French Sup Forums VIII: Negro M Verdun

HI Sup Forums.

Disgrace today. It has been announced that super nigger rapper 'black M' would give a "concert" during the Verdun centennial commemoration.
>Far righters to organise retaliation for this humiliation.
kikebook adress/Boris-Le-Lay-403505586497759/?fref=ts
kikebook adress/daniel.conversano/posts/10156950834530370?pnref=story among others

>Prime minister Valls announce that his government will use the procedure of the 49-3 article of the constitution, allowing him to force the Assembly to pass the Labor Law reform.

>Mayor of Paris Mrs. Hidalgo: "Sadiq Khan is an exemple for France"

The next phase of the socialist anti white plan, is to promote figures from their pet nonwhite hordes, who are not that much enthusiastic about voting for socialist white traitors.

>Hollande: 2016 is the year of the Marseillaise. A contest will be held to "revisit" the national anthem.
first they took or shekels, now they take our anthems. what next?
vid inside, if you seek redemption don't start the vid, massacre versions of the marseillaise inside.

>Le Monde columnist: Not enough muslims in elegible positions, an error we'll pay dearly"

>Calais: lugenpress saddened over the difficulties to identificate dead migrants
>Nomads vs Mud men at Foire du Trone
>Many affairs involving mud guys: Murad Busbia tried over attempted murder; Nigger Jérémias Pangi Carlos jailed as he is tried for murder, threatens witnesses from his cell; firemen stoned in Toulouse
>(((Crif))) jews mad at Foreign Affairs minister Ayrault over pro-palestinian unesco french vote.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ah je comptais justement en faire un, merci.

What a shame for us that this muslim monkey will try to "have fun" for the centennial of Verdun, I'm so triggered. I have a great grandfather who fought there and earned two medals. How can they hate white people and our history so much? Leftists are such a plague.

Also, far right protest happening in Paris the 28 may. Unofficially organized by Génération identitaire, everybody's welcome.

Forgot pic.

Fuck this gay earth. I really want off this ride right about now.

all of your dumb commemorations are arbitrary and absurd and a rapper will do great to expose this

>all of your dumb commemorations are arbitrary and absurd
Explain pls.

>don't respond to shitposters
>don't even acknowledge shitposters
>hide shitposters' IDs

>Far righters to organise retaliation

that's new.
go france.

Can't allow leftists and niggers to spit on our ancestors' graves. For now it's just a call, but something could happen.

So. What are you all doing to Make France Great Again ? What are your projects ?

It's very important for the DGSI.

Déjà la première chose à faire c'est de commencer à militer plutôt que de raconter de la merde juste pour passer le temps comme au autiste.

Leur attitude est pire qu'humiliante, c'est une déclaration de mépris. "Des milliers des blancs morts, aha rien à foutre, mettez leur un noir" Le père Hollande est un bel enculé et j'espère qu'un jour il sera pendu place de la Nation.

Postez la vidéo du suicide Périscope svp

Il pourrait être pendu dans des chiottes publiques que je m'en contenterais. Dans l'absolu je ne hais même pas les Noirs et les Arabes, y'en a que je crèverais avec plaisir bien sûr mais je veux dire que je ne les déteste pas tous intégralement. Par contre les gauchistes, les marxistes, les traîtres, ceux là ne méritent rien d'autre que de la haine.

T'es chez qui ?



Des gens abonnés au Rivarol ici ? Qu'en pensez vous ?

Belles photos pour la manif à Paris. Vous étiez combien ?

Huh? Aware me.

Une gonzesse s'est suicidée ce matin en direct sur Periscope, en se jetant sous le RER C. Elle a dit qu'elle le faisait car elle avait été violée - et apparemment elle a livré le nom du mec en question avant de faire le grand pas.

Tu trouveras les infos sur le twitter de Sautarel. Sinon ici c'est pas Sup Forums les gars.

