trying to do? I saw you yesterday posting here. You know that this board is almost 90% filled with niggers and arabs right? Thats why there is so much porn in circulation. Every time you make a thread you gonna have to show your tits and shoe on head or sharpie in ass, always. The only method that is working here is that one bitch that does cooking with Sup Forums on fixed times and never shows xer face. Xe also does psychology threads and has its own little circle on Sup Forums that she always can return to.

But what are you trying to do? Just attention whoring for a bunch of niggers is going to get real fucking boring real fast.

That's rude. Don't pick on people like that.

Consider a better presentation than squished down by the top.

They look fine there.

However, in all of the pics you have eyes that say, "Sometimes the voices tell me to hurt people."

Sup Forums will always be Sup Forums

She looks quite attractive to me idk what you all are talking about
But to answer the question my only fear is an asteroid hitting earth killing everything

c u c k alert.

where in the UK are you op?

OP nurse you're the shit

I thought yesterday was all we'll get but I was wrong, you came back at the exact same time
Here, have a gif

If you knew what's being investigated right now in the neural sciences about using electrodes in your brain

>inb4 tinfoil hat

I'm a psychology student and I have volunteered in experiments of the sort

hi fam!

I cant really see it right. Is op a woman or a tranny faggot?

can't change the way my body is. It rather have meh boobs than fake ones

I am a woman, I cannot speak to how much of a faggoo I am