Bourbon est clairement un gros porc frustré et répugnant, pas un guerrier. Il dit quelques vérités, le problème c'est que la vérité fait peur aux gens normaux qui croient encore que les nazis sont à leurs portes, il se donne en spectacle avec son copain Lesquen (voir les vidéos d'anal +). Des boulets qu'il faudra pouvoir oublier.

Laissez les morts en paix

Environ 150, c'était assez déprimant de voir que les 6 défilés pour Jeanne d'Arc se sont fait séparément. On a besoin d'unité bordel.
Au moins de nombreuses délégations européennes étaient présentes.

>French teacher would always put us in groups and make presentations for class
>Get Islamophobia topic
>Learn about how diverse France is
>How these sand niggers are free to form ghettos and never learn proper French
>Meanwhile Occitans, Basques, Catalans, and Breton got French'd

I got redpilled, thanks France.

Who thought it would be a good idea to commemorate a battle where over 300,000 lives were lost in the name of their country.....
With an R&B performance

Les cortèges se font chacun de son côté parce que y'a trop de fierté de part et d'autre pour bien vouloir se regrouper sous le drapeau d'un mouvement plutôt que du sien, c'est l'âme gauloise je suppose... Pour la manif qu'on fait le 28 (voir ) on met pas notre mouvement en avant, on fait un collectif pour l'occasion. On espère que comme ça tous les mouvements natios pourront enfin faire cause commune. Ça aurait de la gueule une bonne manif à Paris avec des FAF qui viennent de partout.

It saddens me that we killed some of our local cultures. Today the "french Republic" is the only allegiance we're allowed to have. What would people fight for when they aren't attached anymore to the land, history and culture of their ancestors? The Republic is totally abstract, more and more people are rejecting it.

The good thing is that non whites aren't French'd and everybody except leftists can see it.
Tout le monde n'a pas l'air convaincu de cela.

Nice trips

>Ça aurait de la gueule une bonne manif à Paris avec des FAF qui viennent de partout
Il y un lien, une BA, une page, un flyer qu'on peut voir?

nice then that's good

Nice trips.

There are still a good number of assimilated people. See: amount of muslims losing their religion (not doing ramadan, drinking, ...).

I agree with you on local culture though. Well, with limits. On the one hand I wish we still had our distinct norman culture, for example. But on another hand, if the republic hadn't done what it did, we'd have secessionists everywhere and overall be way worst than spain...


Bonjour, je peux parler un peu de francais parce que je prendre quatre classes de france à la universite. Merci.

Alors quelques news :
1 : Valls va faire un 49.3
2 : petit attentat au couteau en allemagne
3 : Londres est plus islamisé que paris

Pas mal l'AF, un mouvement royaliste comme ça qui semble pas être infesté de néo-nazies skinheads qui pourrait nuire à l'image du parti, mais bon le simple fait d'être royaliste ça va effrayer les anti-roi, ont vous dira surement de retourner au moyen-âge.
Bref sinon niveau armes, des gens veulent discuté?

Je l'ai mis . C'est sur la page facebook de GI également. Y'aura probablement une page créée à part.

>on another hand, if the republic hadn't done what it did, we'd have secessionists everywhere and overall be way worst than spain...

Maybe. That was working when we had a King though (I'm not royalist), regions had their own identities and langages yet they fought for a common cause. I guess it's just the Republic that's fucked and is corrupting everything.

>There are still a good number of assimilated people. See: amount of muslims losing their religion (not doing ramadan, drinking, ...).

Unfortunately for those good non-whites, they will pay the same price than their brothers. If we don't want to die as a people we have to remigrate most of them. They may be good French citizens but they won't ever be Europeans nor Bavarians, Scots, Basques, etc.

Est-ce que la france est condamnée a conduire pour la vie?
Will France stay on the ride forever?

It's a matter of years. Prepare yourself for the race war my friend.

>How these sand niggers are free to form ghettos and never learn proper French
>Meanwhile Occitans, Basques, Catalans, and Breton got French'd
Catalan here.
If only Le Pen were in favour of putting some regional languages on sings and school she would win on with a landslide next elections but she's to dumb and proud to do that.
Paris is half nigger and yet they are worried if someone puts a sign in catalan, you people are retarded.

How do niggers even know about that terrible Jew-treachery war? Where good whites were pit against other good whites, all with the same world view (not counting the French - most of the French were shit tier).

Jews must hate white people.

But Paris is a progressive city, isn't your country also infested with commies and far left movement?

Damn c'est quoi sur la droite ?

Not forever my friend :)


Une pétition est en ligne au sujet de Black M : change . org/p/fran%C3%A7ois-hollande-pour-que-black-m-ne-chante-pas-aux-comm%C3%A9morations-de-verdun?

Seeing how southern catalans want to secede and use the language as an excuse it's not really a bad thing that we have a strong stance on this.
Except the Corse who just want more bucks so they can be even more retarded we have no major dissension in France which IMHO is an achievement... All regions are literally different countries (pays).

sérieux ? y'a vraiment des gens qu'en on pris des photos ? c'est ouf

ui mais je crois qu'il n'y a que celle là

You're right. Marine and his second, Florian Philippot, are what we call "nat rep" (national republicans). They think everybody can dissolve into the french Republic and become good french no matter the culture or origin. They are jacobins, a form of leftism which despise regionalism or communautarism because that threaten the Republic we all have in common.

They are trying to appeal to the left and non whites, this is a losing strategy. They had a shot two years ago, they could have made the cucked right explode and take it's place but they blew it.

Je suppose que les flics ont censurés 99% des téléphones retrouvés au bataclan

Yes, but just because Franco banned the language, that's the only reason, if he didn't we wouldn't have any independence movements or leftist in our goberment.

genre ? quelqu'un ici les aurait ?

This. If you don't want to erase people, they won't have any reason to rebel. Let Catalans speak catalan, who gives a fuck.

Why are there blacks in europe? Who looked at blacks in america and thought: "Yeah, we really need that here."?

Why can't I see any part of the world without them?

nice dubs mais je crois que tu as mal lu..

>They are jacobins
Those nuts even had a plan to divide the county like a chess board and name regions using numbers and letters?

american agents :)

nofake, "anti racist" minority figures take their orders directly in the US Embassy.

ah merde excuse je suis retardé kek

It's incredible how people can't get that, we catalans even learned french here before.

Quelqu'un à déjà fait un thread sur le 49-3 et Vallsou ?

Our politicians hate white people. They think we're reponsible for muh holocaust and slavery and poor blacks are opressed. Also, they think we're all blank sheets that could be writen on without consequences. So nigs cant become Europeans, and white Europeans will stop being mean mass murderers. Also nigs are paid less so it's better for economy right?

Yes, they tried that and almost did. Some weeks ago they renamed our regions, our old "Flandres Artois Hainaut Picardie" became "Nord Pas de Calais Picardie" under the 1789 Revolution (I think) and now it's "Hauts de France", literally "highs of France", because they're on the top of the map.

>((("anti racist" minority figure)))

I'm guessing jews?

I seriously doubt they do any productive labor in france.

>So nigs cant become Europeans
I mean "nigs can become Europeans". To the eyes of the left of course.

This is wishful thinking. It makes one more reason to separate if shit goes south. Once times get tough very little retain them from going "s-see ya you're on your own now".
This is even more important since the language is actually one of the main means of spreading a culture and therefore share an identity. If you have a different language you have access to different thinkers, ideas, ...

Now yes if you have a based system like the swiss that everyone envies it would work, because why leave when you're nice as it is ? But larger countries can hardly have the control switzerland has...

Yeah I know, like Centre, or Midi pyrenees, they also wanted to separate normandy or something a year ago I think.

A little regionalism is way better than a muslim invasion but for some reason, french and spanish nationalists don't think the same.

A quand les provinces historiques?

I see your point of course, still it worked for centuries under the monarchy, because the upper class spoke french and the lower classes spoke they own langages. It's the third Republic that enforced french everywhere by humiliating local cultures.

Would be so much better.

Commies, jews, capitalists, jesuits... al want a world with one gobernment and no identities.

Of course that will never be true cause han chinese will still be han chinese but this is what our youth learn since kindergarden.

I meant pet poc
like pic rel
and some jews but jews have an autonomous local lobby network ((crif)) to pressurize politicians, (((licra))) to sue wrongthinkers, (((uefj))) to shut racism iun academia etc.

>Mon visage quand la France va bruler demain

ça va etre tendu, très tendu

I know that it was only recent. But you must also remember that back then France was still a superpower (even more so in population count).

Now with the existence of the EU and the weakening of everything, I don't think our country would have survived the modern times with so many different identities. The EU would have been the best existing excuse ever to go on their own and still be part of the same general union, so without so many changes overall...

Hi I'm Cajun so I can post here.

I just want to say, I was reading about feudalism this morning and I glossed over some passages about Charles Martel and the war against the Umayyads.
I was reminded once again of our disgusting predicament. It makes me sick. Brave men gave their lives the defend Europe against the Islamic horde. We are pissing on their sacrifice.
Please take back Europa and hang the Marxists.


She makes a living as a parasite on your people, but she's probably not intelligent enough to develop her own arguments and I'm guessing she parrots whatever a certain (((verbally talented people))) create.

Jews want to keep an identity.
They just use minorities as a weapon against whites. They're was no black lawyer for the naacp until the late 1940s or early 50s. They were all jewish.

And of course, how many movies has Hollywood made about based Martel?

Note also that language is one of the main problems with the muslims right now. Above or equal to their religion.

I think killing their desertspeak in France would be one of the best ways to:
1) stop them from having access to saudi BS and learn how to properly beat their wives etc
2) make us control their religion and the spread of it (since it's in French)
3) make them stop identifying with something un-French

Now, maybe that them being so retarded will help France in the long run after some good fight, but I think it's also a decent angle of attack.

>Please take back Europa and hang the Marxists.

Will do.

Maybe. Worst thing is that we'll never know for sure. I think that if there's so many secessionists is not really because we're not a superpower anymore but rather because we aren't allowed to be proud of who we are. We can't be proud of being Europeans, of our history, our culture, we have a fucking nigger singing for Verdun centennial commemoration. Everything is destroyed, and thus regionalists think the grass will be greener on the other side.

What I want to say (I'm not that good in english as you may have noticed) is that marxism, more than a lack of military or political power, is killing us because it destroys what brought us together despite our differences.

>far right protest happening in Paris
So just another day in Paris, ouais?

>28 Mai
Merde... I was gonna ask for a stream, but I have a wedding that day. Damn Frenchies I love watching your chimpouts

I totally disagree with you on this point because as I said I would prefer them to migrate back to their shitholes. I don't want them to assimilate or integrate, that would be the death warrant of whites. The more they're non French the better it is to my eyes.

>So just another day in Paris, ouais?

The left is protesting everyday since a few weeks / month, not the right!

>Jews want to keep an identity.
But they don't want whites to do it, that's what I'm saying.
Although I think in 30 years jewish identity will only be muh holocaust and nothing else they will create a new religion out of that just as they created the talmud after Romans destroyed the temple.
Majority of jews don't follow anymore any jewish tradition besides remembering the 6 gorillions.

Man, we will have fucking huge riot tommorow you'll see ...

150.000 balles pour le concert de Black M à Verdun.

Aussi :

>Joint par Le Figaro, le maire socialiste de Verdun Samuel Hazard défend lui un certain «éclectisme» des commémorations, rappelant que d’autres concerts «de musique classique ou de fanfare militaire» auront lieu également […] «Black M représente la diversité de notre pays, c’est l’artiste préféré des Français en 2016, il est adulé par les jeunes (sic). Je ne vois pas en quoi il souille la mémoire de nos soldats», martèle-t-il.


How so?

I read the jewish daily forward and haaretz fairly regularly to keep an eye on them and I wouldn't be surprised if they make the holocaust they're new religion. All their current holidays are basically celebrations of their triumphs as a people or their sufferings. They don't really have a religion beyond worshiping their own group.

It's like nazism in a way.

Yes, but when riots are that frequent, does it really matter what the cause is? It's just another protest that will be forgotten in a few days.
At this point it seems Parisians protest just to protest. It's like an excuse to not go to work
>oh, attendez...

You need to make these protests actually mean something. Protests in 1789 actually meant something... But even then, only about 3 are actually remembered, because they're ones where you actually did something.

Loi Travail passé en force par Manuel el Blanco, et nouvelle journée de mobilisation prévue demain.
We'll have as always, chimpout

Well, in the end people band together because of benefits. Think of the first "countries", tribes. They were born because people wanted to have easier access to resources, that is food, water, eventually free time, etc.

Later on people kept banding for added benefit, it could be the spread of ideas, the success of your civilization (tribe), added safety, access to even more resources (cities and country-side to supply them) etc. What does a weak country bring to these people, which would still be very distinct cultures and identity ? The moment they don't feel enough gain, in the form of security or stability for example, they can go back to their smaller tribe and keep their system thriving. Or they could just go band with someone else.

The myth of a nation, a common one, is powerful if you want people to keep different people being at your side.

Now, where I agree is that there are limits (both in too much unity and too little). We can't form a myth inclusive of everyone and everything, bar the Nation of Man (or some shit).

I believe that in the recent times we're seeing a crisis precisely because there is no more common, uniform core that forms our nations, that bands our tribes. With so much religious differences and oppositions (islam compatible with the western philosophies, utter kek), with people eating and watching american shit day in day out, with schools not teaching our history, ... you weaken this unitary myth and everything *will* fall off.

Stream it. And make it good. Arrest the president or some shit. Give us something newsworthy. Things don't improve by doing the same damn thing every couple of days

>At this point it seems Parisians protest just to protest. It's like an excuse to not go to work

You mistake "Parisians" for leftists without jobs and students rebelling the day while sleeping the night in daddy's nice appartement in a cosy neighbourhood.

Oui, mais la gauche peux pas protester.. À moins, not without looking like a bunch of children.

whats the most Sup Forums approved region of france?

whats the whitest area?

I'm guessing alcase or other mountain regions, or maybe corsica, i hear they're racists, which sounds good

>leftists without jobs and students rebelling the day while sleeping the night in daddy's nice appartement in a cosy neighbourhood.

J'connais pas, Pierre... Cela ressemble les parisiens... Add in a brunch off niggers and arabs and you described half the city's demographic

The situation isn't that bad to come to a such situation bro, they just chimpout against Labour reforms ..
Well, I think that tomorrow, the situation will be more violent than the others chimpout

Brittany, parts of Normandy, Corsica yeah. Also you're correct about general lost countryside areas (e.g. mountains, Lot, ...).

Finally, Calais is eating the redpill daily, so there too I guess.

Well you have based your identity on the 1789 and 1968 revolutions so people want to emulate that.

Brittany is pretty leftist, but it's in part because they're not many niggers there.

It's like America, the liberal places are usually the places that have no exposure to nigotry.

"ah bah yaura du classique et de la fanfare militaire , je vois pas en quoi un négro abruti qui fait de la soupe pour pisseuse de 12 ans ferait tâche ! "
Mais tuez moi bordel qu'on en finisse

USA just fucking nuke us

that was a nice thread of yesterday. Make a french version guys

>things aren't that bad
Yet, but it's still pretty bad.

You need to Make Gaul French Again, senpai

>, i hear they're racists, which sounds good

Dude ...

That will change thanks to Obama.